The True Meaning of The Three of Hearts

3♥️ as presented by

Mahdi The Magician



the art & science of seeing & reading, as passed down by the ancient & medieval people through the line line of the observant

You must know how to withhold. Absorb everything and give away nothing. When you see the Three of Hearts know that you are at the start; for it comes when it is needed most, being a card that seals fates as it seals lips.

Connecting with people on a deeper level leads us to being more open about our thoughts and opinions. This is a normal process that happens with all the people that we meet and spend time with as we get to know each other. There is a danger though and that is in feeling too comfortable you may say something that the other person does not take in the spirit that you intended it. When the Three of Hearts appears it appears to us as a warning:


Do not say something you regret.

"Have everyone show you everything, but don't show anything to anyone. And then always look very amazed and if possible appear stupid." - Hofzinser

It will be found that there is great wisdom in being more reserved than the people you are with. Let them speak their minds and encourage them to do so. Say as little as you can on your own thoughts and learn where they are coming from. If you make them feel comfortable and safe around you then they will share their ideas, opinions and worldview.

With this knowledge you can consider how to engage with them because you will know what they think and they will not know what you think.

It is better in this polarizing age to be vague as the less you say the more people will assume that you think like they think and they generally like and trust people who are of the same mind. This does not mean that you have to live your life in hiding and in fear but rather that you do not disrupt budding connections and opportunities by building walls with those around you. You must have the wisdom to understand that even though you may be open to new ways of thinking and different perspectives that others may not be so tolerant and open.

Consider yourself as a sojourner in a foreign and hostile land

where you must seem to conform and blend in to gain people’s trust.

Once a stronger connection is built you may test the waters and explore new avenues of dialogue with these connections but always do so with caution.

Finally, the Three of Hearts is a card that has brought me personal luck and sealed my fate as a magician. It comes when you need it to come most and it is a card that will determine your destiny as it has mine. A most mysterious card it teases you with its appearance and you will see what I see once you get to know it. It is the response to the beginning of a prayer.

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Mahdi The Magician



the art & science of seeing & reading, as passed down by the ancient & medieval people through the line line of the observant

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Mahdi The Magician

I perform wonders without hands and walk the earth without feet.

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