Aquarius Horoscope & Astrological Sign Meaning

as presented by

Mahdi The Magician

& Alexander, The Man Who Knows



the true map of the heavens according to the laws of science & mathematics, as passed down by the long line of ancient & medieval people

A Complete Guide to

The Water Bearer


If You Were Born Between January 20th and February 19th


Aquarius is the Eleventh Sign of the Zodiac, counting from Aries the First, and his its affinity with the Eleventh House of the Heavens. It is the most important Sign of the Twelve;- the most spiritual, the most difficult to understand, and the hardest one to live up to in its higher vibrations. The Sign is the last of the Airy Triplicity, comprising Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius, which three Signs are in very harmonious relation to each other. Aquarius is classed as an Airy, fixed, positive, masculine, succedent, hot, humane, diurnal, sanguine, Western sign; is the day house of Saturn, the planet of Fate and Destiny, and is also the principal home of the occult and spiritual planet, Uranus.

The symbol of this Sign is “The Water Bearer”, typical of “THE SON OF MAN” (THE CHRIST) and of those in the world who are doing their part in the alleviation of human suffering and advocating the necessary reform to get human affairs upon a more spiritual basis. This is the Sign that is to rule the New Age, “The Millennial Period”, and it is said that the Sun, by what is known as “Precession of the Equinox”, has now passed into the Aquarius Sign, ushering the world into the New Dispensation. We have now passed out of the “Pisces Age”, known as the Commercial Age, the age of the greatest material development the world has ever known, the age of money, graft and large business, which has lasted for the past two thousand years. The passing of the Sun now into the Aquarius Sign, has tended to cause the present World unrest, the downfall of old conditions, kings and Dynasties, and, by the time the world gets accustomed to this new influence we will be living in an Age of Peace and Brotherly Love, when there will be no more War. This influence has brought in prohibition, women’s suffrage, civil rights, human rights and will bring in many more new and revolutionary movements yet to be started during the next few years.


This Sign is ruled by the planet Saturn, in its lower, or more worldly vibrations, and by Uranus in its higher, or more spiritual vibrations. Uranus is said to rule the New Sixth Race, a class of people who are now being born under the very strong influence of this planet and who become highly spiritualized in youth. This class of Uranians are now forming the nucleus of the Reformers, the Psychic and Spiritual leaders, who are at present becoming more noted in the world, creating the sensations of the day, and who will eventually become the rulers among men. The Sun has his debility or detriment in Aquarius, and people born with the Sun therein tend to be the Reformers and Emancipators of the Race, as was Abraham Lincoln. They have ideas far ahead of their time, and in consequences suffer great persecution, and even death, because of their views and opposition to the organized Powers which have been ruling the world. Mercury, the ruler of the mind, has his exaltation in this Sign, which tends to give very strong, original, constructive and inventive minds, of the Edison type, and some of our greatest inventions will, no doubt, soon be given to the world by the people who have many planets in the Aquarius Sign, hence a more extensive reading should be studied by each Aquarius born person.

Places Signified

This Sign rules uneven and hilly places, which have been recently plowed or dug up; places where stone is quarried, or where minerals have been mined. It also rules vineyards and localities near springs, or some conduit head. As this is an Airy Sign, Aquarius people should live in sunny, well ventilated houses, and upon a hill or the higher ground when possible. In the cities or towns they should choose a house near the end of the block, preferably the next to the last, corresponding to that part of the body next to the feet.

Personal Appearance

Aquarius when rising upon the Eastern horizon at birth, tends to give the most beautiful of all bodies, with height and weight well proportioned. The teeth are usually beautiful, well set and even; the eyes very pleasing and hypnotic, generally gray or blue in color; the skin and complexion white and fair, with a ruddy, healthy appearance; and the hair light flaxen, which turn gray early in life, adding to the beauty. These conditions may be greatly modified or entirely reversed by the positions of the other planets at birth, so no true description could be given unless a more extensive reading was studied.


This being the Sign of Saturn and Uranus, the Aquarius people make a peculiar combination; tend to be rather serious, despondent and thoughtful at times, after the Saturn types, and then again to be very active, eccentric, impulsive, notional and restless after the Uranian types. To the ordinary person, the Aquarius people seem a mystery, very difficult to understand, and it usually takes an occultist and advanced thinker to have entire sympathy with their nature. The Sun in this Sign gives a very humane, just temperament, and the highly evolved, advanced Aquarian spurns all evil, low and contemptible actions among men, is active in reforms, and in the endeavor to bring a more enlightened and spiritual reign over the world.

As this is one of the fixed Signs of the Zodiac, the Aquarius people are firm, patient, fixed in their purposes, and can work a long time to carry out their aims and ambitions in life. They tend to be inventive, original, constructive, social, fraternal, genial, artistic, and independent; are always agreeable and courteous, and are seldom passionate or quick tempered. They are very intuitive, unusually clear reasoners, remarkably fine judges of character and impress one as having more than ordinary intelligence. Being always sure to see the amusing side of things, they can readily and tactfully adapt themselves to circumstances and emergencies. They are possessed of much magnetic and hypnotic power, and have much influence over others, especially the insane. When living in their lower minds, they are moody, inclined toward gloom, and are often indolent, vacillating, capricious, procrastinating, egotistical, careless of speech, and apt to break their promises. Aquarius people being subject to more than ordinary planetary influences, are naturally endowed with great possibilities and careful study of a more extensive reading should be made to determine the individual temperament.


Aquarius rules the legs, calves and ankles, which makes people born with the Sun in this Sign, or with many evil planets in this sign, subject to most all ills affecting the limbs. These people are often found with paralysis of one or both limbs, varicose veins, weak ankles, ulcers on the legs, eczema, etc. This Sign when evilly aspected also tends to give a nervous temperament and bring on many forms of nervous diseases, such as neurasthenia, and insomnia. Saturn or Mars in the Aquarius Sign at birth, tend to accidents to the limbs, or some form of chronic disease that is almost sure to permanently settle in the lower limbs, which conditions may be greatly aggravated by worry and ignorance of the laws of mind, body and spirit. On the other hand the awakened, enlightened and highly spiritualized Aquarius person usually has much power to overcome disease in himself and to show others how to have good health, by the power of mind and spirit. Therefore a careful study of a more extensive reading should be made by each Aquarius born person to bring out the best that is in them.

* Any of the medical illnesses listed in this section can result in serious injury and/or death and should be examined and treated urgently by a medical professional.


Aquarius being a fixed, airy Sign, its people usually possess fixed, concentrative, bright, keen, intellectual faculties which admirably fits them for scientists, inventors, natural philosophers, mental healers, preachers, teachers, musicians, doctors and nurses. Business acumen and salesmanship are strongly marked attributes of the people, which insures their success in the financial and commercial world. Aquarius people will do well to employ their minds in metaphysical research, and study of the occult sciences. Those living to the lower side of the Aquarian characteristics are inclined to be tricky, deceptive and diffusive; scattering their mental ability instead of using it for constructive, permanent work, so it is advisable that a more extensive reading be carefully studied to determine the individual vocation.

Marriage Suitability

Because of their versatile and inconstant nature in domestic affairs, great discretion must be exercised in marriage by Aquarius born people. They have been found to mate well with those of the Airy class, as Gemini, Libra and their own sign. Congeniality has also been found in a union of Aquarius and Aries, or Sagittarius, though a more extensive reading for both parties should be consulted before marriage is consummated.

Gems and Colors

Sapphire, Opal and Turquoise — Blue, Pink and Nile Green

Noted Aquarius People

Some of the world’s most noted people born with the Sun in this Sign are — Alex Jones, Galileo, Magellan, Lord Byron, Charles Dickens, Michael Jordan, Lewis Carroll, Charles Lindbergh, Bob Marley, Christian Dior, Thomas Edison, Rasputin, Enzo Ferrari, Saint Thomas Aquinas, William McKinley, Abraham Lincoln, Charles Darwin, Mozart, Sir Francis Bacon, Thomas Paine, Shubert, James Joyce, Susan B. Anthony, Swedenborg, Dwight L. Moody and Jules Verne.

Some of the noted actors and screen stars are President Ronald Reagan, James Dean, Federico Fellini, Oprah Winfrey, John Travolta, Christian Bale, Paul Newman, Clarke Gable, Elijah Wood, Chris Farley, John Belushi — and noted Las Vegas magician, Teller.

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The higher or more spiritual side of people born in this Sign is ruled by the planet Uranus, and in order that the best in life may be attained, they should have in their possession an Astrological Forecast and Extensive Reading, which should prove very beneficial and serve as a daily guide in pointing out their “good” and “adverse” periods all during the year.

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Mahdi The Magician

I perform wonders without hands and walk the earth without feet.

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