Virgo Horoscope & Astrological Sign Meaning

as presented by

Mahdi The Magician

& Alexander, The Man Who Knows



the true map of the heavens according to the laws of science & mathematics, as passed down by the long line of ancient & medieval people

A Complete Guide to

The Virgin


If You Were Born Between August 23rd and September 23rd


Virgo is the Sixth Sign of the Zodiac, in their order from Aries, and is known as an Equinoctial Sign, for, when the Sun reaches the end of this Sign each year on or about September 21st, the days and nights are equal. It is the second or middle Sign of the Earthy Triplicity, comprising Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, which three signs are in very harmonious relation to each other.

Virgo is symbolized by the “Virgin”, and has affinity with the Sixth House of the Heavens, known as the House of Health, which makes Virgo subjects more concerned with health and hygiene than those of any other sign. Virgo is classed as a common, mutable, feminine, earthy, cold, melancholic, barren, negative, nocturnal, Southern sign.


This Sign is ruled by the planet Mercury, known as the Intellectual planet and ruler of the mind, and people born with the Sun therein have the Virgo Higher-Mind or Individuality, while those born with the Moon therein possess the Virgo Personality or lower-mind, in which mind they tend to live until their psychic and spiritual powers become awakened. The best time of the day to be born with the Sun in Virgo, is at Sunrise or during the two hours just before Sunrise, when the Virgo Sign is in the Ascendent or upon the Eastern horizon. This makes Mercury the principal ruling planet and the Virgo Sign doubly strong over life. Born at Sunset or during the two hours after Sunset, when the Virgo Sign is on the place of Virgo or the Sixth House of the Heavens, brings all the twelve signs of the Zodiac over their regular house positions, and tends to give such persons poise, equilibrium, and more harmonious relation between the will, desires, which endows them with great power for high spiritual development. Born at any time of the day when a sign other than Virgo is on the Eastern horizon, the planet ruling that Sign would be the principal ruler, and Mercury the co-ruler, unless the Gemini Sign, which is also ruled by Mercury, is in the ascendant, then Mercury will be the principal ruling planet. Thus a more extensive reading should be consulted, as Mercury is not always the principal ruling planet of a Virgo born person.

Places Signified

Mercury is ruler of the brain, mind, intellect, and all matters that pertain to study, education and literary work; and this Sign is said to govern colleges, universities, studies, libraries, correspondence rooms, and all places where scenarios, stories, newspapers, books, etc., are prepared, written, printed or stored. Virgo also rules food stuffs; has much to do with matters of diet, hygiene, and the preparation of all foods for the table, and governs places where commissary supplies are stored. Virgo is a negative, cadent sign, and its situation near the center of the Zodiac, makes it advisable for Virgo people, when locating in cities or towns to choose a house near the middle of the block.

Personal Appearance

This Sign, when rising upon the Eastern horizon at birth, tends to produce a stature of average height, a slender, beautiful, well-made body and a fair, clear, delicate complexion. The skin of the pure Virgo type is very soft, velvety, thin, and easily injured. The hair and complexion are sometimes dark, and the hair may be raven black, especially if Saturn, which tends to darken the complexion, is in Aries, the head Sign, at birth. They usually possess large, dark, soulful eyes, delicate features and a charming, clear, soft, musical, harmonious voice. Virgo people always like to appear well, and both the men and women of this Sign are strikingly neat and tasteful. The personal appearance is modified and often entirely reversed by the relative positions of the other planets at birth, so that no accurate and reliable description could be given, unless a more extensive reading were studied.


Virgo people, born with the Sun in the ascendant, ruled by Mercury, the planet of the brain and mind, are intellectual, studious, systematic, fond of details, and tasty arrangement above all things. They are usually good reasoners, very particular about grammatical accuracy and purity of diction; consider and work out all plans carefully and are therefore very difficult to defeat in an argument. They usually possess a nature of refinement, purity, and sensitiveness; a sad, quiet and retiring manner; a cool, confident bearing, and are inclined to be very exclusive and discriminating in the selection of companions and friends.

They have a very sympathetic, benevolent, loyal, jovial, witty disposition, and an inborn desire to give council to their friends, which in many instances it is well to follow. Jupiter, the planet of religion and benevolence, having it’s debility in this sign, Virgo people are not usually as religious and charitable as some others, unless they have Jupiter in one of his strong signs, at birth, as Cancer, Pisces or Sagittarius. Their extremely conservative, analytical and discriminative nature, causes them to lose many opportunities for advancement through prolonged meditation and lack of decision.

The higher type of Virgo people usually have rare psychic power, and frequently develop to a marked degree psychometric gifts, which often enables them to sense the motives of others, without the exchange of a single word. The most pronounced faults of these people, are selfishness, self-gratification, and pride, which tends to make them envious and disagreeable. Undeveloped Virgo people are inclined to be of a rasping, gossipy, fault-finding, nagging, critical, self-willed, domineering nature, and are very precise, often to the point of fussiness. Both the men and women are extremely nervous, continually searching for excitement, and unless they strive to control this tendency, they are apt to grow shiftless and neglect important duties. Therefore a more extensive reading should be carefully studied to ascertain the various planetary influences at the time of birth.


Virgo, being the center sign, rules the stomach, bowels and abdomen. People born with the Sun in this Sign are very sensitive in those parts of the body and are subject to bowel disorders, dysentery, diarrhea, uterine affections, constipation, appendicitis, all irregularities of the digestive system and dyspeptic action arising from debility and blood impurities. Reflex symptoms are often indicated in the stomach by improper conservation of the vital or sex powers, and a careful study of the sex faculties should be made by all Virgo born people, as those born in this Sign who are not held in subjection by their lower natures are destined to long and useful lives. Falling, as this sign does, in the Fall of the year, often causes its natives to be more susceptible to Autumnal fevers, Typhoid, Malarial, etc. For that reason, and because the stomach is the source from which the entire system derives its nourishment and stimulation, a careful study of the more extensive reading should be made by all Virgo born people, to determine and avoid the evil influences exerted over the weak parts of the body by the adverse planets at the time of birth.

* Any of the medical illnesses listed in this section can result in serious injury and/or death and should be examined and treated urgently by a medical professional.


As the Virgo Sign rules food, diet, hygiene, sanitation, servants, small animals, etc., its natives especially when born with the Sun in the ascendent, are particularly adapted to the handling of such things. However, being ruled by the intellectual planet, mercury, and transfused with the Virgo love of detail, those born under this Sign have been found to make successful accountants, auditors, office managers, court reporters, authors, milliners, designers, architects and journalists. Possessing, as they do, unusually keen intellectual discrimination, they sometimes become great lawyers, lecturers, public speakers, politicians, and often attain marked success in mercantile or professional life. Their taste for analyzing and criticizing, combined with their keen perception, love of detail, form and color, make them very able as art, musical and dramatic critics. The conditions ruling over the House of Vocation, the aspects between the planets, and the signs occupied by all the planets at the time of birth, should be carefully studied in a more extensive reading, to determine the true vocation of each Virgo born person.

Marriage Suitability

Because of their conservative, critical nature, and their tendency to magnify every defect in their admirers, most Virgo people find it a very difficult matter to place their affections. They have been found to mate well with a person of their own sign, who was born with the Moon in favorable aspect. They also find congeniality with a person born in Taurus and Capricorn, though a careful study of the more extensive readings for both parties should be made before marriage is consummated.

Gems and Colors

Pink, Jasper and Hyacinth — Amber, Gold and Black

Noted Virgo People

Some of the world’s most noted people born with the Sun in this Sign are — Michael Jackson, Mother Teresa, Kobe Bryant, Geothe, Richard The Lionheart, Jesse James, Caligula, Freddie Mercury, H.G. Wells, David Copperfield, William Howard Taft, Shinzō Abe, Leo Tolstoi, Queen Wilhelmina, and LaFayette.

Some of the noted actors and screen stars are Keanu Reeves, Upton Sinclair, Adam Sandler, and Sean Connery.

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The astrologer never neglects to point out the bad tendencies as well as the good; although to Virgo people, who have not cultivated their intellects, it will be a most difficult task to make them realize the defects in their character. Hence, it is very advisable for them to have in their possession an Astrological Forecast and Extensive Reading, which should prove very beneficial and serve as a daily guide in pointing out their “good” and “adverse” periods all during the year.

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Mahdi The Magician

I perform wonders without hands and walk the earth without feet.

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