Aries Horoscope & Astrological Sign Meaning

as presented by

Mahdi The Magician

& Alexander, The Man Who Knows



the true map of the heavens according to the laws of science & mathematics, as passed down by the long line of ancient & medieval people

A Complete Guide to

The Ram


If You Were Born Between March 21st and April 20th


Aries is the first Sign of the Zodiac, and is known as an Equinoctial Sign, because when the Sun enters the first degree of Aries each year, on the first day of Spring, about March 21st, the days and nights are equal. It is the head of the Fiery Class, or Trinity, of the Sign, which group comprises Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. These three Fiery Signs are in very fortunate relation to each other, and form a triangle in the Zodiac, which is a benevolent figure in Nature. Aries is also known, and classed, as a cardinal, movable, masculine, positive, diurnal, violent, luxurious, intemperate Sign, and is symbolized by “THE RAM.”

People born at Sunrise, with the Sun in Aries, are the most fortunate and powerful of all Aries born people. The Heavens are divided into twelve houses, one house for each sign of the Zodiac. The First House is that portion of the Heavens lying thirty degrees below the Eastern horizon, at any time of the day or night, looking to the East from any given location. A very fortunate position of the Signs at Birth is to have them also coincident with their own houses, as the Aries Sign upon the First House, etc. This tends to give people thus born, a better balanced, harmonious, fortunate nature and temperament, with better prospects in life.


This sign is ruled by the planet Mars, known as the God of War. People born with the Sun in this Sign has Mars as their Ruling Planet, the ruler of their higher minds or Individuality, and during the life on earth will be manifesting strongly under the Mars ray or vibration.

The Sun has his exaltation in Aries, while Saturn has his fall therein. Venus, the planet of Love, also has her debility or detriment in this Sign, so those born with Venus in Aries usually have a very combative, war-like, jealous love nature, and experience much trouble with the opposite sex in love affairs. Saturn, also known as the planet of Fate and Destiny, usually brings more or less evil fate into life, causing many delays, sorrows, disappointments, hinderances, and generally delays the best development until late in life. The Sun and Mars are said to be friendly, so people born with the Sun in this Sign at birth combine the Sun and Mars forces in their lives, resulting in a double energy which gives them much of the Mars nature, and usually endows them with the great force, energy, and aggressiveness typical of that planet. It should be remembered that Mars is the principal ruling planet of people born with the Sun in Aries, only when the Aries Sign is rising upon the Eastern horizon, and coincident with the First House of the Heavens, but, if born at some other time of the day, as when the Taurus Sign is upon the Eastern horizon, then Venus, the ruler of the Taurus Sign, would be their principal ruling planet, and Mars their co-ruler. It is well to bear this distinction in mind, and to study a more extensive reading, as Mars is not the principal ruler of all Aries people.

Places Signified

This Sign signifies less frequented, out of the way places, and people born with the Sun therein, or with a majority of the planets in the Fiery Signs, as in Leo or Sagittarius, find their best health and success on ranches or in the rural districts. Aries being a leading and cardinal sign, when locating in towns or cities, its people should choose a corner house or at the head of the block. Those born with the Sun in the Leo Sign, which signifies the region of the heart, or a position near the middle of the Zodiac, or the center of the body, should choose a place or residence in the middle of the block.

Personal Appearance

This sign, especially when rising upon the Eastern horizon at birth, gives a tall, strong, wiry, lean spare body, with strong limbs, a rather fierce countenance, typical of the Mars nature; long visage, a shaggy neck, thick shoulders, dark hair, a brown swarthy and dusky complexion, a clear penetrating eye, and pointed features. The personal appearance is modified and often entirely reversed by the relative positions of the other planets at birth, so that no sure and reliable description could be given unless a more extensive reading was studied.


Aries people, born with the Sun is this ascendent and ruled by Mars, God or War, are endowed with a nature that is more or less combative, militant, aggressive, forceful, excitable, and violent at times under provocation; thus making self-control very necessary. These people are usually very head-strong, reckless, indiscreet, assertive and quick to enter into a fight, debate or controversy, where they persist until they have accomplished their purposes. They possess promoting and pioneering ability, and usually desire to be at the head of things in their sphere, though they are in danger of scattering their energies and undertaking more than they can well handle. Aries being the ruler of the brain and head, people born with the Sun in this Sign are usually very bright, intellectual, perceptive, animated, genial, earnest, dauntless, confident and masterful.

Being born in the exalted sign of the Sun, they are also usually honorable, spiritual, high-minded and inclined to spurn all evil, low and contemptible actions on the part of others. They possess deep reasoning faculties and are inclined to be skeptical, but have a keen intuition which prompts them to go to the bottom of every question, and this, coupled with their inquisitive disposition, causes them to take great pains to discover the marvelous in Nature and people. Their tastes are usually delicate, refined, orderly and elegant. Being quick to act and think they are generally ambitious, desire material fame, recognition and position in life, which they may obtain if the other planets are favorable at their birth. These are considered fundamental qualities given by the Sun in Aries, yet, in order to judge the temperaments as a whole, the influences of all the planets at birth should be carefully studied and considered in a more extensive reading.


Being the head Sign, Aries rules the head, face, ears, brain, etc., and people born with the Sun in this Sign are subject to any and all kinds of diseases which occur above the neck, such as toothache, neuralgia, eye and ear troubles. They may also suffer from many reflex symptoms brought on by diseases in other parts of the body, which are particularly noticed by head-aches, vertigo, dizziness, fainting spells, etc. The diseases may not actually be in the head, but it is in the brain that all disease conditions are recorded. Aries is also said to cause diseases generally attributed to Mars, as small-pox, contagious fevers, etc. The evil or malefic planets, in the Aries sign at birth, with the Sun, tend to aggravate any diseases that may affect the head, and, because of their sensitive nature, Aries people should avoid becoming worried or excited over trivial matters. In order to determine the parts of the body most ill-fated from birth, and the diseases to be guarded against, a more extensive reading should be studied.

* Any of the medical illnesses listed in this section can result in serious injury and/or death and should be examined and treated urgently by a medical professional.


This being the brain sign, the Aries people usually make good teachers, educators, literary people, leading dramatists, and their keen sense of justice and equity develops excellent lawyers and judges. Being self-assertive and excellent conversationalists, with keen foresight, makes them fine clerks, traveling salesmen, speculators, bankers, brokers and real-estate dealers. They love to engage in great enterprises, and take the lead in all they undertake. They have prophetic vision, great foresight, and, when living to the highest part of their nature, become clairvoyant and intuitive. By their quick and fiery nature they are fitted for all work which requires skill in action.

However, they lack in stick-to-itiveness, and must cultivate holding fast to their tasks until they thoroughly and efficiently complete them. Much cannot be definitely and accurately said along this line without a knowledge of the conditions ruling over the House of Vocation at the time of birth, the aspects between the planets, and the nature of the Signs which contain the majority of the planets, as shown in a more extensive reading.

Marriage Suitability

Aries belonging to the Fiery triplicity of the Signs of the Zodiac, its people in marriage usually find harmony with those born with the Sun in a Fiery Sign, as Leo, Sagittarius, and their own Sign. As the Moon determines the personality, the sign the Moon was in at birth assists in determining the marriage suitability, so, suitable mates are sometimes found in Libra, Aquarius and Gemini. The commanding position of Aries gives its subjects a very intense love nature, and, when this is considered, together with their headstrong, impulsive nature, we realize the benefit of a careful study and comparison of a more extensive reading for both parties before marriage.

Gems and Colors

The Diamond, Amethyst-Brazilian — Rose, Pink and White

Noted Aries People

Some of the world’s most noted people born with the Sun in this Sign are — Harry Houdini, Vincent Van Gogh, Bismark, Elton John, Butch Cassidy, Raphael, Leonardo Da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, Lady Gaga, Wordsworth, Charlemagne, Washington Irving, Celine Dion, General Booth, Bach, Descartes, and such financiers as J. Pierpont Morgan, Charles Schwab and Frank Woolworth.

Some of the noted actors and screen stars are — Charlie Chaplin, Emma Watson, Christopher Walken, Ewan McGregor, Marlon Brando, Heath Ledger, Akira Kurosawa, Francis Ford Coppola and Jackie Chan.

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The Sun having his exaltation and Saturn his debility in this Sign causes very strong astrological influences to be exerted by the ruling planet, Mars.

It is, therefore, highly advisable for those born in the Sign of Aries to have in their possession an Astrological Forecast and Extensive Reading, which should prove very beneficial, and serve as a daily guide in pointing out the “good” and “adverse” periods all during the year.

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Mahdi The Magician

I perform wonders without hands and walk the earth without feet.

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