The books themselves are designed very curiously, with just enough valuable information to fulfill their stated purpose but always hinting, teasing and pitching further. Virtually every page of every single chapter leads to a product or service.
Scarcely a day passes that we do not see some person going through life a slave to circumstances, when astrological precaution would have saved them many a pitfall, changed their sorrow to happiness and their failures to success. Many fortunes have been lost to thousands. People who have not been able to see the opportunity until it has passed by.
The visions that appeared to me when I closed my eyes became a dream and then transformed into a blueprint. If everything I wanted was impossible for me then I would become a magician because a magician can do anything.
He was revived in a field hospital and suffered from severe shell shock. During his recovery he would ask for playing cards and practiced non-stop. Thinking he was mentally ill for wearing gloves and repeating the same manipulations with cards all day the doctors had him incarcerated in a mental hospital in Southhampton, England.
Instead of feeling sorry for himself, he started to push himself, trying to come back to life, feeling the fire that flows through the veins of men who want to push beyond their own limitations. A fire that nothing and no one can extinguish. Proof that life is stronger than death and that love is stronger than pain.