The True Meaning of The Four of Clubs

4♣️ as presented by




the art & science of seeing & reading, as passed down by the ancient & medieval people through the line line of the observant

The Four of Clubs is an enigma that brings

clarity from confusion.

A most unusual card, it is known by the men who study cards and remembered by all of them.

The four points are like four stakes or roots in the ground that are evenly spread out to bring stability and tranquility. But from there that is where things get interesting because the meaning completely changes based on the surrounding cards and how they influence the situation.

That is why it is such a mysterious card and has often been used to represent deception.

It marks a start and with it endless opportunities to improvise to get you where you want and need to be. But do not think that you know The Four of Clubs when it decides to show, for it will always be an enigma that it brings.

How can something be firm and stable yet so easily swayed?

That is the mystery that is the Four of Clubs.

♣️ If it is by a like suit, another club, it indicates that something about your wish and what you would like to unfold is excessive.

♥️ If by a heart, you will have to suffer and sacrifice to get your wish and fulfill your aim.

♦️ If it is by a diamond it means a swift change is coming or needed.

♠️ If it is by a spade then you know that the cost that you will have to pay for your wish is too high and will not be worth it.

This is a most unusual card and the start of a sequence of events that is memorized by the men who study cards.

You will not recognize it when you see it

but those who are learnt in the way of the cards will know what they are seeing and what follows next.

Know that there is an order at work here and though it will seem to be mixed and a mess that everything is in its place for a reason.

Trust providence and watch closely.

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the art & science of seeing & reading, as passed down by the ancient & medieval people through the line line of the observant

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