Sagittarius Horoscope & Astrological Sign Meaning

as presented by

Mahdi The Magician

& Alexander, The Man Who Knows



the true map of the heavens according to the laws of science & mathematics, as passed down by the long line of ancient & medieval people

A Complete Guide to

The Archer


If You Were Born Between November 22nd and December 22nd


Sagittarius is the Ninth Sign of the Zodiac, and has its affinity with the Ninth House of the Heavens. The Ninth House is that part of the Heavens which lies thirty degrees to the West of the Meridian overhead, looking straight up at any time of the day or night. Sagittarius is the last Sign of the Fiery Triplicity, comprising Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, which Signs are in harmonious relation to each other and form a benevolent figure in Nature. There are four of the cadent signs, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, which follow the fixed signs of the Zodiac, forming a square within the circle of the Zodiac, and these signs are all in adverse or contrary relation to each other. People born with the Sun in these four signs, tend to oppose, annoy, and aggravate each other unless the Moon is in a sign at birth, as tends to blend the influence through Personality or lower mind.

This Sign is symbolized by “The Archer”, pictured as a Centaur shooting an arrow from a bow, straight at the mark, with swiftness and sagacity; it is known as the Sign of Religion, Philosophy, foreign travel, sports, outdoor life, and is classed as a mutable, common, fiery, positive, masculine, choleric, hot, dry, bicorporal or double bodied, diurnal, sign. The best time of the day to be born with the Sun in this Sign, is at Sunrise, or during the two hours before Sunrise, when Sagittarius is upon the Eastern horizon, which makes that sign doubly strong over life and gives increased vitality. The next fortunate time of the day to be born, is during the two hours just after the Sun has passed the Noon Meridian, or from Twelve to Two P. M. when this Sign is in affinity with its own or Ninth House.


This Sign is the Day House or Joy of Jupiter, planet of Religion and Philosophy, and is ruled by that planet. Therefore, those born with the Sun in this Sign have Jupiter as the ruler of their higher mind or Individuality, and possess a very religious and philosophical nature fundamentally. Those born with the Moon in Sagittarius or Pisces, both signs of Jupiter, tend to have a very religious and charitable, higher and lower minds of the Jupiter type; and go to extremes of benevolence and kindness. The Planet Mercury, ruler of the mind, having his detriment or debility in Sagittarius, people so born do not usually have much depth of thought nor accuracy of judgement, and are apt to be hasty, fiery, impulsive, and go to mental extremes. These people do not tend to be deep students, unless they happen to have Mercury well aspected by the Moon and other planets at birth. A more extensive reading for the time of birth should be carefully studied because Sagittarius people born at some other time of the day than at Sunrise or the two hours preceding Sunrise, will have some other planet than Jupiter as their principal ruling planet, and Jupiter as their co-ruler.

Places Signified

This Sign rules the higher grounds, small mountains, knolls, hilly places, and also stables where horses are kept. As this Sign is opposed to moisture, its subjects should select a house on the higher grounds which are sunny, dry, well ventilated and as far away from the swampy regions as possible. When locating in towns or cities they should choose a residence near the end of the block or the last house in the block, and upon a hill if possible.

Personal Appearance

This Sign when rising upon the Eastern horizon at birth, tends to give a tall, muscular, athletic, well-formed body; with strong vitality, endurance and a general appearance of vigor and freshness. Sagittarius born people usually have handsome features, bright complexion, light brown or blonde hair, blue eyes and flushed skin, showing good blood conditions. If the Planet Saturn be in Aries, the head sign, at birth, the eyes, hair and general complexion will tend to be darker. They are almost invariably refined and graceful with a quiet elegance of manner and dress. The personal appearance is modified and sometimes entirely reversed by the positions and aspects of the other planets at birth, so a more extensive reading should be studied to arrive at a positive description of any individual.


People born with the Sun in this Sign and ruled by the benevolent planet, Jupiter, are manifesting under the strong Jupiter ray during life, and naturally partake largely of the Jupiter temperament, which makes them more or less mild, benevolent, just, charitable, affectionate, demonstrative, democratic, jovial, enterprising, self-confident, loyal, sincere, zealous, candid, and quick of comprehension. These people are strongly magnetic and hypnotic, and their intense personality imparts to their speech the power of deeply impressing their hearers. They are sincere in their friendship; calm and persistent in carrying out their plans, but make the mistake of telling too many friends what their plans are and sometimes these friends turn false, causing the best laid plans to fail. They are ever ambitious of achievement and delight in conquering new fields of activity. Travel appeals very strongly to them and they find it difficult to control themselves in live of inactivity. They are always looking forward with a bright and happy disposition, full of hope and courage for the future. They know intuitively that the future state is far better than any that have preceded it, and this lends them the power of inspiration, making them always enterprising, progressive and prophetic. Often of a seemingly timid, or indifferent nature, they will rise at times to heights of heroism and presence of mind which astonishes everyone, including themselves. Sagittarius born people when living on the lower plane, are nervous, quick-tempered, fond of show, pomp and splendor, impetuous, blunt, combative, impulsive, and should cultivate self-control, tolerance, gentleness in speech, and consideration for the feelings of others. These are the people who belong to the realms of Prophecy, always peering into the future. Through living a clean life and faithfully studying occult subjects and metaphysics, they can develop the true gift of the spirit and be able to communicate with the spiritual world.


Sagittarius rules the hips, thighs, liver and gall bladder, which makes people born with the Sun in this Sign, subject to rheumatism, gout, billiousness, or jaundice, pelvic troubles and lameness in the hips. After sickness the retained poisons in the body are apt to settle in the hips or thighs and cause permanent lameness, unless great care is taken. These people, through their reckless expenditure of physical energy, often bring on serious nerve troubles and other sicknesses; and through improper care of their bodies are susceptible to cold, La Grippe and catarrhal conditions. The presence of Saturn or Mars at birth tends to greatly aggravate the weakened parts of the body, and in order to know the positions of the evil planets at birth and the influences they will exert over the body, a more extensive reading should be carefully studied.

* Any of the medical illnesses listed in this section can result in serious injury and/or death and should be examined and treated urgently by a medical professional.


Being ruled by Jupiter, the planet of business and finance, those born in this Sign are among the foremost financiers in the world, gifted with truly remarkable foresight and keen intuition, together with extreme carefulness for details, they are able to mentally work out their plans in advance, and forecast the progress and outcome of their projects and enterprises with remarkable accuracy. People born in Sagittarius possess great and varied talents and aptitudes, and have been found to make excellent accountants, secretaries, modistes, photographers, lawyers, ministers, missionaries, and teachers of science, religion and philosophy. They are natural born musicians, and because of their extremely sensitive and sympathetic nature are particularly adapted as physicians, healers, nurses and charitable workers. Because of the wide scope of vocation encompassed by the Sagittarius born persons’ adaptability, they should make a careful study of a more extensive reading before decided upon a particular vocation.

Marriage Suitability

Being of a rather perverted nature, a Sagittarius born person should exercise care in selecting a marriage partner. They are known to mate well with those of the Fiery Class, as Aries, Leo and their own sign, and congeniality also often exists in a union of Sagittarius, and Libra and Aquarius. Sagittarius people are prone to look for an affinity and they make more mistakes in love matters than anyone else, so careful study of a more extensive reading for both parties should be made before marriage is consummated.

Gems and Colors

The Diamond, Turquoise and Carbuncle — Red, Green and Gold

Noted Sagittarius People

Some of the world’s most noted people born with the Sun in this Sign are — Winston Churchill, Stalin, Franco, Mark Twain, John Milton, Nero, Jimi Hendrix, Pinochet, Walt Disney, Spinoza, Pablo Escobar, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jane Austin, Disraeli, Mark Twain, Emily Dickinson, Edith Piaf, Beethoven, C.S. Lewis, General Custer, DMX, Arthur C. Clarke and Nostradamus.

Some of the noted actors and screen stars are Rod La Roque, Bruce Lee, Frank Sinatra, Boris Karloff, Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Kirk Douglas, Steven Spielberg, Brad Pitt, Dick Van Dyke — and noted French magician, Jean Eugène Robert-Houdin.

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Jupiter, ruler of the higher mind or Individuality, exerts such a strong astrological influences over the affairs of those born under this Sign, that it is very advisable for every Sagittarius person to have in their possession an Astrological Forecast and Extensive Reading. This should prove very beneficial in many ways, and serve as a daily guide by pointing out the “good” and “adverse” periods all during the year.

Mahdi The Magician

I perform wonders without hands and walk the earth without feet.

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