Pisces Horoscope & Astrological Sign Meaning

as presented by

Mahdi The Magician

& Alexander, The Man Who Knows



the true map of the heavens according to the laws of science & mathematics, as passed down by the long line of ancient & medieval people

A Complete Guide to

The Fishes


If You Were Born Between February 19th and March 21st


Pisces is the Twelfth Sign of the Zodiac, and when passing through this Sign the Sun is finishing his year’s work, and making ready to start the New Year in Nature on or about March 21st, when he crosses the Equator on his Northward journey. Pisces being the last Sign of the Zodiac is symbolic of the completion of Earth life and experience, and of the time when labors can be permanently laid down. The soul, when passing through Pisces stage is said to be nearer “The Glory Stage” of its existence, for it is then gathering up its experiences and making its settlements and adjustments, preparatory to a long rest in the Spirit world. The benevolent planet Jupiter, having his home or joy in Pisces, makes it a very spiritual and religious sign. It is also classed as a watery, negative, female, fruitful, phlegmatic, bicorporeal, cold, idle, common, mutable, sickly, Northern sign, which lends its subjects a more or less sluggish and inactive nature.

Pisces is symbolized by “The Fishes” which makes it a double-bodied sign, and tends to give its subjects a rather dual personality or a “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” nature, often making them very difficult to understand. The Piscean Age, which has ruled for the past two thousand years was ushered in by “THE CHRIST”, when he chose HIS Disciples from among the fishermen, and instituted the Christian religion, which has been the prevailing Western religion during that period. A new and more spiritual reign of religion is now to begin over the world, under the Aquarius influence, typical of the return of “THE CHRIST”, and of a New World teacher.


This Sign is ruled by the religious and benevolent planet Jupiter, which is also known as ruler of the business and commercial world. During the past two thousand years, while the Pisces Sign has held sway over the world, we had the Age of the Development of religion in the Western world especially, although the Oriental religions have not changed much. We have had the Age of Commercial and material development, formation of trusts and large corporations, general promulgation of finance, and the sway of kings and potentates. However, the tendency for a long time to come will be to form Republics, as the people will tend more and more to rule themselves and overthrow tyranny wherever it may be found.

The planet Mercury, ruler of the mind, has his fall in the Pisces Sign and people thus born do not usually have a very good judgement; tend to less depth of thought, are loquacious, talkative and scatter their mental energies. The Mystic planet, Neptune, ruler of the waters, having his home in this Sign, gives Pisces subjects a more or less restless nature, and makes them fond of travel, especially by water. The presence of Neptune in this Sign, also makes Piscian natives very psychic, mediumistic, inclined to spiritualism and more easily psychologized than those born in other signs. The presence of other planets at birth will exert their influence upon these people, and a more extensive reading should be carefully studied to determine the particular influences attributed.

Places Signified

This Sign signifies lakes, rivers, the ocean, and all low places near the water, or where fish abound. Therefore, its natives find their best health and greatest success in life upon the ocean or living near the water, When locating in towns or cities, they should choose a house at the end of the block, and, when possible in a low altitude.

Personal Appearance

When rising upon the Eastern horizon at birth, this Sign tends to give a short, corpulent, phlegmatic, body, with short limbs, small hands and feet, full faces, pale or sickly complexion, soft fine hair, usually brown or chestnut in color, and brown, dreamy, peaceful eyes. They are not inclined to an erect carriage and are often careless in their personal appearance. The personal appearance may be modified or entirely reversed by the positions of the other planets at birth, and a more extensive reading should be consulted to accurately describe any Pisces born person.


People born with the Sun in this Sign and ruled by the good planet, Jupiter, are fundamentally religious, hospitable, devoted, burden bearing, self-contradictory, generous, charitable, and interested in the weird and curious. They have lofty ideals; in tastes are inclined to be luxurious, and are fond of art, though seldom become boastful of their possessions. Pisces people are thoughtful, industrious, sensible, persevering and are very logical and positive in their opinions, although they have strong likes and dislikes, and are not always careful to conceal them. Though lacking in decision they are usually industrious, methodical, mathematical, honest, sympathetic and have a deep, quiet regard for the weakness of others, with a wide toleration and mercy for all mankind. Pisces people possess strong emotions and become very much attached to their friends, but are very fanciful, imaginative and extremely sensitive. They are confiding and trustful, but rarely self-reliant and are apt to be timid rather than over-bold.

It is essential that they live clean pure lives, for their highly magnetic and trustful nature makes them more liable to absorb harmful influences than those born in any other sign. Proper education and intellectual development mean much to those of this sign because those less developed suffer from anxiety in money matters and entertain morbid fears of coming to want or being dependent upon others; and are often inclined to be untruthful, morally irresponsible, lazy, apprehensive, fretful, melancholic, restless, selfish, inquisitive, critical, proud, over-anxious and stubborn. As a rule they do not possess much judgement and frequently make themselves disagreeable by interrupting conversations without any excuse. This being a very psychic and mediumistic Sign, the Pisces people make our best mediums, and those who may have the Moon and other planets in this sign at birth, lean toward communication with the spirit world, though it is necessary for them to keep themselves positive to the negative vibrations around them. They seem to have been placed among us to form a means of communication between this world and the next, and in order to fulfill their mission in life they should give their time unstintingly to study and mastery of the occult and metaphysical sciences.


Pisces rules the feet and ankles, and people born with the Sun in this Sign are subject to diseases and all kinds of disturbances in the feet, such a gout, corns, bunions, fallen arches and excessive foot perspiration. These people may also suffer from heart trouble, dropsy, tumorous affections and disorders arising from impurities of the blood. They often become unnecessarily discouraged and despondent, and bring on pains in the head, feet, ankles and back, resulting in impaired digestion. Therefore a more extensive reading should be studied to determine the weaker parts of the body, and how to guard against disease.

* Any of the medical illnesses listed in this section can result in serious injury and/or death and should be examined and treated urgently by a medical professional.


Because of the strong influences exerted over the lives of Pisces born people, by the watery planet, Neptune, they succeed in callings connected with liquids, or the sea; make good sailors, caterers, hotel proprietors, doctors, travellers and advance agents. Also because of the influences exerted by the planet Jupiter, they are well fitted for judges, lawyers, agriculturists, bookkeepers, accountants, painters, manufacturers, and by reason of their conservative and secretive nature are particularly adapted to the diplomatic service, intelligence, and espionage. They are fond of art, science and literature and many prominent writers have been born under this sign. However, other planetary vibrations at the time of birth, tend to influence the adaptability of each individual, and a more extensive reading should be carefully studied to determine their true vocation.

Marriage Suitability

Because of their fanciful, imaginative, romantic and extremely sensitive nature, the Pisces born person should use much discretion in selecting a marriage partner. On account of the great harmony existing between those of the Watery Class, Pisces people have been found to mate well with persons born in Cancer, Scorpio and their own Sign. Also congeniality has been found in a union of Pisces and Capricorn or Virgo. Being a double-bodied sign the planets often bring about troublesome complications with the opposite sex, and, to determine their marriage suitability, and the points of affinity or repulsion between them, careful study should be made of more extensive readings for both contracting parties.

Gems and Colors

The Moonstone, Pink Shell and Chrysolite — Black, White, Pink and Emerald Green

Noted Pisces People

Some of the world’s most noted people born with the Sun in this Sign are — Johnny Cash, Nat King Cole, Copernicus, Michelangelo, Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, George Washington, Voltaire, Victor Hugo, Chopin, Alexander Bell, Andrew Jackson and Bobby Fischer.

Some of the noted actors and screen stars are Elizabeth Taylor, Bruce Willis, Sidney Poitier, Daniel Craig, Mr. Rogers and Alan Rickman.

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Jupiter conveys ambition, endurance, efficiency and persistency; Neptune increases the desire for scientific, inventive and literary attainments, and the other planets exert their relative influences according to their positions at the time of birth. Therefore, each person born in this sign should have in their possession and Astrological Forecast and Extensive Reading, which should prove of benefit to them and serve as a daily guide in pointing out their “good” and “adverse” periods all during the year.

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Mahdi The Magician

I perform wonders without hands and walk the earth without feet.


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