Capricorn Horoscope & Astrological Sign Meaning

as presented by

Mahdi The Magician

& Alexander, The Man Who Knows



the true map of the heavens according to the laws of science & mathematics, as passed down by the long line of ancient & medieval people

A Complete Guide to

The Goat


If You Were Born Between December 22nd and January 20th


Capricorn is the Tenth Sign of the Zodiac, is the most Southern of the Signs, and the last sign of the Earthy Triplicity, which comprises Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. When the Sun enters this Sign each year, on or about December 21st, we have the shortest day of the year, and as the Sun continues his passage through the Capricorn Sign, the days gradually begin to get longer, until the Sun crosses the Equator again on the first day of Spring, when he enters the Aries Sign, at which time the days and nights are again equal. We celebrate the 25th of December as Christmas Time, in honor of the birth of THE SON OF GOD. On this day also the Sun in the Heavens has his birth each year, when he is said to come out of the “Tomb of Winter,” be born again and start on his journey to the North, bringing new life in his path, for all nature.

Capricorn is symbolized by “The Goat,” and is known as a cardinal or angular sign, forming the Southern point of the Cardinal Cross. It is classed as an earthy, feminine, negative, movable, cold, dry, nocturnal, melancholy, and four-footed sign and his its affinity with the Tenth House of the Heavens, known as the House of Vocation, Honors, Preferment, and also the House of the Mother. Favorable planets in this, the Tenth House, at birth, tend to good business conditions, the favor of those in authority and power, advancement, promotion and good relations with the Mother. Evil planets in the Tenth House, usually indicate the opposite, and bring downfall in business, disgrace, reversals, and unsatisfactory relations with the Mother.


This Sign is ruled by Saturn, the planet of Fate and Destiny, whose influences are such that his vibrations are very detrimental, weakening and produce much sorrow and suffering in the world, and tend to eventually bring death itself. Saturn is classed as an evil or malefic planet, not because his influence is really evil in itself, but because the great masses of the human race are not able as yet to appropriate his higher and finer vibrations; they get only the benefit of his lower vibrations, which tend to make the mind morbid, depressed, and quick to give way to sorrow or suffering, thus inviting an earlier death.

Mars has his exaltation in Capricorn, and people thus born tend to have great ambition, force, energy and a desire to make things move rapidly in their sphere. The Moon having her detriment or debility in this Sign, lends the Capricorn Personality or lower mind, which tends to make the natives despondent and melancholic to a marked degree. Saturn when found in this, his home Sign, at birth, tends to make the general fate more fortunate and cause better conditions to prevail in old age. However a more extensive reading should be consulted, as Saturn is not the principal ruling planet of all Capricorn people, unless they are born at Sunrise or during the two hours preceding Sunrise. If born at some other time of the day, Saturn is their co-ruler and some other planet their principal ruler.

Places Signified

This Sign rules barren fields, bushy and thorny grounds, low places which are dry, and stables where domestic animals are kept. People born with the Sun in this Sign should locate in a rather stony, barren place, in a low altitude or a valley, but one that is dry and not too close to streams or water. Being a leading or cardinal Sign, these people when locating in towns or cities, should choose a corner house at the head of a block if possible.

Personal Appearance

This Sign when rising upon the Eastern horizon at birth, tends to give a medium stature, rather thin body, narrow chest, small neck and angular features. The complexion is usually dark, the hair dark or reddish, and the eyes beautiful and expressive. They strive to maintain a prosperous appearance and keep pace with fashionable aristocracy. The personal appearance may be modified or entirely reversed by the positions of the other planets at birth, therefore, a more extensive reading must be carefully studied to arrive at an accurate description of each Capricorn person.


Being ruled by the planet Saturn, people born with the Sun in this Sign partake much of the nature of Saturn, and tend to be fundamentally serious, melancholic, despondent, grave, morbid, cautious, materialistic, thoughtful, meditative, apprehensive, conventional, aristocratic, covetous, selfish, self-centered, and very much absorbed in the things of the world. Being a cardinal and leading Sign, Capricorn is considered the principal business sign of the Zodiac, and its natives usually make our best business people and pioneers in different fields of work and action. Some of the main characteristics of Capricorn born people are self-confidence, nerve, and their belief in their own power to go through obstacles, especially in the business world. They will pass through dangers and difficulties for the sake of earning money, and developing the material interests of the world. They usually know how to be frugal and thrifty without being mean. People of this Sign do not act on impulse, nor are they very demonstrative. They are extremely fond of all things beautiful and harmonious in both art and nature; and above all love elegance in the home. They are good judges of character, shrewd, calculating and quick to recognize possibilities and take advantage of the weak point in their competitors.

Education and culture are essential to proper development of the Capricorn nature, as with these they become broad-minded, liberal, tolerant, and capable of accomplishing the great things of the world, though they are often lacking in initiative and need a great deal of encouragement. These people are quite liable to reversals, failure in business and setbacks, and other sink into poverty for having lost heart in the struggle of life, they find it difficult to “come back,” as they want to do so quickly, or not al all, and have little patience to gain through their earlier years of plodding; especially in their adverse periods of Saturn, along through life. For that reason a more extensive reading should be studied to avoid business reversals, and insure an even tenor in life.


Capricorn rules the knees; and being the sign of Saturn, the teeth and bony structure of the body may be affected when the system becomes run down. These people are susceptible to heart trouble, nervousness, affections of the eyes, and trembling of the knees, brought on by worry and over work. They are also troubled with indigestion and constipation, caused from excessive dryness and lack of oil in the system. Any ill-health in this Sign usually arises from despondency and melancholia. Because of the evil influences of Saturn and Mars over the weakened parts of the body, a more extensive reading should be carefully studied, to fully understand and guard against these influences.

* Any of the medical illnesses listed in this section can result in serious injury and/or death and should be examined and treated urgently by a medical professional.


As Capricorn is a cardinal and earthy Sign, people born with the Sun therein, should follow a business career and get into the commercial world, rather than literary fields. They make excellent building contractors, real estate dealers, mine and oil field promoters, and, as a rule, are very successful with big irrigation projects. Because of their extreme amount of patience, they make good teachers and instructors, and many of them excel as lecturers, preachers, lawyers, bookkeepers and accountants. Due to the beneficial planetary influences over the Capricorn people, they can attain excellence in almost any occupation or profession, and in order to determine the true vocation of each Capricorn born person, a more extensive reading should be consulted.

Marriage Suitability

Because of their retiring and undemonstrative nature, Capricorn people should be careful to choose a marriage partner on the same social and intellectual plane as themselves. They are known to mate well with those of the Earthy class, as Taurus, Virgo and their own Sign. Also a union of Capricorn and Scorpio, Cancer, or Leo, is usually harmonious and congenial. Due to the influence of Saturn over the domestic affairs of these people a more extensive reading for both contracting parties, should be carefully studied, before marriage is consummated.

Gems and Colors

The Moonstone and White Onyx — Garnet, Silver Gray, Black and Brown

Noted Capricorn People

Some of the world’s most noted people born with the Sun in this Sign are — Saint Joan of Arc, Al Capine, Sir Isaac Newton, Mao, Muhammad Ali, Stan Lee, David Bowie, Janis Joplin, J.R.R. Tolkien, Poe, Robert E. Lee, John Kepler, Admiral Dewey, Rudyard Kipling, Daniel Webster, Alexander Hamilton and Benjamin Franklin.

Some of the noted actors and screen stars are Lon Chaney, Humphrey Bogart, Mel Gibson, Cary Grant, Denzel Washington, Elvis, Marlene Dietrich, Nicolas Cage, Anthony Hopkins and Kevin Costner.

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Because of the high qualities and reflective faculties that Saturn exerts over the Capricorn people, it is very advisable for them to have in their possession an Astrological Forecast and Extensive Reading. This should prove very beneficial in many ways, and serve as a daily guide by pointing out the “good” and “adverse” periods all during the year.

Mahdi The Magician

I perform wonders without hands and walk the earth without feet.

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