Taurus Horoscope & Astrological Sign Meaning

as presented by

Mahdi The Magician

& Alexander, The Man Who Knows



the true map of the heavens according to the laws of science & mathematics, as passed down by the long line of ancient & medieval people

A Complete Guide to

The Bull


If You Were Born Between April 20th and May 21st


Taurus is the Second Sign of the Zodiac, the next after Aries, as represented in the Grand Man, made in the Image of God. The human body is divided into twelve parts, from head to the feet, and each part or division, is ruled by one of the Signs of the Zodiac. Taurus belongs at the head of the Earthy class, or Trinity, which group comprises Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. These three Earthly Signs are in very fortunate relation to each other and form a triangle, in the Zodiac, known as one of the most benevolent figures in Nature. Taurus is also known, and classed as a fixed, feminine, negative, nocturnal, melancholic, dry, Southern Sign, and is the night house of Venus. The symbol of this Sign is “The Bull,” and the main defense of this animal is its horns, and its instinct to make a “Charge” when infuriated.

This Sign is most powerful at birth when it is found rising upon the Eastern horizon. It takes each Sign of the Zodiac two hour to pass a given point, so the Taurus Sign is two hours coming up and over the Eastern horizon. Thus people born with the Sun in this Sign, or during the period two hours before Sunrise, are considered the most fortunate and powerful of Taurus people born on that day. They will be apt to out-live, and also rise higher in the world’s activities than the Taurus people born at other times of the same day, unless it be those born during the two hours just before the Noon hour, at which time the Sun reaches the Noon Meridian.


This Sign is ruled by the beautiful planet, Venus, “Goddess of Love,” and people born with the Sun therein have Venus as their ruling planet, ruler of their higher mind, or Individuality, also called the Inner Mind, and during life on Earth will be manifesting strongly under the Venus Ray or Vibration.

This sign is the home and night house of Venus, while the Libra Sign is the day home of Venus. The Moon has her exaltation in the Taurus Sign, and people born with the Moon in Taurus are said to have the Taurus personality, or lower mind, which makes them very musical and artistic, typical of the Taurus nature. Because Mars, the planet of War, which signifies energy, has his detriment, or debility, in this sign, people born therein usually have less energy and ambition. A profusion of planets in Taurus with the Sun at birth intensifies and strengthens the Bull nature, tends to make its subjects stubborn and obstinate and endows them with the physical and mental power to ride rough shod over every impediment. Venus, ruler of the Taurus Sign, is friendly with Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, the Moon and Mercury, but very unfriendly with Saturn, and the greatest affliction that can befall a Taurus born person is to have Saturn in this Sign with the Sun at birth, which tends to bring much trouble and sorrow into their lives, especially in love affairs. People born with the Sun, Moon or Jupiter in the Taurus Sign, may be considered very fortunately born, with good prospects of a happy and prosperous career. It should be remembered, Venus is the ruling planet only when the Venus Signs, Taurus or Libra, are upon the Eastern horizon at birth. At other times of the day some other planet will be the principal ruler, and Venus the co-ruler, so the careful study of a more extensive reading is advisable.

Places Signified

This Sign signifies the more isolated, low places, and its subjects will find their best health and success in the sparsely populated valleys. Taurus is known as a “Succedent” Sign, and people born therein should not choose a corner dwelling in the Cities, or more thickly inhabitated places, but rather a house next to the corner, or nearer the middle of the block.

Personal Appearance

This Sign, when rising on the Eastern horizon at birth, usually gives a short, stout, well-set, corpulent stature, with a thick bull like neck, large mouth and thick lips. The body often presents a gross look of materiality with strong, broad shoulders, big hands, a broad forehead, a full swarthy face, ruddy complexion, and black rugged hair. Taurus people, as a rule, possess splendid, though not handsome, physiques. The personal appearance is modified and often entirely reversed by the relative positions of the other planets at birth, which is proven by some of our most beautiful women being born in this sign, so no sure reliable description could be given unless a more extensive reading were studied.


Taurus people, born with the Sun in the ascendent, ruled by Venus, the planet of Love, Beauty, Art, Social Life, etc., usually have a very merry, artistic, affable, courteous, polite, passionate nature, and look very much at the bright side of life. Being a fixed Sign, its subjects are inclined to be very firm, rigid, patient, unyielding, stubborn, dogmatic, austere, and usually the animal propensities are very prominent. Some of the most intemperate eaters, drinkers and gluttons are born with the Sun in this Sign, which tends to make Taurus people our greatest rheumatic sufferers. The powers of concentration and persistance are very marked in these people, who tend to be slow, practical, plodding and do not stop at delays or difficulties. They are secretive and reserved and possess a great amount of pent up energy. They usually possess great business and financial ability, and, when rigid self-control and self-discipline are acquired, they become the true conquerors of their own destiny. When Mars strongly afflicts, by his presence or aspects at birth, it is usually well not to provoke or excite the Taurus born person, or wave the red flag before him, for, like the Bull, he may make a charge and do injury. While these may be considered fundamentals of the Taurus temperament, yet, in order to judge the temperament as a whole, the position and influences of all the planets at birth, should be carefully studied in a more extensive reading.


Taurus, being the sign next to the head, rules the neck, throat, vocal cords, the ears and eustachian tubes, and people born with the Sun in this Sign, are subject to all kinds of throat disorders, such as enlarged glands, sore throat, tonsillitis, and catarrhal throat conditions. These troubles are often reflected to the head, frontal sinuses, eustachian tubes, and downward to the bronchial tubes. The presence of the evil planets Saturn and Mars, in this Sign at birth tends to greatly exaggerate any throat troubles. Taurus people are prone to give unbridled license to all their appetites; they make no attempt to curb or restrain the carnal passions, and, in order to determine the parts of the body most ill-fated from birth, and the diseases to be guarded against, a more extensive reading should be studied.

* Any of the medical illnesses listed in this section can result in serious injury and/or death and should be examined and treated urgently by a medical professional.


Being an Earthy and Venus Sign, Taurus people usually make good singers, musicians, artists, actors, demonstrators, dressmakers, cashiers, decorators, sculptors, landscape gardeners, bankers, agriculturists, land owners and tend to accumulate wealth, and landed estates. A liberal endowment of self-reliance gives them admirable courage, and an intuitive ability to gage public opinion, which qualifies them to succeed extremely well in the fields of politics and finance. Being zealous and persistent they carry out their plans with a directness and decision that is almost marvelous. As co-workers they are sincere, reliable and trustworthy, and are excellent companions to those possessing ideas. As masseurs and healers they are unequalled. The above fittingly describes the vocational inclinations of those born with the Sun in this Sign, but because of the relative positions of the other planets at birth, a careful study of a more extensive reading is advisable to determine the true individual vocation of each Taurus born person.

Marriage Suitability

Because of the extreme love nature of the Taurus born person, a great discretion must be exercised in consummating a marriage. Harmony has been found to exist between those born in the Earthy class, so Taurus born people should mate well with those born in the Earthy Trinity; Virgo, Capricorn and their own sign. The love planet, Venus, bearing special rule over both Taurus and Libra, tends to a congenial union of these subjects. Many men and women born with the Sun in Taurus are apt to wreck their lives by reason of their strong sex nature, and careful study pertaining to sex matters, should be made by them. The Sign the Moon is in at birth is a blending sign for marriage. The fortunate exchange of Mars, Venus and other planetary influences should be carefully studied in a more extensive reading for both parties, in order to determine their marriage suitability.

Gems and Colors

The Moss Agate and Emerald — Yellow and Red

Noted Taurus People

Some of the world’s most noted people born with the Sun in this Sign are — Adolf Hitler, Dalí, Queen Elizabeth II, Marx, Lenin, Oliver Cromwell, Machiavelli, Mark Zuckerberg, Pope John Paul II, Oppenheimer, Malcolm X, Adele, Stevie Wonder, Herbert Spencer, Jim Jones, Dante, Marcus Aurelius, William Shakespeare, Duke of Wellington, General Ulysses Grant, Irving Berlin, Kant and Freud.

Some of the noted actors and screen stars are — Penélope Cruz, Rudolph Valentino, Audrey Hepburn, MrBeast, Al Pacino, Jack Nicholson, George Clooney, James Stewart, Dwayne Johnson, Jet Li, Fred Astaire, Henry Cavill and Gal Gadot.

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On account of the strong astrological influences exerted over the life affairs of the Taurus born people, by their ruling planet, Venus, it is very advisable for them to have in their possession an Astrological Forecast and Extensive Reading, which should prove of great benefit to them, and serve as a daily guide in pointing out their “good” and “adverse” periods all during the year.

Discover Your Sign Star

Mahdi The Magician

I perform wonders without hands and walk the earth without feet.


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