Leo Horoscope & Astrological Sign Meaning

as presented by

Mahdi The Magician

& Alexander, The Man Who Knows



the true map of the heavens according to the laws of science & mathematics, as passed down by the long line of ancient & medieval people

A Complete Guide to

The Lion


If You Were Born Between July 23rd and August 23rd


Leo is the Fifth sign of the Zodiac. It is also the second or middle sign of the Fiery Triplicity, comprising Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, which three signs are in a very fortunate and harmonious relation to each other and form a triangle in the Zodiac. The Leo Sign is of the East, and is classed as a fiery, hot, fixed, dry, barren, diurnal, masculine, positive, commanding sign. Being a barren sign, both men and women who were born with Leo rising upon the Eastern horizon, or when this Sign rules the Fifth House of the Heaveans, known as House of Children, are very apt to be more barren, sterile and fruitless than those born at some other time of the day. Nature never intended that all people be parents. Married people should learn more about the laws of Nature, the lines of human temperament, and should cease grieving about the many things they do not at present understand. They should set about to make the best of their different situations, get into the work of Nature, that the powers above intended them to do, and find their niche in the world. Leo, being the home of The Sun, and center of power among the planets, and one of the very strongest signs, is symbolized by “The Lion,” most powerful of the cat tribe, and King of the beasts of the forest and jungle.


This Sign, being the home and only Sign of The Sun, people born with the Sun in Leo have that planet in his most powerful position, and are usually endowed with greater vitality, fundamentally, than people born in the other signs of the Zodiac, especially if other planetary positions and aspects concur, at birth. The Sun has his exaltation in Aries, his debility in Aquarius and his fall in Libra, hence, Aquarius being situated opposite or 180 degrees from the Leo Sign, those planets which power in Leo, as The Sun, are very weak when found in Aquarius. Likewise, Aquarius being the Home Sign of Uranus and Saturn, these two planets when found in Leo at birth, are considered very weak.

Saturn, the planet of Fate and Destiny, when in the sign of his detriment, Leo, at birth, tends to make the general fate in life less favorable; and usually brings more trouble in love affairs, gives more adversity and less good out of life, to a large extent, which results in a despondent nature. Such people may suffer many ills of an adverse fate, and are often very unhappy and unfortunate in marriage. The Sun being very weak in the Libra and Aquarius Signs, people thus born usually suffer many delays and sorrows in life, and tend to have a disappointing career, even though it may be a useful one. Venus, the planet of affections, in the Leo Sign at birth tends to give a very warm and conjugal love nature. The positions of the adverse planets at birth modify the intensity of the Sun’s vibrations and influences over the Leo born people, and for that reason a more extensive reading should be studied.

Personal Appearance

This Sign, especially when rising upon the Eastern horizon at birth, tends to give a strong and most powerful body, usually a sinewy, agile, tall, large frame, with a quick buoyant step. Leo people usually possess broad shoulders, well proportioned bodies, keen long visage, ruddy complexion, fierce countenance, eyes hazel or blue, and yellow, brown or flaxen hair. As a rule these people retain their youth and exhuberance of spirit until well toward the end of earthly life. In most cases the appearance of the Leo person is one to command awe and respect, the same as the Lion, but the foregoing conditions may be greatly modified by the positions of the other planets at birth, hence a careful study of the more extensive reading should be made.


The Sun, ruling over this Sign, and representing the highest, best, most honorable and noblest traits of character given by any body in our Solar System, usually endows Leo natives with a noble, sincere, positive, just, and high-minded temperament. Leo is the Sign which rules the love nature, and affections, so people born with the Sun in this Sign, are usually very affectionate, live much in their feelings and emotions, and are inclined to have a high respect for the feelings of others. They love to rule, but it is a rule of the heart rather than of the head. They are usually aggressive, impetuous, magnetic, active, pleasure-loving, and when self-controlled are conservative, high-minded and religious.

Leo, being a fixed Sign, its people tend to get into a rut in life, do not, as a rule, have much pioneering or promoting ability, and often find it difficult to change their circumstances, especially if a majority of the planets were in the fixed signs of the Zodiac at birth. The Sun in Leo at birth gives the Sun Individuality, or Leo Inner and Higher mind, which tends to a very spiritual nature fundamentally, capable of very high development in the awakened and enlightened Leo person. Evil aspects of the other planets at birth, no matter what sign the Sun may be in, tend to make the persons thus born low, mean, sensual in their thoughts, proud and arbitrary in their manner, and inclined to dwell on the short-comings of others, hence to determine the true characteristics of each Leo born person, a more extensive reading should be studied.


Leo, being the Sign of the Sun and ruler of the heart, people born with the Sun in this Sign are subject to all kinds of heart disturbances, especially if there are several of the evil planets also in the Leo Sign at birth. The Sun alone in this Sign does not, as a fundamental rule, cause serious heart troubles, but when the malefic planets, as Uranus, Saturn or Mars, are in Leo, the individual so born will tend to excitable heart conditions, such as cramps, syncope, locomotorataxia, palpitation, and swooning. Improper functioning of the heart often causes impaired circulation of the blood which results in skin diseases. This Sign is also said to govern the back and spinal column, and unfortunately born Leo people often experience much trouble from that source. The evil aspects of the malefic planets, at the time of birth, tend to greatly aggravate any weakened heart condition, and for that reason a more extensive reading should be consulted.


The Sun rules gold in all forms, and is also the ruling planet of Leo, therefore people born with the Sun in Leo are particularly adapted to work with gold in some form, as jewelers, gilders, etc. Being endowed by the Sun with great energy and vitality, these people are fond of physical tasks, though their inborn desire for knowledge fits them for mental labor, such as government officials, bankers, brokers, authors, etc. Their magnetic and intuitive qualities makes them good lawyers, musicians, actors, commanders, and ministers. Some of the world’s most skillful, efficient nurses and magnetic healers are of this sign. The conditions that rule over the House of Vocation, the aspects between the planets, and the signs occupied by all the planets, should be carefully studied in a more extensive reading to determine the particular adaptability of each individual.

Marriage Suitability

As a rule Leo people are great admirers of the opposite sex, and because of their intense affectionate, sympathetic and sensitive nature are sometimes inconstant; therefore great care should be exercised by them in selecting a life companion. People born with the Sun in Leo have been found to mate well with those of the Fiery Signs, Sagittarius, Aries, and their own sign. Sympathetic planetary influences at the time of birth of both parties, have often resulted in congenial union of a Leo person, with one born in Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. However to determine individual marriage suitability, a more extensive reading for both parties should be consulted.

Gems and Colors

The Diamond and Ruby — Red and Green

Noted Leo People

Some of the world’s most noted people born with the Sun in this Sign are — Mussolini, Fidel Castro, Coco Chanel, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Dua Lipa, J.K. Rowling, Madonna, John Dryden, T.E. Lawrence, Mick Jagger, Andy Warhol, Sir Walter Scott, Joe Rogan, Napoleon Bonaparte, Alexandre Dumas, Shelley, Russell Sage, and Henry Ford.

Some of the noted actors and screen stars are Dustin Hoffmann, Stanley Kubrick, Alfred Hitchcock, Jason Statham, Robert De Niro, Christopher Nolan, Antonio Banderas, Robert Redford, Daniel Radcliffe, and Edward Norton.

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Leo people are born rulers, but because of the evil influences brought to bear upon their lives by adverse planetary positions at the time of birth, it is very advisable for them to have in their possession an Astrological Forecast and Extensive Reading. This should prove of benefit to them and serve as a daily guide in pointing out their “good” and “adverse” periods all during the year.

Discover Your Star Sign

Mahdi The Magician

I perform wonders without hands and walk the earth without feet.


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