Cancer Horoscope & Astrological Sign Meaning

as presented by

Mahdi The Magician

& Alexander, The Man Who Knows



the true map of the heavens according to the laws of science & mathematics, as passed down by the long line of ancient & medieval people

A Complete Guide to

The Crab


If You Were Born Between June 21st and July 23rd


The Cancer Sign is the Fourth Sign of the Zodiac, counting from Aries the Head. It is the most Northern of the Signs, and when the Sun enters this sign each year on or about June 21st, we have the first day of summer, and the longest day in the year. In order to know the exact time the Sun enters any one of the twelve Signs, a table of the planets for each year must be consulted, as these dates vary. The Cancer Sign is at the Head of the Watery Triplicity, which comprises Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. These three signs form a triangle in the Heavens, and are in very fortunate relation to each other. When such benevolent planets as Jupiter and Venus are in Cancer, great benefit is reflected upon the subjects of the other Watery Signs, Scorpio and Pisces.

Cancer is classed as a cardinal, movable, watery, cold, phlegmatic, feminine, negative, nocturnal, fruitful, mute, slow of voice, and Northern Sign. Situated at one of the four cardinal points of the Heavens, it is one of the angular signs, and has its affinity with the Fourth House. The four angular or cardinal points of the Heavens are the first degree of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. It is said that these four cardinal points are ruled over by four great Archangels or Kings, in the Heavenly Realm, which makes these four signs very powerful. The angels, or signs, in the order of their power are Aries, Capricorn, Libra and Cancer, coming last, occupies the weakest place. The Symbol of this Sign is “The Crab,” and the Cancer people partake something of the nature and characteristics of the Crab, which tends to make them slow, tenacious and retrospective.


Cancer is the only sign ruled by The Moon. Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury have their home in two signs, one by day and another by night. Those interested in the elements and fundamentals of astrology should purchase a primer of Astrology and study up on these matters. Cancer is the strongest Sign for the Moon to be in at birth, and people thus born have the Cancer personality or lower mind, though, if the Sun be in Cancer at birth, the person may combine the higher and lower vibrations of the Cancer Sign, and possess a very strong Cancer Individuality. The Moon is most powerful in Cancer, and next most powerful in Taurus, because she has her exaltation or dignity in that sign. She is very weak however, when found at birth in Scorpio, the Mars Sign, where she has her fall or debility.

Persons born at Sunrise, or during the two hours before Sunrise, with the Sun in Cancer, have the Moon for their principal ruling planet, but if born at some other time of the day, when another Sign is upon the Eastern horizon, the planet ruling that Sign would be their Principal ruler, and the Moon their co-ruler. As the Moon is not always the principal ruling planet of a Cancer born person, a more extensive reading for the time of birth, should be consulted, to determine the planetary rays that reflect with greatest strength upon the life of such a person.

Places Signified

This Sign especially rules large, navigable rivers and the Sea, though it is not as strong a ruler of the Sea as the Pisces Sign. Inland, it denotes the low places near both small and large bodies of water. People born with the Sun in Cancer, or with a majority of the planets in the Watery signs, as Scorpio and Pisces, find their best health and success in the lowlands near the water. Being an angular, or corner sign, Cancer born people when locating in cities or towns, should choose a corner house.

Personal Appearance

This sign, when rising upon the Eastern horizon at birth, gives a medium stature, with full chest and bust development, and limbs somewhat short in proportion to the size of the body. Being born in a Watery Sign, these people are inclined to be fat, phlegmatic, possessed of a small amount of vitality and easily fatigued. They usually have round, pleasing faces, broad foreheads, fair complexion, and light or grayish eyes. Cancer women generally have light or golden brown hair, while the hair of its men is usually dark. People of this sign are often the most attractive one ever meets in personal appearance, though no definite or detailed description could be given unless a more extensive reading was studied.


Being ruled by the Moon, Cancer born people partake largely of that planet’s nature, which makes them more or less timid, and serene unless the other planets at birth alter these tendencies. Possessed of an impressionable, restless, changeable disposition, and a fondness for travel, especially by water, these people should not remain too long in any one place. They do not possess an aggressive or martial spirit unless they have Mars very strong at birth, but their tenacious, Crab-like nature enables them to progress slowly and surely in the face of all obstacles and difficulties. They are neither broad-minded nor open to conviction, but have a wonderful memory, a fondness for history, antiques, pedigree, convention and tradition; one of their greatest faults being their tendency to dwell on events of the past. Ficklesness and inconstancy are strongly emphasized in both the men and women of this sign, who are living on the lower plane. They are prone to homage and flattery, and their too confiding, sympathetic nature often causes them grievous mistakes and financial losses.

Being a strong occult Sign, Cancer subjects are often very psychic, mediumistic, and extremely fond of the Ancient Wisdom and Curious Doctrines. Nature has gifted them with more than the usual amount of power to organize and execute the great problems of the world, and having great magnetism, personality and tact, they usually attain their ends without difficulty. They are usually economical in their habits; strive to lay up money, and some of the world’s richest persons were born in this Sign.

Undeveloped Cancer born people present an almost incomprehensible array of contradictory emotions and desires, often apparently making a firm decision, deciding upon a definite course of action, and then, in a very brief time, these are cast aside and new ones, or none at all, are substituted. Being of an undecisive and contradictory nature, it is very advisable for those born in this sign to make a careful study of a more extensive forecast, in order to determine the influences reflected upon their lives by the positions of the other planets at birth.


Cancer rules the breasts, stomach, and through reflex and sympathetic action, the lungs and breathing apparatus, making its natives subject to such diseases, as asthma, pleurisy, consumption, and stomach disorders. The utmost discretion in selection of diet and care of the stomach should be exercised by these people. Worry, anxiety and overtaxing the mind will disturb the digestive organs, and result in dyspepsia and indigestion. The positions of the adverse planets, Saturn and Mars, at birth, tend to greatly aggravate symptoms, diseases, and weaken certain parts of the body, so a more extensive reading should be carefully studied.

* Any of the medical illnesses listed in this section can result in serious injury and/or death and should be examined and treated urgently by a medical professional.


Cancer being a Watery Sign, makes its people well fitted to deal in liquids, or engage in a business where travel, especially by water, is necessary. Because of its strong occult and magnetic qualities, this Sign has produced some of the world’s most noted seers, magicians, occultists, advanced thinkers, and magnetic healers. Cancer people are natural mechanics, love to invent new ideas, and many of them find success in the manufacturing sphere of life. Cancer women have great talent for music, the drama, and are also inclined to engage in literary pursuits. These people have an inborn love for knowledge which makes them great students. This is proven by this Sign having produced some of the world’s brightest lawyers and philosophers. The conditions that rule over the house of vocation, the aspects between the planets, and the signs occupied by all the planets should be carefully studied and in a more extensive reading to correctly determine the particular adaptability of each individual.

Marriage Suitability

The highly sensitive nature of the Cancer person makes them feel very keenly everything that affects other members of their family, and unless great discretion is exercised in marriage, their domestic affairs are apt to become a brake on their individual progress. These people have been found to mate well with those of the Watery class, Scorpio, Pisces and their own sign. Because of the trine between Cancer, Virgo and Libra, their subjects often prove congenial mates. As many of them are of a fickle and inconstant nature, all Cancer born people, before consummating marriage should make a careful study of the planetary influences at the time of birth, as reflected upon the lives of both parties.

Gems and Colors

The Emerald and Black Onyx — Green and Russett

Noted Cancer People

Some of the world’s most noted people born with the Sun in this Sign are — Elon Musk, Pablo Neruda, Conor McGregor, Princess Diana, Estée Lauder Mike Tyson, Alexander The Great, Ernest Hemingwgay, Nikola Tesla, George Orwell, Frida Kahlo, John Calvin, Samuel Colt, Nathanial Hawthorn, Franz Kafka, John Quincy Adams, Jean-Paul Sartre and John D. Rockefeller.

Some of the noted actors and screen stars are — Ariana Grande, Tom Cruise, Harrison Ford, Margot Robbie, Sylvester Stallone and Lana Del Rey.

And such famous occultists as Harry Keller and C. ALEXANDER, The Man Who Knows.

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Because of the strong astrological influences exerted over Cancer born people, by their ruling planet, The Moon, it is very advisable for them to have in their possession an Astrological Forecast and Extensive Reading, which should prove very beneficial and serve as a daily guide in pointing out their “good” and “adverse” periods all during the year.

Discover Your Star Sign

Mahdi The Magician

I perform wonders without hands and walk the earth without feet.

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