Scorpio Horoscope & Astrological Sign Meaning

as presented by

Mahdi The Magician

& Alexander, The Man Who Knows



the true map of the heavens according to the laws of science & mathematics, as passed down by the long line of ancient & medieval people

A Complete Guide to

The Scorpion


If You Were Born Between October 23rd and November 22nd


Scorpio is the Eighth Sign of the Zodiac, counting from Aries, the First, and has its affinity with the Eighth House of the Heavens. The Sign is known as that of legacy, death, finances of the marriage partner, and is classed as a watery, fixed, feminine, nocturnal, fruitful, phlegmatic, cold, negative, Northern sign. It is the Second Sign of the Water Triplicity, comprising Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces, which signs are in very harmonious relation to each other, and form a triangle in the Heavens, which is a benevolent figure in Nature.

The symbol of this Sign is “The Scorpion” and Scorpio people partake some of the qualities of the Scorpion, usually having a severe and poisonous sting when aroused or opposed. In regenerate Scorpio characters the Eagle is a better symbol and is so used by many esoteric interpreters. The benevolent planets in this Sign at birth, such as Jupiter or Venus, are very favorable indications of a natural death, especially if there are no evil planets in the Eighth House at birth, but if Mars should be in the Scorpio Sign at birth, and also in the Eighth House, there is a danger of a violent death. People who are born at Sunrise, or during the two hours before Sunrise, when this Sign is rising upon the Eastern horizon, make the strongest, most powerful Scorpio people; and are considered the most fortunate people born on that day, with good prospects for success and long life. The Sign the Sun is in at birth denotes the Individuality or higher mind, while the Sign the Moon is in at birth, denotes the Personality or lower mind.


This Sign is the Night home of Mars, God of War, and is ruled by that planet. Aries is the Day home of Mars, and is also a strong Mars sign, so people who are born with the Sun in Scorpio and the Moon in Aries, have both the Mars higher and lower minds or Mars Individuality and Personality, which makes them very strong Mars or militant characters, unusually combative, head-strong and hard to get along with unless they can rule and have their own way. Venus, the planet of Love, has her debility or detriment in the Scorpio Sign, and people born with the planet Venus in this Sign usually partake much of the Mars characteristics in their love natures; are jealous, combative in love affairs, and make much trouble for the opposite sex. Women especially, born with Venus in Scorpio, are often left alone by the men and after a time find it difficult to consummate marriage or live happily in married life. Many of our divorcees, widows and old maids of today are found to be those who were born with Venus in Scorpio.

The Moon has her fall in Scorpio, and people born with the Moon in this Sign have the Mars personality. Scorpio being the sex sign, gives them an increase of passion, which often causes them to lead a very reckless life, get into much trouble, go to mental extremes, and make many enemies. Scorpio people born at some other time of the day, than at Sunrise, or the two hours preceding Sunrise, will have some other planet than Mars as their principal ruling planet, and Mars will be their co-ruler, hence a more extensive reading should be consulted.

Places Signified

This Sign, signifies vineyards, orchards, gardens, places where reptiles and insects abound, and houses near pools, lakes, still waters, and damp low lands. Therefore a residence in a valley or near water is more conducive to the health and happiness of a Scorpio born person. Scorpio is not one of the cardinal or prominent signs of the Zodiac, and when locating in cites or towns, it’s people should reside near the middle or end of the block, and avoid a corner house or place of too much prominence.

Personal Appearance

The Sign, when rising upon the Eastern horizon at birth, has an important influence upon determining the shape and nature of the body. People born at Sunrise or during the two hours before Sunrise, tend to have a short, stout and corpulent body, especially in the first half of life, and, if the Moon be in a watery sign of the Zodiac at birth, with many planets also below the horizon, they may be stout and fat later in life. In a pure Scorpio person, the complexion is usually dark, the eyes black and the hair usually raven or jet black. They are nearly always of medium type, with broad open countenances and sharp features. No accurate or positive description of an individual could be given, as the appearance is modified by the positions and aspects of all the planets at the time of birth, hence a more extensive reading should be studied.


People born with the Sun in this Sign, and ruled by Mars, God of War, partake of that planet’s influences, which makes them combative, determined, gritty, cunning, unconquerable, sagacious, inflexible, resourceful, indefatigable, firm, persistent, resentful, headstrong, fixed and set in their habits and opinions, generous to all who yield, but vindicative and uncompromising to all who oppose. Their great magnetism and psychological power gives them much influence over the minds of all whom they come in contact. Their nature is usually secretive, aggressive and judicial; their minds are active; their perception keen, and their intuition most wonderful. While they are strong and forceful in many ways, yet they have little control over their own impulsive love and sex nature. They are usually polite, affable, considerate, and of pleasant demeanor, but can be blunt even to cruelty when engrossed by serious affairs. These people are usually alert, restless and energetic; have fine memories, and are quick to think and act.

Among the unawakened of this sign, the lower instincts: lust, slothfulness, greed, vulgarity, cruelty, and selfishness, are likely to assume full sway, and they are often found to be jealous, unsympathetic, critical, supersensitive, suspicious, nagging, and tyrannical. However, their self-control is admirable, and manifests itself not only in their reserve in speaking, but in firmness, sureness and deftness of their hands, which is combined with keen power of observation, rare poise and judgement. They are very calculating by nature, reserved and proud, and their self-love and desire for flattery is abnormal. The temperament of the Scorpio people however, may be very mild and affable, if at birth they have Saturn and Mars in favorable aspect to the Sun, Moon and Mercury and when living on the upper plane, or with their higher minds awakened, these people are equipped to rise to almost any height. Hence those born under this Sign should make a careful study of a more extensive reading, to determine the position of all the planets at birth, and the influences exerted over their individual characteristics.


This Sign rules the secret organs, muscular and excretory system, and those born with the Sun in Scorpio, the Sex Sign, are especially susceptible to diseases, derangements and even abnormalities of the sex nature. The presence of the evil planets, Saturn or Mars, at birth tends to greatly aggravate conditions and increase passion, which may cause dissipation and excesses leading to a breakdown sexually early in life, which can be avoided by proper care. Women born with the Sun in Scorpio, or the Moon and evil planets in this Sign, are especially subject to female weaknesses and ovarian disturbances, which they may also avoid. Scorpio people having evil planets at birth are subject to piles, fistula, rupture, bladder troubles, sex perversions, epilepsy, and venereal diseases. Those born under this Sign should make a careful study of the laws of magnetism, and the conservation of the life or sexual forces to overcome these tendencies.

* Any of the medical illnesses listed in this section can result in serious injury and/or death and should be examined and treated urgently by a medical professional.


Being ruled by the War planet, Mars, admirably fits Scorpio people to engage in hazardous and dangerous callings, such as workers in metal and fire, detectives, officers of the Law, and soldiers. They display shrewdness in commercial undertakings, and often attain marked success as exporters, importers, shippers, traders and transportation experts. The minds of Scorpio born people are exceedingly progressive and in order to determine their individual vocation a more extensive reading should be consulted.

Marriage Suitability

Because of their extremely passionate nature Scorpio born people should never marry until they have acquired self-control. They have been found to mate well with those of the Watery Class, Cancer, Pisces and their own Sign. Congeniality has also been found with those born in Virgo, and Capricorn. Scorpio people have often many secret love affairs, and a more extensive reading for both contracting parties should be carefully studied before marriage is consummated.

Gems and Colors

The Topaz and Malachite — Black, Golden Brown and Scarlet

Noted Scorpio People

Some of the world’s most noted people born with the Sun in this Sign are — Marie Antoinette, Monet, Rommel, Picasso, Christopher Columbus, Voltaire, Camus, Bram Stoker, Shigeru Miyamoto, Trotsky, Theodore Roosevelt, Martin Luther, King Edward VII, General Lee, Robert Louis Stevenson, Paderewski.

Some of the noted actors and screen stars are Burt Lancaster, Will Rogers, Katy Perry, Leonardo DiCaprio, Johnny Carson, Peter Jackson, Winona Ryder, Charles Bronson, Ryan Reynolds, Matthew McConaughey, Ryan Gosling and Alain Delon.

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Because of the strong planetary influences exerted over the lives of Scorpio born people, by the War-like planet, Mars, and their inherent tendencies, they should have in their possession an Astrological Forecast and Extensive Reading, which should prove very beneficial and serve as a daily guide in pointing out the “good” and “adverse” periods all during the year.

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Mahdi The Magician

I perform wonders without hands and walk the earth without feet.

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