
Sit Face to Face With Mahdi

King of The Gypsies

in this Magical Interactive Experience


What is Hidden in The Leaves? 🍃

What is Hidden in The Leaves? 🍃

A Cartomancy Reading covers many areas of life, and the cards show and indicate the lines of action that should be followed in many phases of human affairs, and in many of the complicated situations that can arise in the life of an individual, there is a solution to be found in the cards, and in the way they present themselves, as they affect this situation, and the individual, in any phase of their life.

It requires considerable skill in the art of Cartomancy to read what lies hidden in the leaves, but this office is prepared to deliver only the highest grade of work, and that is thoroughly intuitive, founded upon the laws of Nature, as they have been worked out through ages of observation and experience, and as they are handed down to us today from the Ancient and Medieval people.

Trusting we may be of service to you along this great and important line, and that we may have the privilege of getting you started right in life, or to get you into your proper work and calling, believe us to be,

Yours for greater success,


*This unique interactive experience takes place over video call which will be scheduled with you as soon as possible after your request is received.

It is fully understood in advising you on any subject, Mahdi makes no claim to the supernatural, and does not locate lost friends, lost or stolen articles, nor tell fortunes.

Cartomancy Reading


It was so absolutely incredible how you knew that the question I asked was not my real question. Thank you for confronting me on it and giving me the courage to say what I really want in my life. I’ve always known it deep down but this was the first time I have ever admitted it to myself. I know I can do this. I will never be able to thank you enough.

- Suzy, 25

Thank you so much for taking the time out to do a reading for me and sharing your experience in the beginning. The reading was very detailed and I have a sense of profound clarity now where before I only had confusion and doubt. I’m definitely looking towards what life has to offer.

- Mark, 23

Oh my goodness this resonated with everything I’ve been going through! Wow!😯This was incredible! 😊 Somehow you were reading the entire story of my life, my heart & my soul. I will never forget this experience! Thank you so much! This was unbelievable!

- Kimberly, 37

Read Articles

By Mahdi

Learn The Cards

& Their Meanings


the basics of reading cards in


Sale Price: US$10.00 Original Price: US$20.00

The Show

This is not divination.

For the cards themselves are lifeless pieces of cardboard and speak no words.

This is not fortune telling.

For one’s fortune is not written unless one writes it for themselves.

This is cartomancy.

Mahdi knows cards in way that no one before him and no one after him will ever know them. Their true master, they come to life in his hands to enchant and speak to you. In this highly interactive & personal show he reveals some of the mysteries hidden in the leaves, their meanings and the messages they have for you. Every question will be answered and every secret will be revealed! By the end the only thing you will be left wondering is if this is mindreading, if this is magic or if the cards aren’t so lifeless after all…