Gemini Horoscope & Astrological Sign Meaning

as presented by

Mahdi The Magician

& Alexander, The Man Who Knows



the true map of the heavens according to the laws of science & mathematics, as passed down by the long line of ancient & medieval people

A Complete Guide to

The Twins


If You Were Born Between May 21st and June 21st


The Gemini Sign is the Third Sign of the Zodiac. The New Year really begins, in the course of Nature, when the Sun crosses the Equator, on March 21st, which ushers in the first day of Spring. When the Sun enters Gemini each year, on or about May 21st, we enter the third month of the year, as it should be, and possibly will be eventually, in our calendar; for January First is not really the beginning of the New Year in Nature. Gemini is at the head of the Airy Class, or Triplicity, which comprises the three Airy Signs, Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. These three Signs are in very harmonious relation to each other, and form a triangle in the Heavens, which is a very benevolent figure in Nature. Signs which form a square figure to each other, when lines are drawn between them, as Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, are in adverse relation to each other, and oppose rather than benefit.

The Gemini Sign is classified as a sanguine, double-bodied, common, mutable, changeable, masculine, intellectual sign, and is the day house of Mercury, the planet which rules the mind and brain. This is the Sign of Castor and Pollux, The Twins, and represents two natures in the one Sign, which tends to give its subjects a complex Individuality, or higher mind. The Sign the Sun is in at birth denotes the Individuality or higher mind, while the Sign the Moon is in at birth denotes the Personality or lower mind. The best time of the day to be born is at Sunrise or during the two hours just before Sunrise, which tends to make doubly strong and powerful Gemini characters.


This Sign is ruled by Mercury, which is known as the Intellectual planet. When Mercury is strong at birth, as in the Gemini or Virgo sign, the home signs of Mercury, or in the ascendent or midheaven, people so born are known to have superior intellects, literary ability and usually succeed in a literary or educational career, rather than in a business or commercial one. None of the planets, except Mercury, have their dignity or exaltation in this Sign; and in this respect the Gemini Sign differs from some of the other signs, in which at least two planets, except Jupiter and Mercury. The planet Jupiter has his weakness, detriment or debility when found in this Sign at birth; and, as it is this planet which endows one with generosity, benevolence, and a religious, philosophical nature, people born with Jupiter in Gemini generally lack these qualities and tend to be selfish. They are given to cold intellectual schemes, devoid of much sympathy or compassion unless other aspects and influences help to overcome these tendencies.

If they were born with the Gemini sign rising upon the Eastern horizon, as at Sunrise, or during the two hours before Sunrise, then Mercury is their principal ruling planet; but if they were born at some other time of the day, as when the Taurus sign was upon the East, then Venus is their principal ruling and Mercury their co-ruler. It is well to bear this distinction in mind, as Mercury is not the principal ruling planet of all Gemini people, and, in this connection a more extensive reading should be consulted.

Places Signified

This Sign signifies the hills and mountains, and people born with the Sun therein, or with a majority of the planets in the Airy Signs, as in Libra or Aquarius, find their best health and success in the high altitudes. This is the reason why people who suffer with lung troubles and have a predominance of the airy elements in their makeup, should live in the hilly and mountainous places, rather than in the valleys. As a rule, Gemini people should not congregate in large cities, but should live in the high rural districts, where they can have plenty of fresh, light, rarified and pure air. Gemini is a “Central” sign, and in choosing a residence, in segregated districts, these people should select a house near the middle of the block.

Personal Appearance

This Sign, especially when rising upon the Eastern horizon at birth, gives a tall, slender, upright, strong, wiry and active body, either in man or woman. The complexion is usually dark, the hair dark or almost black, the eyes hazel, piercing, wanton and the eye-sight usually quick and perfect. These condition may be modified or entirely reversed, when the Gemini Sign is not rising upon the Eastern horizon at birth, and a more extensive reading must be studied to arrive at an accurate description of each individual.


People born with the Sun in this Sign are usually very intellectual. They have depth of thought, literary ability, the power to pursue the higher learning, take degrees at the University and become leader in the intellectual activities of the world. They are usually artistic, adaptable, admire culture, and are fond of change and variety. Being a double-bodied sign, and typical of “The Twins,” the Gemini born people tend to be dual, or doubled minded, and having the Sun and Mercury evilly aspected by Saturn and Mars at birth, will tend to give them a deceitful and secretive nature. The inner mind, or Individuality, of the Gemini people tends to be somewhat mutable, changeable, lacking in self-confidence and reliance, which often leads to an indecisive tendency in their affairs of life, causing them to miss the psychological moment and permit many good opportunities to pass unused. For this reason, it is often well for Gemini people to work with others, who will push them forward and assume final responsibility in their affairs. Dangers of scattering the mental energies and lack of concentration is indicated, and careful study along psychological lines should prove very beneficial.

Gemini people are not unduly ambitious, not active, in the business world, unless they have many planets in the cardinal signs, elevated above the horizon or rising in the East at birth. It has been noticed that Gemini people do not always make the most dependable friends, but being born of a dual nature gives them great versatility and power for making and holding friends, not enjoyed by others. They are inclined to be restless, suspicious, contradictory, and to a tendency of leaving many tasks unfinished. It is necessary for some of them to overcome their inclination to talk too much and their tendency to prevaricate. In order to define the different temperamental qualities of the Gemini people, a more extensive forecast should be studied.


Gemini rules the arms, shoulders, hands, lungs, and bronchial tubes, so that people born with the Sun in this sign are especially subject to diseases in these parts of the body. They are also subject to nervous disorders, traceable to improper care of the stomach, and should exercise discretion in their diet. If the Sun be with Mars in Gemini at birth, there is a greater possibility of accidents to the arms and hands, of colds on the chest, and of pneumonia and pleurisy. Saturn in the Gemini Sign at birth, lends tubercular tendencies, especially in the evil periods of Saturn along through life. It is therefore essential that persons thus aspected do not worry or weaken, and that they know the periods and cycles in Nature for good or adverse health as indicated by Astrology.

* Any of the medical illnesses listed in this section can result in serious injury and/or death and should be examined and treated urgently by a medical professional.


Because the Sun in Gemini at birth gives strong intellectuality these people often become great teachers, educators, college presidents, authors, correspondents and interpreters of languages. They are not by Nature created for hard manual labor and should succeed in occupations of business requiring brain power. Being very artistic and clever with their hands, Gemini women especially, make good artists, designers, lace and fancy workers, decorators, and masseurs. The sense of touch is highly developed and they seem to have brains in their hands. Gemini persons owing to their dual nature, are more versatile than the other signs, and they are often found carrying on more than occupation at a time. The conditions that rule over the House of Vocation, the aspects between the planets, and the signs occupied by all the planets, should be carefully studied in a more extensive reading to determine the particular adaptability of each individual.

Marriage Suitability

Easily led by persons of the opposite sex, the Gemini people should find more real return of their affections in this having eyes and hair the opposite of their own. Because of the great harmony existing between those belonging to the Airy class, Gemini people have been found to mate well with those born in Libra, Aquarius and their own sign. Healthy and talented children are usually the fruit of such unions. Being a double-bodied sign the planets often bring about troublesome complications with the opposite sex, and, to determine their marriage suitability, and the points of affinity or repulsion between them, a careful study should be made of a more extensive reading for both contracting parties.

Gems and Colors

The Beryl and Aquamarine — Red, White and Blue

Noted Gemini People

Some of the world’s most noted people born with the Sun in this Sign are — President Donald Trump, Che Guevara, Tupac, Bob Dylan, Xi Jinping, Ted Kaczynski, Paul McCartney, Marquis de Sade, John F. Kennedy, Henry Kissinger, Kanye West, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Sir Conan Doyle, Walt Whitman, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Queen Victoria, Wagner, Allen Ginsberg, Jay Gould and William Rockefeller.

Some of the noted actors and screen stars are — Clint Eastwood, Douglas Fairbanks, Marilyn Monroe, Johnny Depp, Natalie Portman, Angelina Jolie, John Wayne, Morgan Freeman, Liam Neeson, Ian McKellen, Gene Wilder, Christopher Lee, Errol Flynn, Mark Wahlberg and Tom Holland.

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The intellectual planet Mercury exerts such a strong astrological influence over the affairs of the Gemini people, that it is very advisable for them to have in their possession an Astrological Forecast and Extensive Reading, which should prove benefit to them, and serve as a daily guide in pointing of their “good” and “adverse” periods all during the year.

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Mahdi The Magician

I perform wonders without hands and walk the earth without feet.

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