Discover Your Star Sign

Astrological Star Chart & Readings

An Astrological Star Chart & Reading covers many areas of life, and the star map of birth deals with, shows and indicates the lines of action that should be followed in many phase of human affairs, and in many of the complicated situations that can arise in the life of an individual, there is a solution to be found in the star map, and in the present movements of the planets, as they affect this map of birth, and the individual, in any year of life.

It requires considerable skill in the mathematics of Astrology to erect a true map of the Heavens for the time of your birth, but this office is prepared to deliver only the highest grade of work, and that is thoroughly scientific, founded upon the laws of Science, as they have been worked out through ages of observation and experience, and as they are handed down to us today from the Ancient and Medieval people.

Astrological Star Chart & Reading
from US$30.00

It is fully understood in advising you on any subject, Mahdi makes no claim to the supernatural, and does not locate lost friends, lost or stolen articles, nor tell fortunes.

Trusting we may be of service to you along this great and important line, and that we may have the privilege of getting you started right in life, or to get you into your proper work and calling, believe us to be,

Yours for greater success,


  • Astrological Forecast & Extensive Reading

    Our charge for this work is $30 which will entitle you to a written horoscope with your planetary predictions for the next year, along the lines of health, finance, travel, etc. You also have the privilege of asking our advice on as many as three questions.

  • Personal Horoscope & Complete Reading

    Our charge for this work is $150 which will entitle you to a not less than seven-page written horoscope with your planetary predictions for the next five years, along the lines of health, finance, travel, etc. You also have the privilege of asking our advice on as many as five questions.

Reveals Your

  • Finance

    Giving the conditions in your map as regards finance, prospect of wealth and business success; whether you were intended for great or medium success in life; whether to engage in business for yourself, or work in employ; your prospects for a legacy, or to marry wealth; whether you are subject to losses or poverty, etc.

  • Travel & Location

    Whether or not to travel, and in what direction; whether you would be more fortunate in a foreign country than in the land of your birth; your best location for health and business success.

  • Vocation

    What you are best fitted for by Nature, and the work for which you were born, and intended by the Powers above; whether your star map shows great prominence in the profession or vocation, or more of obscurity; whether you are apt to have fame and unusual honors; whether you are to be a leader or a follower.

  • Mental Traits

    The nature of your mind, whether studious or not; whether mild or naturally high-tempered; whether kind, generous, benevolent and hospitable, or the opposite; whether passionate, and tending to the sensuous, or the contrary; your possibilities as to higher education; what line of work or study to pursue, and how best to develop your type of mind, etc.

  • Marriage & Love Affairs

    Whether you are fortunate in these matters or not; the kind and type of a person to marry, giving the birthdays or favorable ones for your nature; whether the married life is indicated and best for you, and how to make the best of it, and be happy. True marriages can be made by the leadings of Astrology, and it is the duty of every young couple to have both of their star maps prepared, and compared, for points of sympathy or repulsion, before taking the final step.

  • Health

    The diseases you are naturally subject to; the parts of the body most ill-fated from birth; your natural degree of vitality; prospects of long life; the periods when Nature favors health in your case; also your questions answered along health lines, and advice given.

  • Friends & Enemies

    Whether you tend to be popular or unpopular, and to have many friends or few; whether you are subject to enemies or not; the birthdays of people who will make your best friends, and the birthdays of your possible enemies.

  • & More!

    Other matters will be considered, such as partnerships, domestic life, brothers, sisters, children, and also matters gone into in great detail along lines upon which you ask questions.

Astrological Star Chart & Reading
from US$30.00

It is fully understood in advising you on any subject, Mahdi makes no claim to the supernatural, and does not locate lost friends, lost or stolen articles, nor tell fortunes.

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