Mined In Benares, India

Raw & Uncut Crystal


That ancient & mysterious City

Where I followed his footsteps,

where I walked because he walked,

Looked where he looked and found what was lost

like footsteps in the sands of time, for an entire century,

Forgotten by the entire world.

I have been searching

my whole life &

the Four corners of the Earth for this.

The same secret of the Yogis, Mahatmas, and Wise Men of Egypt and India,

whose mental achievements and marvellous powers

have been the talk and wonderment of the whole civilized world.

Over oceans and through ancient ruins. I have been deeper into the mountain than anyone has ever been. All in search for the source of his power. A stone, a crystal that was real magic… but what I found were much greater things than even this…

I thought I was finding a hidden relic, a lost wonder of the world but in truth I found myself and the secret.

The power was not in the crystal…

it was in me.

You have heard of Hindu swamis standing in the center of a crowd of spectators, and taking hundreds of pounds of live eels out of a small kettle that they had previously shown empty. You have heard of them planting a mango seed in a pot of earth and in less than fifteen minutes, before your eyes a tree was grown covered with fruit. You have heard of how they were able to influence the most deadly of reptiles, the cobra snake, to do their bidding and follow an enemy hundreds of miles and kill in the middle of the night. These things to the uninitiated look like miracles. But there is nothing that they have ever done any more than I have ever done that is supernatural. There is nothing that they do or have done that any human being with ordinary intelligence cannot do just as well as they can when once the secret is properly understood…

Discover Ancient Secrets

Polished crystal rock brilliant from much handling

There is no magic in these crystals

Just as there is no magic in those old natives, who spend their lives out in the mountains and jungles training themselves by means of concentration on a given subject. They sit and stare at polished rocks and bits of bright metal and crystal until they are able to drive every other thought away but just the one thought until their minds become powerful.



The Magic Crystal

Learn the secret knowledge hidden for over a century in the Lost Library of Alexander, Crystal Seer.

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Magic Crystal

Unearthed in Benares, India by Mahdi. Their marvellous powers have been the talk and wonderment of the whole civilized world. Uncut and raw.

The Crystal

is completely powerless,

nothing but a shiny stone.

Read More About The Magic Crystal

What Was lost will be found. What is locked will opened. What was his will be yours.

“It is my secret, it is my success!”

- Alexander, The Man Who Knows

There is nothing MIRACULOUS OR SUPERNATURAL about me or my work…

I was born in Benares, India, in 1867. The first incident in my life that impressed itself upon me with any marked degree and that, by the way, still stands out in my memory as the turning-point in my life, occurred one day when I was about fourteen years of age. On that day, I recall, I had gone down to the Ragaro, (what we would call a public square or plaza in this country), and there I discovered a great number of gurkhas, swami and yogis, who had just come in from the surrounding mountain and jungle country on their annual religious pilgrimage. Instantly they attracted me, these strange men in their motley array of quaint costumes and filthy rags mingled with the occasional withered arm or palsied hand or the marks of self-flagellation across bared shoulders—fanatics or penitents, I found, self-immolated upon their religious fervor.

I was fascinated, hypnotized, drawn irresistibly toward them. Day after day and on every excuse and pretext I slipped back to the square to hang on the fringe of the concourse and stare my boyish eyes out in wonder. I studied them as you would study a strange new type of animal. They were different beings to me, from another world, and I never tired of watching them.

I found that they would often sit in silence for hours, heads bowed, bodies rigid, utterly insensible to my presence, utterly unconscious of the world about them, their eyes fixed in an unwinking stare upon bits of shining rocks and fragments of crystal

In conclusion, let me say,


You need only open the door.

This Crystal Is Yours.

It has been waiting for you for billions of years.

Take What belongs to you.

Magic Crystal