Libra Horoscope & Astrological Sign Meaning
Astrology, You, Magic, Wonders, The Body, The Will, Success, Psychology, Relationships Mahdi The Magician Astrology, You, Magic, Wonders, The Body, The Will, Success, Psychology, Relationships Mahdi The Magician

Libra Horoscope & Astrological Sign Meaning

Libra is the Seventh Sign of the Zodiac, counting from Aries the First, and is the Sign directly opposite Aries in the Zodiac. Libra is classed as a cardinal, masculine, positive, movable, hot, moist, diurnal, sanguine, humane, Western sign, and is the chief of Day House of Venus.

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Virgo Horoscope & Astrological Sign Meaning
Astrology, You, Wonders, Magic, The Body, The Will, Psychology, Success, Relationships Mahdi The Magician Astrology, You, Wonders, Magic, The Body, The Will, Psychology, Success, Relationships Mahdi The Magician

Virgo Horoscope & Astrological Sign Meaning

Virgo is the Sixth Sign of the Zodiac, in their order from Aries, and is known as an Equinoctial Sign, for, when the Sun reaches the end of this Sign each year on or about September 21st, the days and nights are equal.

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Cancer Horoscope & Astrological Sign Meaning
Astrology, You, Wonders, Magic, Relationships, Success, Psychology, The Body, The Will Mahdi The Magician Astrology, You, Wonders, Magic, Relationships, Success, Psychology, The Body, The Will Mahdi The Magician

Cancer Horoscope & Astrological Sign Meaning

The Cancer Sign is the Fourth Sign of the Zodiac, counting from Aries the Head. It is the most Northern of the Signs, and when the Sun enters this sign each year on or about June 21st, we have the first day of summer, and the longest day in the year.

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Aries Horoscope & Astrological Sign Meaning
You, Astrology, Wonders, Relationships, Success, The Body, Psychology, Magic, The Will Mahdi The Magician You, Astrology, Wonders, Relationships, Success, The Body, Psychology, Magic, The Will Mahdi The Magician

Aries Horoscope & Astrological Sign Meaning

Aries is the first Sign of the Zodiac, and is known as an Equinoctial Sign, because when the Sun enters the first degree of Aries each year, on the first day of Spring, about March 21st, the days and nights are equal.

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The True Meaning of The Queen of Spades
Magic, Wonders, Relationships, Psychology Mahdi The Magician Magic, Wonders, Relationships, Psychology Mahdi The Magician

The True Meaning of The Queen of Spades

There are times in our life that feel heavy as if we are under a dark cloud. This metaphorical cloud makes it hard for us to have clarity and focus and leaves us feeling drained of energy. Although sometimes these are natural feelings that come with the seasons of life, at other times they are caused by people, things, and situations.

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The True Meaning of The Ten of Clubs
Magic, Wonders, Relationships, Success Mahdi The Magician Magic, Wonders, Relationships, Success Mahdi The Magician

The True Meaning of The Ten of Clubs

Sometimes it seems that wherever you turn, help is nowhere to be found. With each passing moment you feel more and more in despair and you think to yourself, why me? What can I do? No one wants to help you or seems capable of helping you. You become more and more hopeless until you lose all hope. That is when the Ten of Clubs appears.

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The True Meaning of The Five of Hearts
Magic, Wonders, Psychology Mahdi The Magician Magic, Wonders, Psychology Mahdi The Magician

The True Meaning of The Five of Hearts

There is a theory that time moves slower when we are young because we have only been alive for such a short time so we have less reference points but as we grow older we experience so much that time moves faster because we have seen it all and done it all before. Nothing is new under the sun for those of us who have been there and done that.

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