Libra Horoscope & Astrological Sign Meaning
Libra is the Seventh Sign of the Zodiac, counting from Aries the First, and is the Sign directly opposite Aries in the Zodiac. Libra is classed as a cardinal, masculine, positive, movable, hot, moist, diurnal, sanguine, humane, Western sign, and is the chief of Day House of Venus.

Virgo Horoscope & Astrological Sign Meaning
Virgo is the Sixth Sign of the Zodiac, in their order from Aries, and is known as an Equinoctial Sign, for, when the Sun reaches the end of this Sign each year on or about September 21st, the days and nights are equal.

Leo Horoscope & Astrological Sign Meaning
Leo is the Fifth sign of the Zodiac. The Leo Sign is of the East, and is classed as a fiery, hot, fixed, dry, barren, diurnal, masculine, positive, commanding sign.

Cancer Horoscope & Astrological Sign Meaning
The Cancer Sign is the Fourth Sign of the Zodiac, counting from Aries the Head. It is the most Northern of the Signs, and when the Sun enters this sign each year on or about June 21st, we have the first day of summer, and the longest day in the year.

Gemini Horoscope & Astrological Sign Meaning
The Gemini Sign is the Third Sign of the Zodiac. The New Year really begins, in the course of Nature, when the Sun crosses the Equator, on March 21st, which ushers in the first day of Spring.

Taurus Horoscope & Astrological Sign Meaning
Taurus is the Second Sign of the Zodiac, the next after Aries, as represented in the Grand Man, made in the Image of God.

Aries Horoscope & Astrological Sign Meaning
Aries is the first Sign of the Zodiac, and is known as an Equinoctial Sign, because when the Sun enters the first degree of Aries each year, on the first day of Spring, about March 21st, the days and nights are equal.

The True Meaning of The Five of Spades
Realize that things will happen the way that they will happen and at their own time. Slow down and pace yourself, realizing that a sustained and constant application and effort will give you better results.

The True Meaning of The Four of Spades
Simple solutions resolve conflict further down the line so always be aware of what you are promising and make sure you can deliver. It is always better to be realistic and deliver than to overpromise and underdeliver.

The True Meaning of The Three of Spades
We have the habit of overvaluing when resources and chances are rare and undervaluing when we have an abundance. Both are incorrect ways of seeing and can hurt you even if you do not realize it in the moment.

The True Meaning of The King of Diamonds
We must perceive how the world is changing and constantly think about how we will adapt to it. If you don’t, you will simply be left behind.

The True Meaning of The Queen of Spades
There are times in our life that feel heavy as if we are under a dark cloud. This metaphorical cloud makes it hard for us to have clarity and focus and leaves us feeling drained of energy. Although sometimes these are natural feelings that come with the seasons of life, at other times they are caused by people, things, and situations.

The True Meaning of The Jack of Clubs
We create threads wherever we go in the world. We are constantly meeting people and making connections. Some connections only last a few seconds while others last entire lifetimes. It is helpful to see these threads as lines of thread.

The True Meaning of The Jack of Diamonds
This card tells us that proximity does not equal stability and that you need to be very careful with what you entrust to those who are close to you. This card ordinarily serves as a warning and with experience you will know how to walk this complicated and thin line.

The True Meaning of The Four of Diamonds
Lies are designed to deceive and you will not be able to discern the truth from the fiction. There are reasons why it is best not to discuss certain topics and one of those is that keeping things secret keeps them safe.

The True Meaning of The Three of Clubs
This money is coming to a partner because it has a purpose in your story. Do not think that this means that the money is yours or you have a say in it but rather understand what can be accomplished with this money and what it means to your relationship with your partner.

The True Meaning of The Ten of Clubs
Sometimes it seems that wherever you turn, help is nowhere to be found. With each passing moment you feel more and more in despair and you think to yourself, why me? What can I do? No one wants to help you or seems capable of helping you. You become more and more hopeless until you lose all hope. That is when the Ten of Clubs appears.

The True Meaning of The Five of Hearts
There is a theory that time moves slower when we are young because we have only been alive for such a short time so we have less reference points but as we grow older we experience so much that time moves faster because we have seen it all and done it all before. Nothing is new under the sun for those of us who have been there and done that.

The True Meaning of The Ace of Spades
They say that there was once a place where the earth was soaked in blood and tears and that is where the brightest flowers grew. Transform pain into paradise and the bad into good. All these things and more are possible if you believe.

The True Meaning of The Six of Spades
Be bold and make a first bold step. Like a baby you will most likely fall flat on your face but those big first steps must be repeated over and over for you to make small improvements and see yourself progressing little by little.