The True Meaning of The Three of Spades

3♠️ as presented by




the art & science of seeing & reading, as passed down by the ancient & medieval people through the line line of the observant

When it rains it pours and so often in life we notice that either things come all at once or not at all. We lack balance because of this and in our instability we are pressured to make decisions without a clear head. The Three of Spades warns us about this and provides us with a solution that we can apply to our lives. It tells us to

beware of deciding too fast


Don’t react.



and to think before we commit. Opportunities will present themselves to you like an oasis in the desert when you are in dire thirst. Of course your first instinct will be to jump at the chance to the point where you may break all standards and rules you have decided for yourself. This happens in all areas from business to romance to many people from all walks of life. Alternatively, we might be overloaded at times with opportunities to the point where we don’t care about losing a good thing. We have the habit of overvaluing when resources and chances are rare and undervaluing when we have an abundance. Both are incorrect ways of seeing and can hurt you even if you do not realize it in the moment. The solution is to take a deep breath and detach from your current situation. Imagine the opportunity under different circumstances and ask yourself what it is worth and if you would still be interested. Pulling away from the present will help you to see the big picture and if this thing aligns with the path you want to be on. Will this thing help you or hinder you from arriving where you need to be? Think about it and take your time answering.

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the art & science of seeing & reading, as passed down by the ancient & medieval people through the line line of the observant

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