The True Meaning of The Ten of Diamonds
Everything is changing and we change with it. We do not notice these changes day by day, even in our environment, but when we are shown old photos we can recognize how much the landscape has changed.

The True Meaning of The Nine of Hearts
People aim and strive for a counterfeit or placeholder or parallel to their actual wish. For instance, a person might want a comfortable life filled with peace but instead they aim for the wealth that might make that situation possible for them.

The True Meaning of The Two of Hearts
The key is to find someone who will compliment your weaknesses and someone whose shortcomings can be supplemented by you. This will be an asymmetrical and symbiotic relationship but if both parties benefit then they will both be happy with the arrangement and feel good about it.

The True Meaning of The Eight of Hearts
Like the seasons of the years we have seasons of our lives and this card represents festivities, the season of coming together and merrymaking.

The True Meaning of The Jack of Spades
Young people may have good intentions and act for your good and the good of the situation but in their youth they lack the experience and wisdom that comes with age. Unfortunately, this can cause their energy and efforts to be reversed and accidentally turn something good into something bad. They don’t know better but they are trying.

The True Meaning of The Queen of Clubs
Some women carry with them a secret attraction. The way they carry themselves with confidence is attractive to both sexes and everyone wants to be around them. Men want to be with them and women want to be them.

The True Meaning of The Ace of Clubs
Opening your heart always brings good things into your life so always choose love. Be careful though not to pursue love for what it can bring but for the love in and of itself.

The True Meaning of The Six of Clubs
Do not be arrogant and fool yourself into thinking that you have succeeded before you succeed. Nothing is finished until it is finished and many people have failed because they let their guard down near the finish line.

The True Meaning of The Eight of Diamonds
You have a lot more than many people in this world and yet what have you been able to do with it? We always think that when we have more that we will be able to do more and although there is some truth to that do not fool yourself into thinking it is the whole truth.

The True Meaning of The Seven of Clubs
Business or pleasure? What a question and who among us hasn’t thought of mixing the two at times. The temptation rises despite our best judgement and it has been the ruin of many a man and woman.

The True Meaning of The Nine of Diamonds
When we are closest to fulfilling our purpose and achieving our goal that is when it hits us. We all of a sudden begin to doubt all our work and second guess everything.

The True Meaning of The Two of Diamonds
We are always being held to account and judged on things that don’t concern other people. This is most obvious when we fall in love.

The True Meaning of The Three of Diamonds
It is sometimes better for three to devote themselves to a cause because each can alternately be mediator to the other two when two clash. The key is for each person to keep their eye on the prize so that the two do not conspire against the one.

The True Meaning of The Five of Clubs
You have made so many connections, deep and powerful connections, over the years and these are rich and diverse resources that you need to tap in order to move forward.

The True Meaning of The Four of Hearts
You have to move forward and on whether you want to or not.

The True Meaning of The King of Clubs
Knowledge is power but wisdom is action and both are useless unless you make use of them in the right way.

The True Meaning of The Nine of Clubs
You must discern who are the right people to team up with and court them. It is not enough to figure out who they are, you must find out what they truly want.

The True Meaning of The Two of Clubs
Often our conversations seamlessly shift to talking about the people involved instead of the ideas themselves. We almost can’t stop ourselves, it is so irresistible and natural, it just happens. When we catch ourselves, it’s too late. We are gossiping!

The True Meaning of The Eight of Spades
Persistence is noble and will take you very far with plans and in life but there are dangers to just powering ahead.

The True Meaning of The Eight of Clubs
The neverending hunger for more profits is a plague on this nation and will surely lead to our ruin. Has it not been said that the love of money is the root of all evil?