About The Magic Wand
Astrologers in pointing to stars and maps used sticks, of course, schoolmasters do so even today. If Seers and Necromancers of old and of later times claimed that the implement was essential in their ritualistic simulachres, so do we.

Reading The Leaves
A child lives by faith and sees the story hidden underneath the story, the poem between the life and death, and the truth beneath the lies.

Mysteries of The Dark
Every life begins with a struggle in the dark against all odds.

Secrets Hidden In The Leaves
An unbelievable secret of the leaves is that they are alive. They may seem to the uninitiated to be inanimate but they are as alive as the forests from which they came.

Mahdi Becomes The Magician
The visions that appeared to me when I closed my eyes became a dream and then transformed into a blueprint. If everything I wanted was impossible for me then I would become a magician because a magician can do anything.

Youtube Algorithm Linking Performances & Exposés
With magic, even though only a small percentage will search for the secret of a magic trick on Youtube after watching a performance it will effect the viewing experience of all users as exposés will be suggested to them.

Mahdi Performs Magic For Penélope Cruz On El Hormiguero
Penélope Cruz is magic!

Accept Joy, Freedom & Success
You are going to win, you are sure to succeed, you will have a new power.

Receive Health, Abundance, & Victory
Do your own thinking. Never say you are beaten.

Sending Codes For Thought Projection
Actualize the thing you desire. See it as already having happened.

How Alexander Developed His Medium Abilities
You will come to realize the unfolding of a new power within you, giving you guidance, personal power, confidence, protection and abounding success.

What Is Silent Influence?
Thought is powerful. A well-directed thought will travel thousands of miles. A forceful thought will go on its errand charged with a mighty power that will often beat down the resistances of the minds of others to outside impressions.

The Power of Dynamic Thought
Within you are infinite powers and possibilities.

Silent Influence Through Personal Magnetism
Magnetic Influence has been the closely guarded secret of certain mystic orders for centuries. It has always, in the past, been retained for the benefit of the few. Now it is available for all who will take the trouble to develop their minds.

Self-Induce Belief
Lift your mind and spirit into an actualized state of Belief. It shall be as you desire.

Develop Sexual Vitality
Sex has been the ruin of many a man and woman, who might have been almost sublime had they not been crushed by the ungoverned power of this great force.

Alexander's Special Exercises to Develop Projective Power
The mind is prone to wander, to glance aside at things, to flit from one thought to another as idly as a butterfly. You must overcome this tendency. Command your attention to dwell upon one object at a time and compel obedience.

Develop Your Psychic Intuition With Alexander
Psychologists tell us that the conscious mind is only a minute portion of the total mind of man. Lying dormant and unexpressed are extraordinary powers and potential faculties.

The Silence of Alexander
There will come a time when you, who may have been merely drifting along with the tide, with no thought of whither or why, will make an effort to step aside from the multitude.

Silent Influence Through Mental Concentration
Your true power of mental concentration is, to a great extent, your measure of greatness.