Accept Joy, Freedom & Success

The members of the Crystal Silence League, each one of us, will send you daily Mental Treatments in the form of Affirmative Prayers, with direct Dynamic Thought Forces in Codes of Health, Strength, Guidance, Freedom, Success, Personal Power, and Happiness. These blessings come from Spirit and from the Divine. They are sent to you by one who cares. Durinng the time over which these mental treatments continue I wish you to relax your mind and body at every opportuinity you have during the day. When you relax, make a mental picture of yourself as being just as you wish to be, or having reached the desired point of achievement, or possessing the object of your desires. Assent and believe you have all. Receive your Blessings.

Be Bravely and Expectantly Joyful: Believe that just what you wish, desire, hope for, and look for shall be yours. Let go of all anxiety, doubt, fear, or worry. Drop them all. In their place put glad, joyful, hopeful, and expectant thoughts and KEEP THEM DAILY WITH YOU!

Alexander & The Magic Crystal


Mahdi The Magician Edition

PDF | 182 Pages

Alexander & The Magic Crystal, is your initiation into the secrets hidden in The Lost Library of Alexander.

C. Alexander’s story starts in Benares, that ancient and mysterious city where he discovers the secret of the crystal. The hidden knowledge that he will use to astound millions around the world as The Crystal Seer and The Man Who Knows.

This is a compilation of books that Alexander created to help his audience develop their intuition, master their mind, and silently influence the world around them.

  • Bonus: Alexander’s Astrological Readings

"I can surmount, with ease, all the barriers, obstacles, and opposition that may confront me."

Drop Fear Thoughts: No matter what you fear, no matter how very real it is, I wish you to realize that you are Protected. Then, in full knowledge of that Protection, every time the fear thought arises say to yourself: "It shall not be, it cannot happen, for between me and it, abide Infinite Spiritual and Mental Forces which protect me."

Success Thought Tonics: You have not failed, it's the thing you tried to do that failed. You are the impersonation of limitless power. Start anew. Make a mental picture of the success you wish to achieve. Then focalize your mind forces on that one picture or plan - not with tense agony, half doubt, or fear, but with a spirit of indomitable joy and full expectation. Keep it up. Don't quit. If you will be daring and joyful, a thousand forces will rise to bear you on and on. I can reach you at once if you will keep your mind open joyfully. You are going to win, you are sure to succeed, you will have a new power.

"The happiness and success I desire are mine."

You Are Free! Drop the past. Start new. Come with me. From this hour think with me in positive joy, mirth, cheer, hope, love, laughter. Joyfully think it. No matter what imprisons, opposes, restrains you, think, feel, and play that you are free. Mirthfully, cheerily, gladly laugh, sing, and whistle at the mountain that threatens to crush you and it will melt away. Be free of all wrangling, cheap discussion, idle gossip, bitter speaking, quarrels. Be so abounding in the spirit of true joy that no person or condition in this world can upset you. You'll win. Be free of doubts, suspicions, fears, and anxieties. Do not listen to tales of loss, defeat and disaster; doing so is a morbid habit. Be so free, strong, and clear in your compassion, cheer, gladness, courage, joy, and hope that no power on Earth can make you whine, grovel, despair, or break. Say this little Code, sent to you with love from all who care for you: "I am FREE. I have no fear. All is well. I shall triumph. Freedom, Joy, and Happiness are mine." Say it until it becomes music in your soul; then you will have power.

Mahdi The Magician

I perform wonders without hands and walk the earth without feet.

Mahdi Performs Magic For Penélope Cruz On El Hormiguero


Receive Health, Abundance, & Victory