Develop Sexual Vitality



Love is a direct result of the influences that sexuality exerts. The immediate expression of this wonderful influence supports not only physical reproduction, but also is responsible for a great of the happiness people find in marriage.

Alexander & The Magic Crystal


Mahdi The Magician Edition

PDF | 182 Pages

Alexander & The Magic Crystal, is your initiation into the secrets hidden in The Lost Library of Alexander.

C. Alexander’s story starts in Benares, that ancient and mysterious city where he discovers the secret of the crystal. The hidden knowledge that he will use to astound millions around the world as The Crystal Seer and The Man Who Knows.

This is a compilation of books that Alexander created to help his audience develop their intuition, master their mind, and silently influence the world around them.

  • Bonus: Alexander’s Astrological Readings

Sex is a powerful force for good. The trouble is that men and women are assailed by negative forms of sensuality at all ages and from many sources, and the more they indulge in it indiscriminately, the more it dimishes their MENTAL POWER and lessens their moral tendencies.

Abuse of the sex function brings about a diseased state of mind. Obsession takes the place of longing, and mere release takes the place of sacred union. The most disagreeable person in the world is one who has wasted all of his or her sexual vitality, retaining no magnetic force; such a person's brain, being the greatest sufferer, cannot do its best work under such conditions.

Unbridled passion is like a horse that has run away with the cart. Sex has been the ruin of many a man and woman, who might have been almost sublime had they not been crushed by the ungoverned power of this great force. Abstention from sex is not encouraged as a solution to this problem, but the more that a person indulges in wanton and impersonal lust, the stronger the force of such desires will become, until the person is no longer capable of resisting, and the mind and character are weakened.

Strength of Will can save you. Many young men and women start life giving promise of a brilliant career, but fail to fulfill this promise; they lose their grip on life's realities, their mental faculties become more or less disordered, and the life that seemed so full of promise goes out in disaster. Not always, but all too often, a leading cause of this sad failure lies in the fact that they have become slaves to their senses, and, lacking the strength of Will which could save them, they finally drift into actually debauchery. Until a new form of sexual education has succeeded in educating men and women to the true value of their sexual passion, such failures in life will continue to beset the weak.

True chastity. It is commonly thought that to be chaste is to reject sexual pleasure, but this is not so. Chastity is to sex as proper diet is to food and drink, or as willed self-control is to mentality. Men and women who wish to be chaste must shield themselves from the unwholesome social factors which arouse their natural sexual sensibilities in illegitmate or improper ways. The chaste person enjoys great brain power and healthful sexuality because his mind has not been led astray by false imagery or immorality.

The deplorable and inexcusable conditions existing in the lives of thousands of men and women, directly traceable to ignorance on this subject, have been brought to my attention by contact with millions of people in my more than a score of years of this work. This has prompted me to write something on the subject, in the hope that the information may serve to avoid sexual calamities in the lives of my readers.

Sex Force is the vital power of affinity. The proper control and transmutation of SEX FORCE is the greatest factor for mental strength and spiritual development. Sexual regeneration is capable of rejuvenating the whole body. By careful study of this subject, you too will discover that the proper preservation and application of your Sex Force or vital power is the real secret of a masterful personality, personal magnetism, mental development, spiritual communion, and the means by which you may bring about a sweeter, nobler, and better life.

Mahdi The Magician

I perform wonders without hands and walk the earth without feet.

Self-Induce Belief


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