Sending Codes For Thought Projection


When using the Crystal to Send, it is well to formulate your ideas, affirmations, and prayers into brief messages. We call these "codes" because they resemble compressed and encrypted ideas that, unfolded in the mind of the Receiver, betoken vast changes. Make a mental picture of the person or persons you wish to reach with your mental message. Let your thought be positive, joyful, expectant. Actualize the thing you desire. See it as already having happened. Put great faith into your code work. Keep up the code work. Make codes of your own.

For Attraction from a Distance: "Yes, I am calling you, (person's name), and you hear me, feel my presence and realize it as near. You are coming close to me. No matter what hinders our meeting, it shall be removed. You are to see me. I shall do all in my power to make you glad when we meet. New ways shall open for us."

Alexander & The Magic Crystal


Mahdi The Magician Edition

PDF | 182 Pages

Alexander & The Magic Crystal, is your initiation into the secrets hidden in The Lost Library of Alexander.

C. Alexander’s story starts in Benares, that ancient and mysterious city where he discovers the secret of the crystal. The hidden knowledge that he will use to astound millions around the world as The Crystal Seer and The Man Who Knows.

This is a compilation of books that Alexander created to help his audience develop their intuition, master their mind, and silently influence the world around them.

  • Bonus: Alexander’s Astrological Readings

For Job-Getting and Raises in Position: "I shall attain the position and win success. I am glad, confident, expectant, excited, and ready. I am mentally and physically prepared, willing, and earnestly active to fill this position creditably."

For Salesmanship: "I shall be successful. I am confident. I am poised. I am strong. I am in a cheerful mood. I will not talk negatives, nor berate conditions, nor knock my competitors. I have the information needed; I have the goods that others want, and I am ready to share them with those in need."

For Friendship: "I am happy in the confidence of my friend, (person's name). We are agreed. We are in harmony. We are united. My friend is drawing nearer to me daily."

For True Love: "My love is real, unselfish, positive, and abounding. It shall attract and hold you, (person's name) and we shall not fail, nor be separated, nor give way to any misunderstanding. Our love shall unite us. We shall marry soon. We shall not delay. All promises between us shall be fulfilled."

For Quarrels: "We are both wrong. We were foolish. We shall forgive and forget. We will become so glad, letting love and reason rule, happy in our purpose and work, that no ill-will or wrong thinking shall have any power over us."

For Healing: "Joyfully I see you (person's name) in health, strong, well, restored, active, and happy. You are free of pain, made whole in body and mind."

For Domination: "My Will is strong. I make a positive impression on those coming into my mental atmosphere. People like me. I am surrounded with a mental atmosphere that causes them to follow and obey me. I am master of my environs. Nothing affects me adversely. I am MASTER."

For Disappointment: "This shall pass away. You (name of person) are greater than this act or condition. It shall not hurt you. You will turn it to good. You shall be made far wiser and stronger due to this time of trial. Having gone through this, you will find that both your personal insight and your compassion for others will increase in every way. There is good to come from this. I await news of your future joy."

Mahdi The Magician

I perform wonders without hands and walk the earth without feet.

Receive Health, Abundance, & Victory


How Alexander Developed His Medium Abilities