Receive Health, Abundance, & Victory

Remember, messages of Silent Influence sent to you and prayers made on your behalf combine with your own affirmative prayers to produce organic changes in the body through suggestion. Affirmative prayers check disease, heal tissue, reduce pain, increase vitality, and impart mental and moral courage. Keep them up through a good length of time and you will get permanent results in brain, body, and soul. I shall work for you daily, as will we all, that you may have the fullest measure of deliverance, freedom, fulfillment, health, guidance, success, and new personal power come to you.

"Never give up."

Alexander & The Magic Crystal


Mahdi The Magician Edition

PDF | 182 Pages

Alexander & The Magic Crystal, is your initiation into the secrets hidden in The Lost Library of Alexander.

C. Alexander’s story starts in Benares, that ancient and mysterious city where he discovers the secret of the crystal. The hidden knowledge that he will use to astound millions around the world as The Crystal Seer and The Man Who Knows.

This is a compilation of books that Alexander created to help his audience develop their intuition, master their mind, and silently influence the world around them.

  • Bonus: Alexander’s Astrological Readings

Health Thought Tonics: Begin to think of yourself as well, strong, filled with real life energy. Allow no one to destroy your Faith, nor talk sick talk to you. Put Joy into your thoughts, your words, your work, and every expression of life. Remember, within you a Voice says: "Be renewed in the Spirit of your Mind. ARISE AND GO FORTH." Say it: "I am well, healed, renewed, restored and I do the things I wish to do with joy, strength, freedom, and efficiency." Do it. Do it this hour. Do it NOW. I shall so think of you.

You Are Well! Joyfully think it. Quit introspection. Stop over-thinking, self-depressing, auto-suggesting sickness and weakness. Stop reading about disease; read and think health. Get away from pessimistic people. With mirth, gladness, and joy, delight yourself in the open air. Throw off feeling you are sick. Forget it. Begin to do things. Go and come a free, well person. Begin at once to laugh and praise your body. Untwist your solar plexus from the morbid, depressive, gloomy, ill thoughts you have packed it with. Begin by playing that you are well. Brighten up, wear something cheery, talk mirthfully and gladly. Seek strong people, get busy, do interesting and happy things. Stop doctoring and begin laughing. Let us pray with you. Put merriment into each day.

"A merry heart does good as a medicine."

You Will Succeed: You have not failed unless you lie down and refuse to get back up. You can pick yourself up and try again, with hope.

"The glory is not in falling, but in being able to rise up again."

You Can Win: Joyfully believe it. Stop thinking failure. Drop weak, unlucky, and purposeless people from your life. Gird and guard your mind and body from discord, wrangling, strife, contention, and gossip. Cultivate harmony, poise, mirth, wit, tact, decision, and self-confidence. DO YOUR OWN THINKING. NEVER SAY YOU ARE BEATEN. You can laugh the world, the flesh, and the Devil into a corner. Live your own life. Be unselfish, joyous, interesting, happy-hearted, and glad. You will at once realize a new Power has come to you, the Power of Victory. Things you once thought impossible will seem easy. Spiritual purpose, life, and enduring health will give you achievement. Believe in your victory as I believe in it for you.

"Victory is yours."

Abundance Is Yours: God created you to have a deep abundance of energy, dreams, plans, and goals. The mind has dominion over whole world, its conditions and its events, and spiritual mastery over all physical limitations. You are the master of your fate; you are the captain of your soul. Your mind is a fully dynamic, limitless, spiritual power. Use this power to attract both spiritual and physical Abundance to yourself every day. Receive the gifts of Abundance I send to you. Share the Abundance you receive with those in need. There is no need of scarcity. We all send love and hope: It shall be yours.

"Thank God for the gifts you are given."

Engage Prosperity: While you receive with gratitude the wages which you earn for the fruits of your daily labour, know also that true prosperity awaits, and you will be able to set aside extra money to buy a house, or to travel, or to create a bank account in each of your children's names.

"You will achieve financial security."

Mahdi The Magician

I perform wonders without hands and walk the earth without feet.

Accept Joy, Freedom & Success


Sending Codes For Thought Projection