What Is Silent Influence?


Alexander Teaches Silent Influence


Alexander & The Magic Crystal


Mahdi The Magician Edition

PDF | 182 Pages

Alexander & The Magic Crystal, is your initiation into the secrets hidden in The Lost Library of Alexander.

C. Alexander’s story starts in Benares, that ancient and mysterious city where he discovers the secret of the crystal. The hidden knowledge that he will use to astound millions around the world as The Crystal Seer and The Man Who Knows.

This is a compilation of books that Alexander created to help his audience develop their intuition, master their mind, and silently influence the world around them.

  • Bonus: Alexander’s Astrological Readings

What is Silent Influence?:

In using the term "Silent Influece" I wish to explain that I employ it simply because this phrase expresses to the average mind the influence that one person exerts over another. This influence is not the same as hypnotism, as the person influenced is not in a hypnotic trance. It actually is much more powerful than hypnotism.

Magic Crystal

Unearthed in Benares, India by Mahdi. Their marvellous powers have been the talk and wonderment of the whole civilized world. Uncut and raw.

To the minds of most people the term "Silent Influence" conveys the idea of a current radiating from the body or mind of a magnetic individual. This idea, while on the whole wrong, still contains a germ of truth. There is a current of attracting force radiating from the person, but it is not the same as the magnetism that emanates from a lodestone or an electricmagnet. Human magnetism, while bearing a metaphorical resemblance to those familiar forces in its effect, has no real connection with them so far as its origin and intrinsic value is concerned.

Projective Thought. That which we call Silent Influece is actually a subtle current of thought waves projected from the mind. Every thought created by our minds is a force of greater or less intensity, varying in strength according to the impetus, concentration, and focus imparted to it at the time of its creation. When we think, we send from us a subtle current that travels along like a ray of light. It will help you to understand that thought-force will go where it is projected and will not be appropriated on the way.

Thought is universal. Thought can be sent any place or every place, as it is not governed by only two things that impede speed, friction and gravitation. Thought does not come into contact with anything in passing through space, neither does it fall to the ground.

Thought is powerful. A well-directed thought will travel thousands of miles. A forceful thought will go on its errand charged with a mighty power that will often beat down the resistances of the minds of others to outside impressions. On the other hand, weak, idle, and transient thoughts will be unable to obtain an entrance to the mind of another, unless that mind itself is weak or poorly guarded.

Repeated thoughts will find a way. Repeated thoughts sent one after another will effect an entrance to the mind at whom the thought is directed, while a single thought, even of much greater strength, will be repulsed. As an exhibition of the physical world, this brings back the old saying that the steady dripping of water will wear away the stone.

Thoughts are things and mighty powerful things at that, and unless we understand this fact we are at the mercy of those who do. On the other hand if we understand the law governing this force, we can master it and use it as our instrument and assistant. Remember, we are all influenced much more than we are aware of by the thoughts of others. Not their opinions but their thoughts.

You can succeed at this: I have endeavoured to make this course plain and clear, without any attempt at "fine writing." My purpose is to acquaint you with the means to develop and effectually use the mighty force latent within yourself, and to replace "I can't" with I CAN AND WILL.

I can point out the way for you, but you must do the work yourself. Everyone must work out his own development. This book will do you no good at all if you do not actively apply the principles set forth herein.

It is not enough to merely possess a gift for Silent Influence. You must know what it is, develop it, and then use it to your best advantage. It is a natural law that unless a quality of mind or body is kept alive by exercise, that quality withers and becomes useless.

Why Silent influence should remain your private secret; You are cautioned against speaking of your practice of Silent Influence, for to do so will make people suspicious of you, and that will prove a handicap to the proper use of your power to influence them.

There are good occult reasons why you should keep your own secrets. If you know something and someone else does not know it, then you are just that much brighter and smarter than they are. It may be only a little thing to start with, but it is the little things that make the big ones. No one ever has any respect for those who try to tell all they know. Smart people keep their mouths shut, fools never do. If you neglect to heed this advice, it will be source of regret to you.

"Ask and ye shall receive." "Seek and ye shall find." To exercise the power of Silent Influence upon others you merely make a mental demand of the other person. Always be conscious of your right to do so, always believe that your command will be obeyed. Never make a mental demand with a half-hearted expectation. If you do you will only have half the results. Use the Crystal Ball to project your demand.

"As ye sow so shall ye reap." If you influence a man to deal with you, and treat him fairly, you are making no misuse of your mental powers. But if you influence him for the purpose of cheating and swindling him, you are committing a great wrong and will some day suffer in proportion to the wrong you have done. There are a few man in this world who, like Satan, use their power for evil, but like Satan they are doomed to extreme misery and unhappiness. You should not follow this class or walk in their footsteps.

Your thoughts are perceptible: Every thought starts a series of vibrations perceptible to our minds. Heat and light are carried through space by vibrations of the air and ether Thoughts leap through space with immeasurable swiftness. They immediately encircle the Earth. Every thought that takes shape in your mind affects the universal mind. Great thoughts are the ones that are nearest to UNIVERSAL APPLICATION. Good thoughts are CREATIVE, Evil thoughts are DESTRUCTIVE. There is no such thing as keeping your thoughts to yourself.

Forceful thoughts will be received. When you thoughts are projected forcefully enough, other minds receive the force of the vibrations. That is the whole secret of the Silent Influence. We see that this man or woman is "magnetic," and we wonder what it is in this person that others do not have. Most of us know that there is an indefinable, subtle influence, perceptible instantly but not readily analyzed. But those who have persisted in studying the matter have discovered the cause and means: Silent Influence.

Your mental endowments are servants to your Will. Any one who can discipline his mind and body may possess the Silent Influence, but the discipline must be unremitting and persistent. The drill must be of daily occurence. The power of the Will grows by exercise of the mind, just as muscular strength grows by exercise of the body.

Silent Influence in social situations. The Crystal Gazing Ball is like an amplifier. Work with it to concentrate and send forth your thoughts, but do not plan to spend the rest of your life in a dim room with the Crystal. Test your powers of Silent Influence among people every day, if possible.

Most of us take only most perfunctory interest in people. An influential person greets each one of a thousand witrh fervour and interest. This man can concentrate at will his entire attention upon any person, object, or idea. He utilizes every particle of force and faculty he possesses and gets results proportionate to the energy he displays.

The really influential man is the man who is thoroughly established within himself. He is steadfast and faithful. His thoughts are projected to others with so true an aim and forcefulness of concentration that they reach the mark in every instance and before their vibrations are spent.

He may not convert anyone immediately to his views. He does not often try to do that. His influence tells in direct ratio to the confidence he himself feels. His steadfastness encourages attention and inspires admiration. It is difficult not to accept the leadership of one who is admired and respected. In fact it would call for equal or greater steadfastness to combat or overcome such dominance.

A gift that must be cultivated if it is to thrive. While magnetism seems to be a natural gift to most of those who have it, we assert positively that every one can cultivate it. It is within the range of attainment of all who will to possess it. It is denied to none. People may deny it to themselves. They may imagine they will have it if they merely wish for it. But a wish is only the seed of Will. If you honestly desire and train yourself to have the Silent Influence, it is yours. Not to be had for the asking, it is too precious to be lightly given. The price is effort, and everyone can pay that price.

Look beyond gender. I have written these lessons using the masculine pronoun for convenience. But remember that women can become as magnetic as men. There is no height that is forbidden them. On the other hand, neither are there any concessions to their supposed "weakness." They are held to the same standard. It is the honest effort that counts.

A word of warning: To those who obtain so great a power only to abuse it, to use it wholly for selfish purposes, I say that the seeming success that may attend such abuse is sure to react upon the one who misuses it. You may legitimately influence a man to deal fairly with you. But to use the Silent Influence to wrong another in any way is an abuse for which, as certainly as the Sun rises, you will pay the penalty sometime. Again, "As ye sow, so shall ye reap." If you sow evil thoughts, be sure that an inexorable justice will exact atonement.

The True Secret: You will get new ideas every time that you read this course. You must not expect to merely skim over it once and get satisfactory results. It is not intended that you should. You may take whatever view you wish regarding these instructions and exercises. Accept them or reject them, in whole or in part, but let the one thought ever remain in your mind: THE "I AM" IS YOUR REAL SELF. When you have learned to know this great truth, you have the true secret of life.

Mahdi The Magician

I perform wonders without hands and walk the earth without feet.


How Alexander Developed His Medium Abilities


The Power of Dynamic Thought