Reading The Leaves

It has been thought that all magic and divination was first used as a soothing mechanism by humans living in a dangerous and unpredictable world outside of their control. It’s only natural that a person who could predict the future and guide you to success and warn you away from danger would be called a soothsayer. After all, regardless of whether their fortune telling was accurate or not, their words would have a soothing effect on the listener as they would feel like they have more control of their own destiny, which is, in and of itself, a soothing thought… at times such as these.

Many a man and woman have wondered if these things are real and if so, what can be attained by them, or if not, then why do they continue to hold us captive and fascinate us? I can only say this, there is a reason why it is forbidden in The Holy Bible and should remain forbidden, and that reason is that nothing is hidden that shall not be made manifest and nothing is secret that will not be revealed. Seeing in the dark requires no special rituals or secret knowledge, the will itself is all it takes to knowingly or unknowingly evoke these forces. But they will happily deceive you because the world depends on the wills of all mankind as well as God’s will and these wills are free and cannot be ascertained except by God alone. Do not be deceived as real magic and divination are fueled by a will to power over natural forces and other free people which is against God’s will. There are things hiding in the dark that are looking back at you when you look into the dark and they will deceive you. As soon as you look into the dark for unknown information you will see things but those things may not be what they seem to be.

Scientific research has been conducted in these areas by the world’s foremost civilian and military scientists for various departments of the military and intelligence agencies and the conclusion that they have come to is that consciousness affects the physical world and hidden knowledge can be obtained without any special ability or training. No one fully knows how it works and they can’t control it but it has been found that there are techniques and individuals who are able to go further than others in these areas. It is very hard to find accurate information on this subject as many intelligent individuals who study these areas have been deceived and practice deceiving their colleagues. This alone is most curious… It is almost as if the dark does not want to have too much light shone on it and finds ways to muddy the waters of inquiry.

If we do look at these things as being divine we also have to take into account that God does reveal things to those who look and to those who ask. Not all things and not at command but to His purpose. Were the wise men not guided from foreign lands to The Christ by a star in the sky? Certainly they were and just as certainly we are left signs to guide us. God has a plan for our lives and we have free will. Our role is not to abandon our wills and our plans but to work with God and allow God to work through us in our own way.

Where there is a will there is a way.

There are wills all around you, some that want what is best for you and others that seek your ruin.

There is a will inside of you that you must develop and use in order to discern and ascertain the purpose of your life.

Discover your purpose & make your way in

The Will Within.

Reading the leaves should only be used as a means of meditation and imagination and not as a supernatural means to locate lost friends, lost or stolen articles, nor tell fortunes. Read the leaves as you would read a book, or watch a film, or listen to a lecture. Allow them to unlock and expand your creativity and blend concepts and ideas together. In this way, you will be able to see ways where there are no ways and solutions to the most complex problems you face.

There is nothing supernatural in using your imagination to see things that you have not seen with open eyes and there is nothing against the natural law in using this vision to inspire you and provide you with direction. It is a matter of seeing the world with the eyes of a child and in this vain allow me to present the story of an extraordinary child, who, although he could not see, saw the world in a ways it had never been seen before and how his inner vision was made manifest in the world outside of his mind.

In 1812, a three-year old French child named Louis would accidentally blind himself in his father’s workshop. An intelligent child, Louis was able to enter one of the first schools for blind children in the world. Studying was difficult as the students had to read regular embossed letters one by one by touch in order to read. These books were difficult and costly to produce and would take a very long time to read. Communicating by letter as a blind person was simply not possible without having help from a person with sight. It is said that one day while playing outside that little Louis picked up a pine cone and tracing his fingers over he was struck with an idea that would change the world. He imagined reading the pine cone by its bumps and grooves. Instead of feeling the shapes of the letters, the letters could systematically be converted into dots which could be learnt by the blind and the seeing alike. Louis Braille changed the world from combining seemingly random information to pave a way where there was no way before.

Reading into things that don’t have an obvious connection or meaning is the way to create new ways of seeing and understanding. There are messages and stories all around us. Living parables that surround us constantly… if but only we could see them! How wonderful to see with the eyes of a child, for even a blind child can see greater things than the wise. A child lives by faith and sees the story hidden underneath the story, the poem between the life and death, and the truth beneath the lies. See all things as a parable and you will understand the mysteries of life and nature. Go outside and you will learn why the birds sing, go within and you will know why the bird soars free of all the weight of the world. Open yourself to experience the story as a story within a story and you will deepen your understanding.

This is one of the powerful secrets of the leaves and can be used by all people; not to subvert the will of God but to imagine answers to questions and solutions to problems. The old tricksters would create fantasies to soothe and dangers that only they could resolve… for a price! A deck of cards combined with the ideas that each card represents allows us to combine them in endless combinations. When we force ourselves to try to read them we are applying and strengthening our intuition, creativity, imagination and concentration. We know we are not seeing the real but a parable that we can overlay our situation and creative conundrums.

The way we are able to look for and find meaning in the cards is how we look for and find meaning in life; in a life that is composed of seemingly unconnected events and people we must find and make what is our lives.

Hidden Leaves Playing Cards
Sale Price: US$15.00 Original Price: US$20.00

It requires considerable skill in the art of Cartomancy to read what lies hidden in the leaves, and that is thoroughly intuitive, founded upon the laws of Nature, as they have been worked out through ages of observation and experience, and as they are handed down to us today from the Ancient and Medieval people.

Each card has its own specific and detailed meaning which are provided in detail in the following pages. Instead of memorizing them and reciting them from memory, make it easy for yourself and use this book to help you while you are reading them. It is said that meanings aren’t readings so free yourself to imagine what the story unfolding in front of you is and use the meanings but don’t restrict yourself to them. Certain keywords have been highlighted for quick reference. You may also incorporate any ideas or thoughts you have looking at my Hidden Leaves playing cards as you read them. The imperfections such as the number and placement of missing and bleeding ink can be interpreted by your imagination to bring further color and life to your reading.

Every night in my show I read the cards for some members of the audience. Due to the nature of the show and the pacing I cannot go into great detail on the readings and I cannot read the cards for every single person. Many people have written to me asking to experience the wonder and the mystery of Cartomancy.

You have spoken & I have listened.

I have created an interactive mystery starring you!

Each presentation is completely unique as you can experience the wonder of what lies hidden in the leaves.


It is fully understood in advising you on any subject, Mahdi makes no claim to the supernatural, and does not locate lost friends, lost or stolen articles, nor tell fortunes. This reading is provided for entertainment purposes.

Trusting we may be of service to you along this great and important line, and that we may have the privilege of getting you started right in life, or to get you into your proper work and calling, believe us to be,

Yours for greater success,

Mahdi The Magician

Sale Price: US$10.00 Original Price: US$20.00


First Edition

PDF | 194 Pages

Learn how to entertain your family & friends with easy card tricks you can do!

For the first time Mahdi The Magician reveals some of the mysteries of his life and philosophy as he takes you behind the scenes so you can learn the meaning of the cards and how to read them as easily as you are reading these words. You will be able to understand the messages Hidden in The Leaves waiting for you.

Mahdi The Magician

I perform wonders without hands and walk the earth without feet.

About The Magic Wand


Mysteries of The Dark