How Alexander Developed His Medium Abilities


Develop Your Abilties with Alexander


Alexander & The Magic Crystal


Mahdi The Magician Edition

PDF | 182 Pages

Alexander & The Magic Crystal, is your initiation into the secrets hidden in The Lost Library of Alexander.

C. Alexander’s story starts in Benares, that ancient and mysterious city where he discovers the secret of the crystal. The hidden knowledge that he will use to astound millions around the world as The Crystal Seer and The Man Who Knows.

This is a compilation of books that Alexander created to help his audience develop their intuition, master their mind, and silently influence the world around them.

  • Bonus: Alexander’s Astrological Readings


Fear nothing. Lay off your mantle of prejudice and doctrine. Bring a free, joyful, expectant mind to the study of Mediumship. You will get results. You will come to realize the unfolding of a new power within you, giving you guidance, personal power, confidence, protection and abounding success. The universe is spirit and mind. Mind is the active principle of Spirit. Both Spirit and Mind are limitless, therefore you have access to limitless power and expression. Spirit is all and in all. It is the etheric force of life, being, existence and reality. Mind is group of powers thinking, feeling, willing, creating, and expressing.

Knowledge Which Saves: Hold it fast as you seek to develop your Spiritual Abilties. Never swerve from it. You know the Divine Possibility that you may commine through Spirit Forces with the Unseen. If you hold fast to the great truth that you do have access to limitless Spirit Power, you will attract it. "The truth shall set you free." You shall know. Let no one rob you of this great privilege, beautiful experience, wonderful inspiration. Let no one scoff at it before you, let no one tell you that it is all a delusive dream. It is a verity, a great truth, a divine reality, an infinite inspiration, a rapture of enfolding joy.

Begin With Joyful Expectancy: Cultivate daily the Spirit of Joy. Bring that spirit to bear upon all your plans, efforts, events, hopes, and desires. Radiate expectancy in every look, word, and action. Keep attraction in unfolding your Spiritual Abilities. Never drop this work of becoming a positive, confident, hopeful, brave personality. You will discover your new, latent, unused forces. The Spirit World awaits, radiant with health, power, joy, and knowledge. It is all for you. You can use it. YOU can have it in all its fullness. Go into the Silence and ask confidently for Guidance. A Guide will come.

Do Not Doubt: Do not ask repeatedly for evidentiary proofs. Get away from any morbid thoughts about the role that death plays in the world of Spirit; come up into the sunlight of a higher and better revelation that will mean daily power, health, guidance, strength, comfort, and abundant life success. Do not ask to understand, or to have it all explained. Christ said to His followers, "It is not needful that you should know, but that you should BELIEVE, and to everyone that BELIEVETH it shall be made manifest."

Trust Without Understanding: You need not understand the ship engines that bear you safely and swiftly on your voyage over the trackless deep. You need not understand the invisible ethers that instantly take your message from the wireless across the darkness and storm swept spaces to its destination. You need not understand electricity, but you trust it, believe in it, use it, and it ministers unto you daily. That is what I wish you to do now regarding Spiritual Power and Spirit Contact: BELIEVE AND TRUST IN IT.

Be Selfless In Your Work: Never seek Spiritual Forces or Spirit Contact for selfish ends. When acting as a Spirit Medium or working with the realm of Spirit, utilize that mighty principle of Spirit Power, LOVE, to aid and assist others with no regard for praise or gain. For as selfless as you make your efforts, this is as clear as your Spirit Contact will be. You will soon become conscious of a great force in your daily life, over-arching, protecting, guiding, uplifting and never failing you.

"As your FAITH, so shall it be unto you."

Mahdi The Magician

I perform wonders without hands and walk the earth without feet.

Sending Codes For Thought Projection


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