Silent Influence Through Mental Concentration

Alexander's Mental Concentration

There exists in Nature a Dynamic Mental Principle - a MIND POWER - pervading all space; immanent in all things; manifesting in an infinite variety of forms, degrees, and phases. I hold that this energy, or force, or dynamic principle, is no respecter of persons. Its service, like that of the sun and rain and all natural forces, is open to all - high and low - rich and poor - those educated and uneducated in the literal sense of the word. The degree with which your mind power can be made to serve you depends wholly upon its training through CONCENTRATION.

Alexander & The Magic Crystal


Mahdi The Magician Edition

PDF | 182 Pages

Alexander & The Magic Crystal, is your initiation into the secrets hidden in The Lost Library of Alexander.

C. Alexander’s story starts in Benares, that ancient and mysterious city where he discovers the secret of the crystal. The hidden knowledge that he will use to astound millions around the world as The Crystal Seer and The Man Who Knows.

This is a compilation of books that Alexander created to help his audience develop their intuition, master their mind, and silently influence the world around them.

  • Bonus: Alexander’s Astrological Readings

What Is Concentration?

"Concentration" is a word derived from two Latin words, i.e. "con," a prefix meaning "together"; and "centrum" meaning "center" or "fixed central point." The two words combined mean, literally, "to bring to a common point; to focus," etc. Thus the word "Concentration" is seen to mean literally, "the act of state of bringing to a fixed point or focus."

Magic Crystal

Unearthed in Benares, India by Mahdi. Their marvellous powers have been the talk and wonderment of the whole civilized world. Uncut and raw.

Concentration and Release in Physics:

Borrowing an analogous illustration from physical science, we readily see that the highest forms of energy, force, or power are manifested by bringing that force to a focus, center, or common point, thereby directing to that point the entire energy employed, instead of allowing it to become dissipated over a larger area. The same law applies to gunpowder, which manifests force by its gases being compelled to escape through the small gun barrel instead of spreading in all directions, which it would do if unconfined. Another familiar example is that of the sun-glass, or "burning-glass," which brings the rays of the Sun to a common point of focus, greatly intensifying the heat and light by reason thereof.

Concentration and Release in Mentality:

Let us think of the mind, for a moment, as an electrical dynamo or steam engine. The electricity generated by a dynamo, if allowed to diffuse itself over a large surface, is far less than the power obtained by compelling it to discharge itself from a small point or focus. The same is true of the steam engine, which manifests great power when forced to discharge itself through a small opening instead of being permitted to spread out widely in the air.

Training in Concentration:

Occult masters throughout the ages and in many lands have sought to impress upon their pupils the importance of acquiring the power of Mental Concentration, and all well-trained Crystal Gazers have practiced and persevered towards this end, the result being that some have attained almost miraculous mental powers. Occult phenomena of importance depend upon it. Therefore, the student should devote thought, time and practice to the most important subject of MENTAL FOCUS.

An advantage over others. It is a fact well known to those who study the art of mental concentration that the average person concentrates to only a very small degree, allowing thoughts to drift and mental force to become quite scattered and dissipated in all directions, and obtaining little results from same. To the degree that you are able to concentrate, so are you able to manifest mental power. Your true power of Mental Concentration is, to a great extent, your measure of greatness.

The Value of Mental Concentration:

Mental Concentration, in practice, consists in focusing the mind upon a given subject, firmly and fixedly, and then holding it there for a certain time, fully intent upon its object, and not allowing itself to be diverted or distracted from that object, nor attracted to any other. It likewise consists in the correlative power of then detaching the mind from that subject, or object, and either allowing the mind to rest, or else focusing the mind upon another subject entirely. In other words, the mind either gives undivided attention or else inhibits or "shuts off" attention from the given subject or object.

To the reader who has had no experience along the lines of Mental Concentration, it may seem like a very easy task to focus the mind upon a subject, and then hold it there firmly and fixedly for a set period of time. But a little practice will undeceive such a person, and will bring him to realizing some sense of the difficulty of the task. The mind is a very restless thing, and its tendency is to dance from one thought to another, darting here and there, and soon tiring of continued attention, and like a spoiled child, seeking a new object upon which to exercise itself.

Mental Concentration is Not Obsession:

Many people involuntarily allow their minds to concentrate upon whatever strikes their fancy. Forgetting all else, they give themselves up to the object of their attention, often neglecting daily duties and important interests, and becoming day-dreamers instead of firm thinkers. This involuntary form of concentration, also known as obsession, is to be avoided, for it is nothing more than allowing the attention to escape the control of the Will. The Mental Concentration of occultists is solely in control of the Will, being applied when desirable, and taken off or inhibited when that desire changes.

As a trained Crystal Gazer, you will concentrate upon a subject or object with a wonderful intensity, seemingly completely absorbed in it, and oblivious to all else in the world. And yet, the task accomplished, or the given time expired, you will detach your mind from the object and will be perfectly fresh, watchful, and wide-awake to the next matter before you. There is a great difference between being controlled by involuntary attention or obsession, which is a species of self-hypnotization, and the willed control of attention, which is an evidence of mastery.

Controlled Attention is the Secret of Mental Concentration:

Attention may be roughly defined as the active self-direction of the mind toward any object which presents itself at the moment. Concentration requires control of the Attention, and this control is an exercise of Will.

Learn to Observe:

Directed Attention is the first step toward Mental Concentration. Begin by examining some familiar object, and endeavour to see as many details as possible in the object. Spend a few minutes at most on the task, then write down what you saw. The next day, return to the task, bidding your mind to seek for new details, and write them down. By the third repetition, you may have discovered all about the object that can be discovered. The next day, start with a new object, and repeat the process. First try yourself on simple objects, then more complex ones, until at last objects of great complexity are easily mastered.

Conscious Observation Enhances Voluntary Attention:

When the power of conscious observation is developed, the faculty of Voluntary Attention becomes so strong that you will be able to exert a great amount of Mental Concentration with scarcely a sense of effort. As a trained Crystal Gazer, you will be able to hold your concentration of mind "one-pointed," as the Orientals term it, until you can focus and direct a mighty degree of Mental Influence toward your desired object.

Observation, Attention, Concentration, Influence:

The person who uses Mental Influence must possess the ability to focus the force to a point in order to manifest the greatest amount of power. That faculty of focusing results from training in Concentration, and Concentration arises from the mastery of Voluntary Attention, which in turn is induced by the power of Observation. There you have the whole matter in a nut-shell. So your first steps toward acquiring Mental Influence is to cultivate observation.

The Role of the Crystal Gazing Ball:

I might fill page after page with exercises designed to strengthen your faculty of Voluntary Attention, but what would be the use? The best plan is to set you to work to find something upon which to concentrate. My experience, and that of my thousands of students, has taught me that the Crystal or Gazing Ball is the most suitable tool for this purpose.

The Crystal As a Tool:

The Crystal Gazing Sphere, when properly used, is second to none for projective, transmissional and psycho-visional purposes. It does not disturb the nervous system, injure the brain, nor cause any unhealthy or abnormal conditions. The Crystal Seer is wide-awake, intelligent, and in possession of every sense. There is no tension on the nerves, nor strain on the brain. In sensitive lucidity the visions rapidly pass away, but in the Crystal any given place, face, scene, or locality can be, by effort of the will, made to remain fixed, stationary, and solid as long as the seer chooses. More people are able to see in a Crystal than by any other method.


The person whose whole life is confined to the practical world is but a mere shell, floating on the sea, and is ignorant of the amazing wealth lying scattered beneath the surface. There are more real worlds under the outside life of ours than the brain can think of. Nothing happens by chance. When the veil which hangs over the inner senses is removed, we glance down mystic lanes and see the future as the present.


The habit of lifting the mind to the sublimest speculation, and allowing it to occupy the thoughts, will intensely refine your investigations and will be bound to produce a good effect on your character. Our high ideas about God's providence have a certain purpose, and by them we unconsciously pass higher and become better.

True Happiness:

The great fault of the present race is haste, a disregard of the higher truths. The world is going money-mad. Men will spend thousands of dollars on their homes, but not a cent to the mind's advantage or for the attainment of real happiness, which comes only from within. How many treasures we let go unheeded in this world, never thinking or seeking the undreamed-of riches! Why abandon them all to the angels who stand sentinel upon a Paradise which we might enter?

Mahdi The Magician

I perform wonders without hands and walk the earth without feet.

The Silence of Alexander


Exercise To Overcome Habits