Develop Your Psychic Intuition With Alexander




Psychologists tell us that the conscious mind is only a minute portion of the total mind of man. Lying dormant and unexpressed are extraordinary powers and potential faculties. Your Psychic Intuition is a most wonderful force. It is the receiving station of all thoughts, suggestions, inspirations, ideals, and impelling forces of your mind and soul. It is your sub-conscious power-house. It is the tribunal of your judgement illumined by Spiritual forces. Trust it. Follow it. Cultivate and unfold it. It is the window of your soul through which Spiritual light shines. Positive forces come from the Infinite Mind to heal, strengthen, inspire, deliver, guide, and give you happiness and abounding success.

Alexander & The Magic Crystal


Mahdi The Magician Edition

PDF | 182 Pages

Alexander & The Magic Crystal, is your initiation into the secrets hidden in The Lost Library of Alexander.

C. Alexander’s story starts in Benares, that ancient and mysterious city where he discovers the secret of the crystal. The hidden knowledge that he will use to astound millions around the world as The Crystal Seer and The Man Who Knows.

This is a compilation of books that Alexander created to help his audience develop their intuition, master their mind, and silently influence the world around them.

  • Bonus: Alexander’s Astrological Readings

Belief: Belief is the essential to start with and essential to cling to with persistent determination. Belief arises WITHIN you, not from outside. Get your mind out of the snarl of fantastic notions, endless seeking, and repeated questioning. Get your ears beyond the reach of the Babel of Voices. Listen to the "Still, Small Voice WITHIN YOU." This is so immensely important, profoundly dynamic, absolutely satisfying.

Believe that dreams and visions are given for your guidance.

Faith: Faith unfolds your Psychic Intuition if you will but act upon the suggestions, ideals, and inspiration that come to you from Spirit. Have faith to move. Follow where your Intuition leads. Be positive. Be energized. Be illumined. Live vigorously in active expression of your faith. Your Intuition will give you guiding wisdom - and your faith will give you the power to act upon the guidance you receive.

Have faith in your intuitive visions, hunches, and dreams.

Understanding: You have enough to start. You need no more now. When more knowledge and understanding is required, it shall be given you. Spirit beacons shine to lead you on! Forces of the Unseen impel you forward. Go forth and you shall understand. Step out and you shall have power. Set upon your way and you shall be led. Begin the thing you wish to do and you shall be guided. Open your mind and it shall be filled with a Vision of Realities. The Unseen shall be unveiled to your Intuition.

Your understanding of Intuition will develop in time.

Progress: As you begin to develop your Psychic Intuition note your progress. Write out your new advances. Put enthusiasm into the account. Apply your intuition at your work, position, profession, calling, or occupation, and in all your personal associations in life. Make it pulsate with LIFE. Feel it. Radiate it. As you grow familiar with the heightened awareness, try to engage it while sitting silently at your Crystal. If you do these things, your Intuition will become a luminous path to great insights. How to hasten progress? Just put above advice in place of old doubts, fears, uncertainty, timidity, and self-consciousness, and see what a miracle will come into your daily life. Psychic Intuition is real. It is meant for you. You can have it and use it, NOW AND ALWAYS.

A new progress, advance, freedom, and power will be yours without measure.

Mahdi The Magician

I perform wonders without hands and walk the earth without feet.

Alexander's Special Exercises to Develop Projective Power


The Silence of Alexander