The True Meaning of The Six of Diamonds
What you have is so valuable that some people will turn into metaphorical vampires and feed off of you.

The True Meaning of The Seven of Spades
Just as the animals can feel it and prepare accordingly so must we become aware and brace ourselves for the storms up ahead.

The True Meaning of The Queen of Hearts
Never fall into the trap thinking that the answer is the answer. The answer is rarely the answer just as the question is rarely the question.

The True Meaning of The King of Hearts
The King has wisdom he wishes to pass down to you. Will you receive it?

The True Meaning of The Ten of Hearts
Life is a journey that perhaps ends in its completion and it is one that we walk mostly alone. Thankfully, our paths converge with others during our lives and we are able to walk down the same roads together, at least for a time…

The True Meaning of The Jack of Hearts
It is one of life's most pure delights; Knowing that there is someone who cares about you and is in your corner. But what about them?

The True Meaning of The Five of Diamonds
The family has business to discuss with you and though these appear as opportunities they may very well be traps.

The True Meaning of The Four of Clubs
A most unusual card, it is known by the men who study cards and remembered by all of them.

The True Meaning of The Three of Hearts
It will be found that there is great wisdom in being more reserved than the people you are with.

Mahdi’s Fight & Triumph Over The Impossible
Mahdi Gilbert is a fighter, he is a triumph, he is a superior, and for what he has done he will be remembered to the very end of magic itself.

About The Magic Wand
Astrologers in pointing to stars and maps used sticks, of course, schoolmasters do so even today. If Seers and Necromancers of old and of later times claimed that the implement was essential in their ritualistic simulachres, so do we.

Reading The Leaves
A child lives by faith and sees the story hidden underneath the story, the poem between the life and death, and the truth beneath the lies.

Mysteries of The Dark
Every life begins with a struggle in the dark against all odds.

Secrets Hidden In The Leaves
An unbelievable secret of the leaves is that they are alive. They may seem to the uninitiated to be inanimate but they are as alive as the forests from which they came.

Mahdi Becomes The Magician
The visions that appeared to me when I closed my eyes became a dream and then transformed into a blueprint. If everything I wanted was impossible for me then I would become a magician because a magician can do anything.

Youtube Algorithm Linking Performances & Exposés
With magic, even though only a small percentage will search for the secret of a magic trick on Youtube after watching a performance it will effect the viewing experience of all users as exposés will be suggested to them.

Mahdi Performs Magic For Penélope Cruz On El Hormiguero
Penélope Cruz is magic!

Receive Health, Abundance, & Victory
Do your own thinking. Never say you are beaten.

Sending Codes For Thought Projection
Actualize the thing you desire. See it as already having happened.

How Alexander Developed His Medium Abilities
You will come to realize the unfolding of a new power within you, giving you guidance, personal power, confidence, protection and abounding success.