The True Meaning of The Jack of Hearts

J♥️ as presented by




the art & science of seeing & reading, as passed down by the ancient & medieval people through the line line of the observant

The Jack says to have your friend's back. The Heart says to open your heart to them.

It is easy to forget about the people around us with all that is going on in our lives. Overwhelmed by our own struggles and strivings we lose awareness of what our loved ones are dealing with. The Jack of Hearts represents someone who is a friend in your life and someone that you need to pay attention to. The reason you need to pay attention is that there is a reason you have been placed in their life and you have a role to fulfill.

A friend in need

is a friend in deed

To have a friend, be a friend.

A friend needs support and they may be too proud or shy to tell anyone. My advice is to connect with your friends even if you don’t always feel like making the effort. Take the small step of truly asking them how they are and let them know that you are listening. Many times it helps to share some of your own problems and frustrations and they will help loosen them up so that they share theirs. Many times the support they need is a friendly ear to help clear their head and gain an outside perspective.

Be a good friend to them and listen.

Other times you may be in a position to help them or know of someone who can help them with their challenges. Listen to them and hear what they need as you may be able to do something for them that they desperately need. Support your friends in whatever way you can and they will be grateful for your help. When you anticipate someone might be in need of some aid, pull them aside and let them know that they can confide in you and that you are willing to help them if you can with anything that comes up. They may never end up asking for your help but it can be a source of comfort to know that in this big and uncaring world that you have a friend in your corner willing to come to your aid should you need it.

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the art & science of seeing & reading, as passed down by the ancient & medieval people through the line line of the observant

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