The True Meaning of The Jack of Spades

J♠️ as presented by




the art & science of seeing & reading, as passed down by the ancient & medieval people through the line line of the observant

Intentions are difficult to decipher during the best of times and we are often left uncertain about where people stand. This causes us hesitation because we don’t know how to approach a situation and we don’t want to ruin our chances at success or opportunities. Other times we think we know exactly what is going on inside another’s mind only to find out later that we were wrong the entire time. What are we to do in these moments? Discern, I suggest, as best we can and work through it. The Jack of Spades appears in these moments to give us some much needed clarity, not on the whole situation but on an intention.

The Jack tells you that you are dealing with a

well-meaning young man

Do not be so harsh on the young.

Remember that you too were once young and experienced.

Be patient and help them flourish and in return they will help soften parts of you that have grown stiff through experience.

and just this knowledge should give you some relief. You may relax your guard and know that this person has a pure heart towards you and although you must remain vigilant to discern what is in people’s hearts that it is important to also learn to enjoy their company and build trust.

The card also gives us a very sharp warning about the follies of youth.

Young people may have good intentions and act for your good and the good of the situation but in their youth they lack the experience and wisdom that comes with age. Unfortunately, this can cause their energy and efforts to be reversed and accidentally turn something good into something bad.

They don’t know better but they are trying.

When you see them screw something up always try and see their intention even though you may not be happy with the result. They need to learn and be taught a better way and will absorb what you have to share with them. You will also benefit from this process as you need well-intentioned people in your life who you can help shape and mold.

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the art & science of seeing & reading, as passed down by the ancient & medieval people through the line line of the observant

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