The True Meaning of The Queen of Hearts
Never fall into the trap thinking that the answer is the answer. The answer is rarely the answer just as the question is rarely the question.
The True Meaning of The King of Hearts
The King has wisdom he wishes to pass down to you. Will you receive it?
The True Meaning of The Ten of Hearts
Life is a journey that perhaps ends in its completion and it is one that we walk mostly alone. Thankfully, our paths converge with others during our lives and we are able to walk down the same roads together, at least for a time…
The True Meaning of The Jack of Hearts
It is one of life's most pure delights; Knowing that there is someone who cares about you and is in your corner. But what about them?
The True Meaning of The Five of Diamonds
The family has business to discuss with you and though these appear as opportunities they may very well be traps.
The True Meaning of The Four of Clubs
A most unusual card, it is known by the men who study cards and remembered by all of them.
The True Meaning of The Three of Hearts
It will be found that there is great wisdom in being more reserved than the people you are with.
Reading The Leaves
A child lives by faith and sees the story hidden underneath the story, the poem between the life and death, and the truth beneath the lies.
Secrets Hidden In The Leaves
An unbelievable secret of the leaves is that they are alive. They may seem to the uninitiated to be inanimate but they are as alive as the forests from which they came.
Mahdi Becomes The Magician
The visions that appeared to me when I closed my eyes became a dream and then transformed into a blueprint. If everything I wanted was impossible for me then I would become a magician because a magician can do anything.
Youtube Algorithm Linking Performances & Exposés
With magic, even though only a small percentage will search for the secret of a magic trick on Youtube after watching a performance it will effect the viewing experience of all users as exposés will be suggested to them.
Mahdi Performs Magic For Penélope Cruz On El Hormiguero
Penélope Cruz is magic!
Alexander, On Himself
Through all my twenty-seven years before the public I always have contended and always will contend that I OPERATE ONLY BY NATURAL LAWS. There is nothing MIRACULOUS OR SUPERNATURAL about me or my work—unless you account my possible greater knowledge of Natural Laws as being “miraculous”.
A Message From C. Alexander
The secret I hold has been in use for thousands of years. A few in every country and in every age have possessed it. It has been considered a mystery. But no longer…
The Secret of One Man’s Success
The principle of concentration of thought by the use of mechanical device like a shining stone or crystal—meant in my fortune and my well-being.
Mahdi & The Magic Crystal
He has, in some way or another, always been in my mind, calling to me. This call led me to a land faraway, to the famous port and that ancient city, Benares.
Two Great American Magicians By Maskelyne
Howard Thurston’s life-story is so intensely interesting that I feel I must sketch it at much greater length than I have done that of Kellar, who, after all, belonged more to the old school of magicians than to the new.
What Ancient Magic Teaches Us By Maskelyne
There is no doubt that it is one of the oldest arts in the world, and it can be traced right back to the days of ancient Egypt, and even beyond that. If you become a capable magician and cause people to look astonished at your tricks and illusions with boxes, rings, cards, handkerchiefs, and so forth, you will merely be copying men who lived thousands of years ago.
Maskelyne On The Indian Rope Trick
When Houdini was asked if he could offer any explanation of how the Indian rope-trick was done, he used to smile expansively and answer, “There is no such trick.”
Specializing In Magic By Maskelyne
I will consider that I have done my duty by leaving the young magician to decide for himself whether to travel along the one road or to explore the many by-ways.