Gemini Horoscope & Astrological Sign Meaning
The Gemini Sign is the Third Sign of the Zodiac. The New Year really begins, in the course of Nature, when the Sun crosses the Equator, on March 21st, which ushers in the first day of Spring.
Taurus Horoscope & Astrological Sign Meaning
Taurus is the Second Sign of the Zodiac, the next after Aries, as represented in the Grand Man, made in the Image of God.
Develop Sex Force
Its exercise is both the cause of, and principal purpose for, our bodily existence. The great men and women of the past and present have had strong Sex Force, the foundation of a successful and useful life.
How To Breathe & Think
You and your mind are not the same.
Joy As The Road To Health
Begin to love life, the world, and people.
Fall Asleep Instantly
This is the true sleep, induced by your Will, and when once mastered and it is by no means difficult, if you follow the directions in this system of training given above, you will find it invaluable.
Diet & Breath To Develop Yourself
Most people only think about their health when they lose it. A person of developed Mentality plans ahead to prevent a health crisis.
Sandow In America
“A Lion Fight with Sandow” was boldly advertised. The announcement sent a thrill through the cities for hundreds of miles around, and in order fully to be equipped for a performance which would be bound to attract thousands and thousands of people…
Creating Goliath & Making Friends
Imagine, if you can, this tremendous fellow: his head as huge and grotesque as that of any pantomime mask, with a nose the size of an ordinary fist. As for his own fist, it would have made more than three of mine, and when a five-shilling piece was placed beneath the ball of his finger, believe me, it was impossible to see it.
How Sandow Beat Samson
I learned that Samson was offering, at the Royal Aquarium in London, £100 to the person who could perform the feats of his pupil, Cyclops, and £1,000 to anyone who could beat his own…
The Magic Cold Bath
In advising cold baths, I speak, of course, for persons in the enjoyment of ordinary health.
Sandow On How To Exercise
The body, in fact, like a child, wants to be educated, & only through a series of exercises can this education be given.
The Reward Is In The Struggle
Your reward lies not so much in the accomplishment as in the effort and struggle, and all the good qualities which they bring out.