How To Breathe & Think

Meditate With Alexander


Alexander & The Magic Crystal


Mahdi The Magician Edition

PDF | 182 Pages

Alexander & The Magic Crystal, is your initiation into the secrets hidden in The Lost Library of Alexander.

C. Alexander’s story starts in Benares, that ancient and mysterious city where he discovers the secret of the crystal. The hidden knowledge that he will use to astound millions around the world as The Crystal Seer and The Man Who Knows.

This is a compilation of books that Alexander created to help his audience develop their intuition, master their mind, and silently influence the world around them.

  • Bonus: Alexander’s Astrological Readings

Sit comfortably and breathe.

Select some place where you will be free from all possible interruptions. Sit in an easy position, the neck, chest and the head in a straight line. The Crystal should be placed before you, about three inches below the chin and 24 to 35 inches from the face. Dim your room slightly, though do not have it absolutely dark. Either artificial or natural light may be used; preferably the latter. Close your eyes and roll the eyeballs upward. Thoroughly relax; become as limp as you can, having no tension on the nerves. Now practice a few rhythmical breathing exercises. When you breath is easy, sit perfectly quietly, and look steadily - but do not stare - into the Crystal, and see what thoughts come to you.

Observe the thoughts.

Very likely you will be surprised at the thoughts that chase one another in your brain. You do not know how restless a mind is until you try to quiet it. Continue to breathe and to observe. Soon it will quiet down, looking to you for orders.

Observe your body.

Now think of yourself as something separate from your own body. Consider it the temple you dwell in. Think of yourself as existing outside of it. Think of the pleasure, hunger, thirst, painful sensations, and cravings, and consider them but as events of the past or as present processes of human evolution, to be discarded as the eye becomes perfected and reaches the spiritual heights of evolution. In time the ego is clad in a "body of pure energy," as you will notice that neither food nor drink is needed to sustain life while the body is in a state of quiet meditation.

You, Your Emotions, and Your Intellect:

Your emotions, such as fear, greed, selfishness, anger, love, and hate, are not you, because you can stand aside and analyze them. If you have allowed yourself to be identified with them, you have been made to suffer. Realize that you need not be affected by the painful emotions, and cultivate the finer ones. Now study your intellect and see how you are independent of it as well. Observation will reveal to you how the complex processes of intellect are made amenable to control. You and your mind are not the same. Even while you are engaged in the deepest state of concentrated thought action, you can stand aside and watch the play of thought. You are able to think how you are immortal, invulnerable, part of the essence of Eternity.


We now come to an important stage. Shut out all external and internal thoughts, and think of that only which leaves the body at the time of death, that which is called the soul.

Focus all your mental energy inwardly on your soul, and, as you begin to realize this more and more, a veritable blaze of illumination will rise within you. This is a wonderful experience - this bathing in the great ocean of soul-force. It will develop startling powers in anyone. It is capable of charging your being with powerful energy, Dynamic Thought. It will brighten your intellect, lighten your physical weight, and may even give a sensation of rising in the air or astral liberation. You will develop a kind of clairvoyant power and open your vision on the subtle planes. You will be a transformed being.

The way has now been pointed for you:

The task is solemn and sacred. Talk never of it, try to put the teachings into practice, live them and think them. If you do, you will gain the power of externalizing spirit strength in thought, word, and action. But never debase this art or science; if you do, it would be far better you had never heard of it. Live up to it, make it a part of your very life. Be perfectly pure, and you have nothing to fear as your Guardian of the Threshold will guide you and see that you reap your just dues.

"When the mind is surrendered up, as a clear glass -

Messages of the magical world roll past."

Magic Crystal

Unearthed in Benares, India by Mahdi. Their marvellous powers have been the talk and wonderment of the whole civilized world. Uncut and raw.

Mahdi The Magician

I perform wonders without hands and walk the earth without feet.

The Secrets of Alexander’s Crystal Balls


Becoming A Master Of Your Habits