Diet & Breath To Develop Yourself



Most people only think about their health when they lose it. A person of developed Mentality plans ahead to prevent a health crisis. Something has been said in the preceding chapters regarding various phases of bodily health, but as the health and proper development of the mind depend to such a large extent upon the health of the body, I consider it necessary to give more explicit instructions for the attainment of this end. The first step to success is perfect and permanent health, so hold this thought in your mind continuously. You are to prepare the mind and body so that both will vibrate in peace, health, and perfect harmony. Dissipation with over-eating, drinking alcohol, drugs, and other sensual pleasures destroys the health.

There can be no health without proper diet and nutrition. Imperfect nutrition causes the body to become poor and weak. Perfect nutrition is not possible unless proper assimilation prevails. So the stomach must be kept in the best condition for perfect assimilation by giving it only the foods it should have, or those that can be easily assimilated.

Nature tells us to eat plain, simple, fresh, wholesome foods. Eat simply, drink plenty of pure water, and live in God's sunshine and air as much as possible. While sending Silent Influence to a person, eat any of these things for 21 days: eggs, good soups, fresh vegetables, rice, cereal, milk, dried beans and peas, fish, chicken, turkey, cocoa, buttermilk, crackers, toast, home-made preserves, and fresh fruit. It is not necessary to eat them all; simply select the foods most beneficial to you and let the rest alone. You may use a small Crystal pendulum to dowse unprepared foods in order to learn which will be the most wholesome for you.

Avoid heavy, salty, fatty, sour, and sulphurous foods. Eat and drink little or none of these: Mustard, pepper, pies, pastry, pork or hog fat, bread, rolls, biscuits, pancakes, vinegar, cabbage, kraut, hot sauce, butter, radishes or cucumbers. Drink absolutely no intoxicants nor any kind of drugs or alcoholic medicine. These must be avoided at least for 21 days while endeavouring to control a person's mind through Silent Influence. Again, a small Crystal pendulum will assist in dowsing foods to avoid.

A few simple foods are better for you than many fancy dishes. Whenever possible make your meal of only a few kinds of food. You can soon form this habit, which is a great help in maintaining health.

Alexander & The Magic Crystal

Do the best you can to change your diet for the better. Don't worry if you cannot follow everything recommended in terms of diet, but do the best you can with this and other secrets. Remember, there is no easy road to anything that is worth having. Everyone must travel the same way, and those who desire to succeed must be prepared to work. If you are in earnest you will soon master and control your diet, just as you have mastered other aspects of your body and your mind.

Drink plenty of water and bathe regularly. Too much stress cannot be laid on the proper irrigation of the body. By this I mean the proper use of water. The physical system requires a certain amount of fluids daily - about two quarts of fluid in twenty-four hours is the normal amount for an adult. Perfect secretion and excretion requires the normal amount of fluids; otherwise the secreting glands are unable to manufacture the juices and fluids needed in digestion, absorption, and assimilation, and the excreting glands are unable to provide for the throwing out of the waste products of the system through the kidneys and bowels. The liver and other organs likewise suffer. The pores of the skin are the sewers by which a large percentage of the waste matter escapes from the body, hence keeping them clean is also an absolute necessity. Regular bathing in warm, though not too hot, water should be practiced.

Eat slowly. You should never eat quickly, and you will find it well to sit at rest after each meal. A few minutes complete relaxation of mind and body assist in digestion.

Rest when needful. In resting it is best to lie down on your right side, lying slightly on shoulder and stomach. When you lie down for a rest, try not to think at all, and you will feel much better within a short time.

Sleep is something that Nature insists upon. Without sufficient sleep, the brain becomes overworked and mental complications set in.

Exercise is essential. It is not necessary for me to emphasive also the necessity of exercise, for we all know that it is imperative for health.

Proper breathing can be learned. Man in his natural state breathes properly but civilization has changed him in this regard. Civilized man has contracted improper methods of standing, sitting, and sleeping, which have robbed him of the birthright of naturally correct breathing. In shallow breathing only a portion of the lung cells are brought into play, and lung capacity is lost. If smoke, especially tobacco smoke, is added, the lungs are actually damaged. Breathe slowly, long and deep, from the stomach. Do not raise the shoulders in breathing. Overcome the practice of breathing through the mouth, and learn how to breathe entirely through the nostrils.

Mahdi The Magician

I perform wonders without hands and walk the earth without feet.

Fall Asleep Instantly


Alexander, On Himself