Exercise To Control The Body

Alexander's Exercise to Control The Body

Concentrate on the body. Try to hold a certain position for about five minutes. It will amaze you to note the number of movements of hands, feet, head, and of the whole body that you unconsciously make in that time. Every unnecessary movement wastes magnetism; every movement that has a definite object strengthens it.

A body drained of nervous energy is without influence. To preserve influence is to preserve nervous energy and physical health. As a body uses a large amount of energy daily it is evident that the generation of magnetism must exceed its dissipation if a reserve supply is to be secured for use in times of emergency. Every movement of the body liberates a certain amount of magnetism. Therefore we must check the muscular actions which are wasteful to this force.

Sit still to observe. Practice the art of sitting absolutely still for at least five minutes at a time. This will enable you to bring under control and observation of the Will all movements of the hands, feet, face and eyes. You should avoid all unnecessary movements. When attained, this practice can be combined Crystal Gazing and Mental Concentration.

Magic Crystal

Unearthed in Benares, India by Mahdi. Their marvellous powers have been the talk and wonderment of the whole civilized world. Uncut and raw.

Sit still to control. Master the art of sitting still, not only for observation, but to check movements which are not directed by the Will. We must draw the Will into action, even in matters of no importance.

Alexander & The Magic Crystal


Mahdi The Magician Edition

PDF | 182 Pages

Alexander & The Magic Crystal, is your initiation into the secrets hidden in The Lost Library of Alexander.

C. Alexander’s story starts in Benares, that ancient and mysterious city where he discovers the secret of the crystal. The hidden knowledge that he will use to astound millions around the world as The Crystal Seer and The Man Who Knows.

This is a compilation of books that Alexander created to help his audience develop their intuition, master their mind, and silently influence the world around them.

  • Bonus: Alexander’s Astrological Readings

Develop bodily concentration. It should be your desire to possess concentration to the greatest degree possible. Concentration is the art of controlling the mind and body by Will Force, and this result is obtained by a regular schooling of the body to obey the dictates of the Will.

The body works in support of the Will. You can now understand that before the Will can exercise its force upon another, it must dominate the body to such an extent that it has secured harmony within. Only by a combination of the force on your body and mind can your Will be brought to that degree of development where it can independently exercise functions of Mental Influence that properly belongs to it.

Learn to sit still in a chair. The next two exercises you will undertake while you sit in a chair. First, while standing, inhale and exhale three times slowly, then seat yourself comfortably in the chair.

Learn to control your fingers. Rest your hands in your lap, palms upward. Alternating from right hand to left, move first the thumbs and then each single finger, from index to little finger, slowly, one by one, until both hands are shut tightly around the thumbs. Keep the eyes constantly on each finger as it slowly closes. When both hands are closed, open them slowly, one finger at a time, in reverse order, from left hand to right, ending with the thumbs, until the hand assumes the same position as when you started. This seems a very simple test, but you will find it hard to fix your attention on the fingers at first, without greatly tiring the Will. Practice for six minutes every day until the movements are smooth. Then reverse the order of the movements, substituting left for right, and practice the new pattern.

Learn to control your arms. Your next exercise is to sit in a chair, raise your left hand slowly in a graceful curve to the back of the neck, and rest. Let the muscles remain loose and relaxed. Repeat with the right arm until both hands rest one upon the other at the back of the neck. Count six and slowly bring each hand back to the first position. Practice for six minutes daily until the arc your hands make is the same on both sides.

Practice pointing and walking to the Crystal Ball. For the next exercise, place the Crystal Ball on a shelf or mantel, level with your shoulder. Stand on the opposite side of the room. Raise the right arm on a level with the shoulder; close the hand except the forefinger, which is pointed toward Crystal Ball; walk forward slowly and touch the Crystal Ball. Use the left arm in the same manner, always walking straight and keeping the eye on the Crystal Ball. Practice six minutes daily until perfect. After you have the walk perfect, use the same with the exception that you walk on tiptoe, allowing only the ball of the foot to touch the floor, as you walk straight and touch the Crystal Ball. Practice until perfect.

Create your own exercises. You can devise many similar exercises bearing upon willed control of muscular action. The more the better; but if you only practice the above, they will give you the needed training.

Mahdi The Magician

I perform wonders without hands and walk the earth without feet.


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