Why Astrology?
The Worth of Astrology Has Been Proven
“The planets and signs of the Zodiac are truly the only objects in the universe that all nations have witnessed and all people admired. They preside at the time of our birth and they will throw their pale radiance over the green mounds under which we are destined to lie.”
- Sir David Brewster
God has not ceased to speak to His disciples.
He has placed in the heavens signs and warnings of things to come, that he who will, may read;
but the world is too busy with its commercial interests to read the pages of heaven and seek, as the wise men did, their guidance in the stars.
There are more things in heaven and earth than dreamed of in your philosophy.
To Know Thyself
Is the grandest sermon that can ring within your ears.
By knowing yourself, you can master and conquer the things that seem impossible.
Scarcely a day passes that we do not see some person going through life a slave to circumstances, when astrological precaution would have saved them many a pitfall, changed their sorrow to happiness and their failures to success. Many fortunes have been lost to thousands. People who have not been able to see the opportunity until it has passed by.
Many of the brightest men of the world today are guided in all their important matters by astrology. It should be the refuge of every man and woman of intellect, not those bonded by ignorance and prejudice.
The captain of a ship at sea would not think of sailing his vessel without a chart telling him of reefs and rocks and places of danger that lie in his path, and guided by his compass he sails his shop by the route laid out in his chart.
Through this he evades the hidden rocks.
If he should fail to follow the chart,
disaster is sure to be the result.
Why, then, should you attempt to sail your frail human craft upon the rock-bound stormy sea of life, without your astrological chart to reveal to you the hidden pitfalls and reefs lying in your pathway?
Great Men and Astrology
Franklin cast the horoscope of his friends, and gave the exact hour of several deaths years in advance. Origen, the theologician, was a devotee of astrology. So were Melanchton, Calvin, Luther, Hall, Bishop, Butler, Cardan, Nostradamus and Beecher.
No other science so confirms religion, for astrologers led the way to the very manger of Jesus, the Son of God.
Goethe, the first of German writers, said:
“My horoscope was propitious. The sun was in Virgo, Jupiter and Venus looked with friendly eye, Mercury not adversely, Saturn and Mars kept themselves indifferent, The Moon had reached her planetary hour.”
Julius Caesar died on the Ides of March, the day that an astrologer had told him.
Frederick the Great, Charles the First, Gustavus Adolphus, Queen Elizabeth, Cromwell and other rulers were believers in this great science.
Truth cannot be injured by ridicule or the practice of charlatans.
Astrology is founded on mathematics and astronomy, and has nothing to do with witchcraft and fortune-telling.
No man ever erected his own horoscope correctly and laughed at the science.
“Prove all things and hold fast to that which is good.”
Special Attention of The Reader
Is called to the TWELVE HOROSCOPES on the following pages. Look them over…
Learn what good and bad qualities you have
See who would be congenial with you in marriage
What diseases you are liable to suffer with
it’s all there, and absolutely correct as near as possible to get them, not having the hour of birth and exact day of the month.
Astrological Forecast and Extensive Reading
One Year Forecast covers many areas of life
Extensive Reading reveals more based on more precise calculations
Ask Three Questions for Mahdi to focus on
Personal Horoscope and Complete Reading
Five Year Forecast covers all areas of life
In-depth Reading reveals all you want to know
Seven Page report of the highest quality
Ask Mahdi Five Questions