About The Magic Wand
Astrologers in pointing to stars and maps used sticks, of course, schoolmasters do so even today. If Seers and Necromancers of old and of later times claimed that the implement was essential in their ritualistic simulachres, so do we.

Mahdi Becomes The Magician
The visions that appeared to me when I closed my eyes became a dream and then transformed into a blueprint. If everything I wanted was impossible for me then I would become a magician because a magician can do anything.

Alexander, On Himself
Through all my twenty-seven years before the public I always have contended and always will contend that I OPERATE ONLY BY NATURAL LAWS. There is nothing MIRACULOUS OR SUPERNATURAL about me or my work—unless you account my possible greater knowledge of Natural Laws as being “miraculous”.

Two Great American Magicians By Maskelyne
Howard Thurston’s life-story is so intensely interesting that I feel I must sketch it at much greater length than I have done that of Kellar, who, after all, belonged more to the old school of magicians than to the new.

What Ancient Magic Teaches Us By Maskelyne
There is no doubt that it is one of the oldest arts in the world, and it can be traced right back to the days of ancient Egypt, and even beyond that. If you become a capable magician and cause people to look astonished at your tricks and illusions with boxes, rings, cards, handkerchiefs, and so forth, you will merely be copying men who lived thousands of years ago.

Maskelyne On The Indian Rope Trick
When Houdini was asked if he could offer any explanation of how the Indian rope-trick was done, he used to smile expansively and answer, “There is no such trick.”

Specializing In Magic By Maskelyne
I will consider that I have done my duty by leaving the young magician to decide for himself whether to travel along the one road or to explore the many by-ways.

Where Magic Is Bought By Maskelyne
It is astonishing the number of things a magician must know before he can hope to succeed fully. Nothing is too out-of-the-way for him to mark, learn, and inwardly digest; nothing too obscure for him to delve into and find out the whys and the wherefores; and nothing in the art too big for him to tackle.

Starting In Magic With Maskelyne
Magic is not merely a matter of telling people which card they chose, or showing them how to pour lemonade, tea, coffee, beer, and water out of one teapot. It is the whole show that counts…

Edwin Sachs On Magic
“It is as pleasant to be cheated as to cheat,” is a maxim that must have been framed expressly for conjuring.

Edwin Sachs’ Advice To Magicians
Having at length brought the beginner to that point where he will first have to shift for himself in real earnest, I wish to leave him in a position to do credit to my tuition, and, with this object, impart a few hints for his guidance.

Houdini, The Versatile Artist
Harry Houdini, "The World's Handcuff King and amazing Prison Breaker," a title universally and unanimously bestowed upon him, has had a career as adventurous and romantic as the most imaginative writer could possibly conjure.

The Amazing Magicians
When the Jiangsu Broadcasting Corporation decided to air a magic show in China they knew that they wanted to produce a TV show like no other. Mahdi Gilbert was one of the Western magicians asked to perform on the program.

Star King
Mahdi Gilbert was the first foreign magician to appear on South Korean national television in 2016. (SBS) Star King (놀라운 대회 스타킹) is the most popular program in the country and they devoted an entire episode to his magic and his motivational speaking.

How Magicians Think: Overcoming Obstacles
This is podcast episode about seeing beyond limitations and succeeding despite enormous obstacles. Bring a tissue and tune in. Let this episode serve as your spiritual nourishment for the week.

Magic Is The Art of Transformation
He was revived in a field hospital and suffered from severe shell shock. During his recovery he would ask for playing cards and practiced non-stop. Thinking he was mentally ill for wearing gloves and repeating the same manipulations with cards all day the doctors had him incarcerated in a mental hospital in Southhampton, England.

The Heart Of Magic
The magic just happened. You never saw any hand flexing, any hand positioning, or any other visible motion to suggest sleight of hand. This man was on. It was his night. He treated all of us to an experience of truly real magic.

What Is The Story?
Max Malini came to America over a hundred years ago with nothing. He decides that in order to become successful he has to find really powerful people so that he can blow their minds.

Master Magician Reveals How Much Money Magicians Get Paid
Magicians, when talking amongst themselves about the size of the fees they receive for their various acts and performances, rarely tell the exact truth. Quite a few of them exaggerate and a large number deliberately lie in their teeth!

How To Book A Magician
Booking a magician for your event has never been easier and here’s a guide and checklist for you to make sure you are choosing the right magician for your guests.