The Right To Be Rich
No man can rise to his greatest possible height in talent or soul development unless he has plenty of money; for to unfold the soul and to develop talent he must have many things to use, and he cannot have these things unless he has money to buy them with.
Eugen Sandow’s Show in 1897
Taking a pack of ordinary playing cards I tear them first in half, then in four parts, and finally into eighths. Next I tear two packs, and finally three packs, each pack containing the ordinary number of fifty-two cards. The feat of tearing in half one pack of cards was originally shown to me by the late Emperor of Russia.
Sandow In America
“A Lion Fight with Sandow” was boldly advertised. The announcement sent a thrill through the cities for hundreds of miles around, and in order fully to be equipped for a performance which would be bound to attract thousands and thousands of people…
Living Weights & Training Sailors
For my part I was determined to introduce a novelty. Henceforth, there should be actually living weights.
Creating Goliath & Making Friends
Imagine, if you can, this tremendous fellow: his head as huge and grotesque as that of any pantomime mask, with a nose the size of an ordinary fist. As for his own fist, it would have made more than three of mine, and when a five-shilling piece was placed beneath the ball of his finger, believe me, it was impossible to see it.
How Sandow Beat Samson
I learned that Samson was offering, at the Royal Aquarium in London, £100 to the person who could perform the feats of his pupil, Cyclops, and £1,000 to anyone who could beat his own…
The Magic Cold Bath
In advising cold baths, I speak, of course, for persons in the enjoyment of ordinary health.
Sandow On How To Exercise
The body, in fact, like a child, wants to be educated, & only through a series of exercises can this education be given.
The Reward Is In The Struggle
Your reward lies not so much in the accomplishment as in the effort and struggle, and all the good qualities which they bring out.
Q&A With Coué
It is, if one consents, the full development of this power which can transform one's life.
The Miracle Within
In your mind you possess an unlimited power. It acts on matter if we know how to domesticate it. The imagination is like a horse without a bridle; if such a horse is pulling the carriage in which you are, he may do all sorts of foolish things and take you to your death. But harness him properly, drive him with a sure hand, and he will go wherever you like.
Émile Coué On Raising Children
Teach them above all that every one must set out in life with a very definite idea that he will succeed, and that, under the influence of this idea he will inevitably succeed. Not indeed, that he should quietly remain expecting events to happen, but because, impelled by this idea, he will do what is necessary to make it come true.
Émile Coué’s Results & Testimonials
This is the essential point of the method. In order to make auto-suggestions, you must eliminate the will completely and only address yourself to the imagination, so as to avoid a conflict between them in which the will would be vanquished.
Thoughts & Precepts of Émile Coué
When you make conscious autosuggestions, do it naturally, simply, with conviction, and above all without any effort. If unconscious and bad autosuggestions are so often realized, it is because they are made without effort.
How Coué Cured People
Suppose our brain is a plank in which are driven nails which represent the ideas, habits, and instincts, which determine our actions. If we find that there exists in a subject a bad idea, a bad habit, a bad instinct,--as it were, a bad nail, we take another which is the good idea, habit, or instinct, place it on top of the bad one and give a tap with a hammer--in other words we make a suggestion.
Coué Discovers The Placebo Effect
If a doctor who by his title alone has a suggestive influence on his patient, tells him that he can do nothing for him, and that his illness is incurable, he provokes in the mind of the latter an autosuggestion which may have the most disastrous consequences; if however he tells him that his illness is a serious one, it is true, but that with care, time, and patience, he can be cured, he sometimes and even often obtains results which will surprise him.
Basic Suggestive Reprogramming By Coué
By considering the thing easy it becomes so for you, although it might seem difficult to others. You will do it quickly and well, and without fatigue, because you do it without effort, whereas if you had considered it as difficult or impossible it would have become so for you, simply because you would have thought it so.
Simple Experiments That Transform Your Beliefs
Every thought entirely filling our mind becomes true for us and tends to transform itself into action.
How The Will & The Imagination Interact
If you persuade yourself that you can do a certain thing, provided this thing be possible, you will do it however difficult it may be. If on the contrary you imagine that you cannot do the simplest thing in the world, it is impossible for you to do it, and molehills become for you unscalable mountains.
How We Are Enslaved By Our Imagination
It is necessary to know that two absolutely distinct selves exist within us. Both are intelligent, but while one is conscious the other is unconscious.