The Will As a Driving & Directing Force



The Will is the driving and directing force of the mind and body. It responds to the proper efforts and inducements, not matter by whom exerted, or for what purpose called into effect. But the proper effort must be exerted, consciously or unconsciously, or else there will be no operation or action of the force upon the Will.

Alexander & The Magic Crystal


Mahdi The Magician Edition

PDF | 182 Pages

Alexander & The Magic Crystal, is your initiation into the secrets hidden in The Lost Library of Alexander.

C. Alexander’s story starts in Benares, that ancient and mysterious city where he discovers the secret of the crystal. The hidden knowledge that he will use to astound millions around the world as The Crystal Seer and The Man Who Knows.

This is a compilation of books that Alexander created to help his audience develop their intuition, master their mind, and silently influence the world around them.

  • Bonus: Alexander’s Astrological Readings

A person of powerful Will causes others to follow.

Have you observed how you are inspired or spurred on to action by contact with a powerful Mind? Forcible mentative currents arise from the strong, centered desire of some person who, forming a mental image by means of visualization, creates for himself a center of desire-force, which, guided by his Will Power, attracts to himself all that is necessary to carry out his plan, including capital, tools, and supporters.

A strong Will impresses thoughts upon followers.

The original desire in the Willful man's mind is reproduced in kind in the minds of thousands of people by the law of mentative induction, and they all fall in with the plan that he sets forth. The great plans of the so-called "Captains of Industry" are carried out by reason of this law.

I propose to make mental masters of you.

I propose to teach you to throw off the bonds and shackles of mental slavery, to make you strong and positive individuals, instead of weak and negative ones, and this can only be attained through the cultivation and exercise of Will. The first obstacle to overcome in the work of cultivating Will Power is to overcome the old habits of weak Will, and to replace them by new habits of strong Will. To develop the dominant Will you must cultivate new habits.

Get control of your physical channels of expression.

Master the physical expression connected with the mental state you are trying to develop. That is, to develop self-reliance, confidence, and fearlessness, the first thing for you to do is to get a perfect control of the muscles by which the physical manifestations of those feelings are shown. Observe yourself in a mirror. Model an emotion. See how your stance changes. Learn to control this by Will.

Learn the inner secrets of the mind.

Knowledge of the mind enables you to enjoy life more. The currents of Will flow in vibratory waves from the mind of the individual, and act upon the minds of others, according to the laws of mentative induction. Mind Forces recreate, restore, reconstruct, rejuvenate, and regenerate. The Crystal aids in sending mental waves of induction to others. Try it.

Learn to concentrate.

By developing concentration, you will be able to focus your Will upon any object desired, and thus get the greatest effect. In using the Will, endeavor to make it "one-pointed," and focus it. Cast from your mind all ideas and thoughts not in harmony with the one idea upon which you are concentrating your Will. This is the primary essential of all Mental Power processes, and a Crystal Ball should prove of great help as you master the Art of Focus and Concentration.

Learn to be fearless when confronted by danger or distress.

The world we live in has seen its share of upheavals, earthquakes, floods, fires, famines, and wars. Do not indulge in morbid foretelling with the Crystal, but when you recieve a warning message that trouble or a disaster is on its way, do not run or hide. You must not let people who may need your help be left behind.

Keep your wits about you and engage your Will Power, then Act at once to do what can be done. Be brave!

Magic Crystal

Unearthed in Benares, India by Mahdi. Their marvellous powers have been the talk and wonderment of the whole civilized world. Uncut and raw.

Mahdi The Magician

I perform wonders without hands and walk the earth without feet.

Silently Influence Others


Develop Sex Force