The Secrets of Alexander’s Crystal Balls

Alexander's Crystal Balls, Their Colors, And Their Powers


Magic Crystal

Unearthed in Benares, India by Mahdi. Their marvellous powers have been the talk and wonderment of the whole civilized world. Uncut and raw.

You have fine abilities for success which you have not yet used. Pull off the shroud of doubt and unbelief - behold them. Now BELIEVE and use them!

You need new friends, new life objectives, new health, new outlets for your nature. By Mental Induction I am going to seek these for you and you in turn will seek with me.

Your natural endowments will give you intense expression and creative activity. Open wide your whole being and let them come forth. Let new events, experiences, successes, and achievements shine into the powerhouse of your WILL. Start things. You will have new business relations, and new outlets for your irresistible energies.

Let us work for results NOW, employing Mental Induction with a Crystal Ball.


Select a Crystal Ball that is either comfortable to hold in your hand (a 2" Palm Ball) or that will remain steady on a stand (a 3" Table Ball). A Crystal Ball carved from plain or patterned semi-precious stone may eventually prove of value to you in your work, but for now, I would like you to acquiant yourself with a simple sphere of Crystal Glass. If you wish to focus on works of a singular kind, you may select a colour that resonates and harmonizes with your thoughts. Here are some favourites:

Clear Crystal: The Universal Sender and Receiver, this is the ideal all-purpose Crystall Ball, and the easiest to work with in a variety of circumstances; let not its clarity deceive you, however, it is the greatest ball for long distance work.

Aqua or Blue Crystal: Health, spirituality, tranquility, peace, the Aqua or Blue Crystals are the most Receptive hue but not as easy to use in Sending, for due to their serenity and passivity, they transmit only the gentlest of peaceful thoughts.

Red Crystal: Love, sexuality, action, adventure, blood; it requires a great deal of passion to Send with the Red Crystal, but as a Receiver it is a great strengthener of both the physical and the spiritual Heart.

Green Crystal: Bountiful harvests in the material world, money, luck, wealth; as a Receiver, the Green Crystal warms to its task when surrounded by golden coins; as a Sender it requires a generous soul who cares not for personal gain.

Yellow, Honey-Amber, or Purple Crystal: Success, career, personal power, travels, and legal matters are strengthened by the operation of these Crystals; they are versatile Senders and Receivers.

Black Crystal: Just as darkness follows daylight, so does the Midnight Crystal absorb all negatives and reverse all evil. The ultimate Receiver, nothing escapes its sable prisonment; as a Sender it demands the exercise of Masterful Will.

Alexander & The Magic Crystal


Mahdi The Magician Edition

PDF | 182 Pages

Alexander & The Magic Crystal, is your initiation into the secrets hidden in The Lost Library of Alexander.

C. Alexander’s story starts in Benares, that ancient and mysterious city where he discovers the secret of the crystal. The hidden knowledge that he will use to astound millions around the world as The Crystal Seer and The Man Who Knows.

This is a compilation of books that Alexander created to help his audience develop their intuition, master their mind, and silently influence the world around them.

  • Bonus: Alexander’s Astrological Readings

Mahdi The Magician

I perform wonders without hands and walk the earth without feet.

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