The True Meaning of The King of Spades

K♠️ as presented by




the art & science of seeing & reading, as passed down by the ancient & medieval people through the line line of the observant

There is magic in boldness and sometimes the stars align in a way where we feel as if it is the moment we have been waiting for to make a move. If you have been discerning wisely and listened to your heart and discovered your true ambitions then you will know when it is the right time to act. The King of Spades tells you that your moment has arrived and that you need to take this leap of faith.

Follow ambitions with full force.

Boldness leads to action,

action to success.

Be bold.

Have the faith of a child and harness the unrelenting force of determination that is hidden inside you. Do not doubt and second guess yourself just make moves. Surely you will make mistakes but you are smart and you will learn from them. Make more mistakes and make them faster. When you are following your will in the pursuit of your passion then nothing will stand in your way. You will find that coincidences happen in your favor and that fortune will be on your side, as it is for any person who commits to following their bliss with the full force and power of their will and concentration.

When you have setbacks,

push ahead.

Do not stop because if you do you will lose all momentum. Set your sights on different goals and even though you may not reach the ultimate goal right away you will be sure to hit a milestone. Push ahead. Do not get lost in thought. Live with a spirit of boldness and courage and go for it. You will find that this energy allows you to overcome obstacles and break through everything that once stood immovably in your way. Know that you are following your heart and that your spirit is strong enough to push on through to the other side.

Do it.

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the art & science of seeing & reading, as passed down by the ancient & medieval people through the line line of the observant


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