The Secret of One Man’s Vision


So much for Mr. A’s quaint story of how he found himself. What a tribute it spells to Mental Concentration! What a simple thing it makes of Achievement! Just stop and think. Everything in the world he wanted, every ambition realized, every desire gratified and happiness in plenty merely as a result of training his mind to concentrate with the help of a simple little crystal! How it inspires one to “go and do likewise.”

And yet there are a thousand little intricate points to every person’s final success in the attainment of any given object that must first be clearly visualized before being concentrated upon, because, according to the teachings of those same old Hindu Yogis that Mr. A referred to, “EVERYTHING IN THIS WORLD, outside of such things as trees, mountains, streams and the basic elements of the world itself, was once FIRST OF ALL, A VISION IN THE MIND OF SOME MAN.”

Back in the Stone Age when the development of Mind was in its inception, and when human beings bound rocks to the end of sticks with rushes to make implements with which to protect themselves from the stronger and more ferocious animals, there had to be, first of all—even before the making of this crude implement—the thing called VISION. Some of those dull witted forbears of the present race had to have seen in his Mind’s Eye the stick and the stone combined in its finished state, before he could have put them together and used them.

Later, when Man first broke and yoked oxen together to bear his burdens effectively, VISION had first to conceive and bear the idea that he might turn it into reality.

Still later, when he had conquered his greatest enemy, Fire, harnessed it, taught it to serve him turning water into steam to drive great ships across the seas and send thousands of tons of metal hurtling across the rails of a continent, there had been VISION. Vision perceived all those things first and set the pattern that the hand of man might carve more steadily the realization of his dream. The clothes we wear, the houses we live in, the automobiles we ride in, the radio messages we send to the far ends of the earth— these, all these and all things else we touch and see and use and know are but the visible, material counterparts or shadowy dream-pictures in the minds of some MAN and each one of these countless realized-dreams has spelled Success and Wealth and Happiness to the Man who boasted the vision. Your success, your wealth, your happiness lie in the Vision you too are able to summon and the greater those visions, the greater your success and happiness will be!

Alexander & The Magic Crystal


Mahdi The Magician Edition

PDF | 182 Pages

Alexander & The Magic Crystal, is your initiation into the secrets hidden in The Lost Library of Alexander.

C. Alexander’s story starts in Benares, that ancient and mysterious city where he discovers the secret of the crystal. The hidden knowledge that he will use to astound millions around the world as The Crystal Seer and The Man Who Knows.

This is a compilation of books that Alexander created to help his audience develop their intuition, master their mind, and silently influence the world around them.

  • Bonus: Alexander’s Astrological Readings

There is an old and a true saying that there is no rule that is an honest rule that will not work both ways. If it is one mile from here to a given point it must be one mile in return. If two times three are six then three times two are six. So, if it is possible to gain a Vision it must be possible also to project that Vision through space,—and distance can make no difference, as THOUGHT IS A UNIVERSAL THING unhampered by the only two laws that impede speed. It can not be affected by Gravitation and fall to the ground nor can it be restrained by friction because it contacts with nothing material in its flight and offers no resistance in itself. It will go where it is directed and can not be appropriated on the way.

But—to create the VISION that lies back of the created-thing! Ah, that is the question. How can you and I and every other man in the world today learn to create and set up VISIONS of the things we desire so minute in their every detail and so realistic in their whole that their translation into Realities becomes an easy thing? How can we VISION the attainment of the smallest instance of happiness that our WILL may have a “pattern” from which to carve out its achievement? Mr. A—, in his story, has pointed the mystery and revealed it in a single word,—“CONCENTRATION”—and he had added another word to make it easy when he mentioned the “shining rocks and broken crystals” of the Yogis.

Some people are blessed with natural Vision. In others it must be developed. To a narrow, stubborn, weak-minded skeptic this would never be easy, but to those who have an open mind and desire the Truth it will be merely a matter of patience and practice. And the “crystal” is not absolutely necessary to its accomplishment. Nothing is ever seen in a crystal or gazing-ball. Such things only help to focus the mind eliminate extraneous suggestion, but even that much you will find will make the world of difference, for I have found in my experience that those who do use these simple aids to concentration shorten their labors and win their desired successes a hundred times quicker than those who strive to concentrate mentally without such artificial help. BUT, you can be your own judge in the matter for it is easy enough to try both ways and then finally adopt the method that gives the best results.

Whatever you do, however, do it intelligently. Conserve your forces, focus your energies, eliminate lost motion and banish the possibility of failure and its resultant discouragement, by studying this subject conscientiously in advance so that you may know something of the subject you are dealing with before you rush in and bungle things hopelessly. Do not be above taking suggestions and ideas from others. Remember that you could not fit yourself for any profession without a long course of training in ideas, suggestions and discoveries of other who have gone before you in the same endeavor. Neither would you attempt to install a radio-set in your home without mastering some of the principles of Radial Energy as presented to you by authorities on the subject, any more than you would attempt to doctor your physical being if you were sick, without first referring to some recognized physician.

And after all such a confession of need is no reflection upon your intelligence. You could not be expected to know everything about the Mind and its workings, on a moment’s notice. The Mind is a machine more intricate than any thing man has ever invented and you would not be expected to operate even the simplest machine without some instruction on its workings, would you? How much more necessary is it for you to know something about the structure, the potentialities and the mechanics of your Mind if you are to reap any of its real benefits!

Concentration is not just merely a decision on your part to sit still and think of just one single given subject until you achieve your desire with that subject. It must be—if it is to be effective—the logical result of some definite and intelligent preparation and training which you could not possibly attain without some outside help or instruction; therefore approach this subject of self-development by Mind-unfoldment solemnly and humbly, eager to receive and be guided by the experience and instructions of others who have pioneered the path that opened this New World before you.

Magic Crystal

Unearthed in Benares, India by Mahdi. Their marvellous powers have been the talk and wonderment of the whole civilized world. Uncut and raw.

Mahdi The Magician

I perform wonders without hands and walk the earth without feet.

The Secret of One’s Books


A Message From C. Alexander