The Secret of One’s Books


You can’t know it all and it isn’t necessary to know (of your own discovery) in order to enjoy the fruits of any Truth. You do not have to be an Edison to enjoy the benefits of electricity. It is only necessary that you read a book that that great Wizard has written for your guidance in order to be able to equip your home with his great discoveries and flood the darkness with light, rob the air of its messages, warm your body and cook your food. His word in his book becomes an “Open Sesame” to a storehouse of inexhaustible treasure.

Neither do you have to be a Luther Burbank in order to enjoy the delicate flavor of a plumcot—that marvelous marriage between an apricot and a plum, which his knowledge made possible. You do not have to be a Fulton to claim the profit of compressed steam that turns the wheels in your factory or spins you across a continent. Neither do you to be a Selwyn or a Ford to claim the glorious thrill of a fast flying auto, BUT you must gather the fruits of all their findings and study the words they have written if you would adapt their discoveries to your own necessities and profit in a moment by their years of patient experiment.

And if this is true of the material world how much more true it is in the realm of the Mind! How much more necessary it is for you to have the best help and surest guidance in the limitless labyrinth? Therefore be willing to fit yourself for the highest development of yourself by a careful study and analysis of Yourself under the guidance of Masters of the Subject.

There are thousands of books that you might read. It is not a question of lack of material. Rather it is a question of intelligent choice among the mass of material that is offered. You could not possibly read them all nor would you want to. The thing to do is analyze your own individuality, divide it into its various “fields of interest,” recognize those “fields” in which you are most deficient and then select those books or instructions from the highest authorities treating on those specific elements, remembering always that this matter of Self-development by Mind-unfoldment is not a question of Religion, Cult or Creed but a cold-blooded business proposition of obtaining the very highest degree of profit and happiness out of the material in your hands.

Alexander & The Magic Crystal


Mahdi The Magician Edition

PDF | 182 Pages

Alexander & The Magic Crystal, is your initiation into the secrets hidden in The Lost Library of Alexander.

C. Alexander’s story starts in Benares, that ancient and mysterious city where he discovers the secret of the crystal. The hidden knowledge that he will use to astound millions around the world as The Crystal Seer and The Man Who Knows.

This is a compilation of books that Alexander created to help his audience develop their intuition, master their mind, and silently influence the world around them.

  • Bonus: Alexander’s Astrological Readings

As an example of what is meant by these “Fields of interest” there is first the matter of the Mind in relation to itself, its abstract Power and then its Influence upon yourself and upon others. Covering these two points W. W. Atkinson has written a book “MIND POWER” which seems to cover the field completely and authoritatively and which you would do well to read.

Then comes the relation of the Mind to your body, its health and well-being, and on this point out of the numerous books published we have the greatest satisfaction in “SEX FORCE” by Arthur Gould, “THE SCIENCE OF BREATH” and “PSYCHIC HEALING” by Yogi Ramacharaka, “PRACTICAL YOGA” by Bhakata Vishita, “SEX SECRETS” and “HOW TO STAY YOUNG” by Dr. Armitage.

Next in order comes your relation to the world about you;—your human contacts with people and things;—your family, your neighbours, Society in general, your work, your profession, your material necessities and ambitions. This field is enormous for in it lies every question of happiness on this material plane. It might be called the “Field of Personality” rather than the “Field of Person” since the thing that makes you individual and distinct from any one else in your relation to others and thus sets the measure of your success or failure is altogether a matter of your “Personality,”—or your “person” as other people “see” it.

This field has offered the greatest attraction to scientists and writers and it has been covered from every conceivable angle, but a few of the very best books that can be read and absorbed easily have been selected and are offered as a suggestion for your guidance. They are “WINNING PERSONALITY” by Gould; “ART AND SCIENCE OF PERSONAL MAGNETISM” and the “ADVANCED COURSE IN PERSONAL MAGNETISM” by Theron Q. Dumont; “DYNAMIC THOUGHT” by Arthur Thomas Hamblin; “THINKING FOR RESULTS” by Gould; “SUCCESSFUL SALESMANSHIP” by Theron Q. Dumont, and “MAGNETIC FORCE” by Swami A. P. Mukerji.

Of course there remains always the spiritual aspect of the Mind in its relation to the Unseen World through which channel it is often easier to form contacts with people on this plane, and to project influence and achieve results than it is along the more material levels, but this carries you into the realm of Mediumship and things Psychic and might be regarded as a course of Higher Study. Still, for the benefit of those interested, the following careful selections are suggested: “GENUINE MEDIUMSHIP” and “SEERSHIP,” both by Bhakata Vishita; “THE HUMAN AURA,” “THE ASTRAL WORLD” and “CLAIRVOYANCE” all by Swami Panchadasi, etc.

Over all and above all, however, must be remembered the fact that all of this course of study and reading points toward only one thing and that is, “How are you to use your mind to obtain greater profit and happiness by CONCENTRATION?” What is the method and process of CONCENTRATION and what are the benefits to be derived from it?” And in answer to these questions we recommend above all that you read “POWER OF CONCENTRATION” by Dumont and “THE MASTER KEY” by DeLaurence! After you have read those two books, saturated yourself with their information and instructions, emptied your mind of all skepticism, self-consciousness and fear-thoughts, then you need only a simple little crystal ball as a temporary aid to focusing your mental faculties and you are ready to revolutionize your life, close the door upon Failure, Struggle and Sorrow and open it upon a vista of Efficiency, Accomplishment, Profit and Happiness! You can not fail except as you are weak and unfocused in your efforts or cling to old Fears and old Doubts that betray you! Remember,

“You are the Master of your Fate!

You are the Captain of your Soul!”

and not all the angels in Heaven could force Success and Happiness upon you unless you chose to receive them and made an effort to accept their gifts! If you dally by the wayside, clinging to fears and whining in self-pity, dividing your thought between what you are and what you only think you would like to be (without making the effort to be it) you’ll get exactly what you deserve as the “Master of your own Fate” and you’ll have no one to blame but yourself.

Mahdi The Magician

I perform wonders without hands and walk the earth without feet.

Alexander, On Himself


The Secret of One Man’s Vision