Mahdi at Magifest
Why would I ever visit Columbus, Ohio in the middle of the winter?

Two Great American Magicians By Maskelyne
Howard Thurston’s life-story is so intensely interesting that I feel I must sketch it at much greater length than I have done that of Kellar, who, after all, belonged more to the old school of magicians than to the new.

What Ancient Magic Teaches Us By Maskelyne
There is no doubt that it is one of the oldest arts in the world, and it can be traced right back to the days of ancient Egypt, and even beyond that. If you become a capable magician and cause people to look astonished at your tricks and illusions with boxes, rings, cards, handkerchiefs, and so forth, you will merely be copying men who lived thousands of years ago.

Maskelyne On The Indian Rope Trick
When Houdini was asked if he could offer any explanation of how the Indian rope-trick was done, he used to smile expansively and answer, “There is no such trick.”

Specializing In Magic By Maskelyne
I will consider that I have done my duty by leaving the young magician to decide for himself whether to travel along the one road or to explore the many by-ways.

Where Magic Is Bought By Maskelyne
It is astonishing the number of things a magician must know before he can hope to succeed fully. Nothing is too out-of-the-way for him to mark, learn, and inwardly digest; nothing too obscure for him to delve into and find out the whys and the wherefores; and nothing in the art too big for him to tackle.

Starting In Magic With Maskelyne
Magic is not merely a matter of telling people which card they chose, or showing them how to pour lemonade, tea, coffee, beer, and water out of one teapot. It is the whole show that counts…