What Is The Master Key?

Use Your Mind:

Before any environment can be created, action of some kind is necessary, and before action is possible there must be thought of some kind, and, as thought is a product of the mind, it becomes evident that Mind is the creative center from which all activities proceed. It is a recognized fact that the body deteriorates through disuse and lack of exercise. The Mind also becomes stagnant, inoperative, and unfruitful without proper exercise and functioning. With mental cultivation, and use, there is no limit to the potentialities of the mind. The policy of ninety-nine persons out of a hundred is to drift. When they have learned their calling they take no interest in it, and at that point stagnation begins. Without daily use, the Mind becomes a rusty tool.

Be Clear-Headed:

Misused emotions, ill-governed feelings, bitterness of spirit, self-pity, and critical or other negative states all bring an end to enthusiasm. Worry, disharmony, fear, nervousness, and hurry all produce fatigue, and the fatigue which springs from mental causes is always more keenly felt than the muscle ache which results from physical effort. The scientific spirit now dominates every field of effort, and to be in ignorance of the laws governing your mind is to be like a child playing with fire, or a man manipulating powerful chemicals without knowledge of their nature. To control circumstances, a knowledge of the principles of mental action is required. Mind is the greatest cause which produces conditions in the lives of men and women. One's mental outlook determines one's physical outlook. One's actions are the visible result of thoughts. Action creates circumstances, thus circumstances are the outcome of Mind, and our environment is to a large extent self-created.

Alexander & The Magic Crystal


Mahdi The Magician Edition

PDF | 182 Pages

Alexander & The Magic Crystal, is your initiation into the secrets hidden in The Lost Library of Alexander.

C. Alexander’s story starts in Benares, that ancient and mysterious city where he discovers the secret of the crystal. The hidden knowledge that he will use to astound millions around the world as The Crystal Seer and The Man Who Knows.

This is a compilation of books that Alexander created to help his audience develop their intuition, master their mind, and silently influence the world around them.

  • Bonus: Alexander’s Astrological Readings

Know Your Purpose:

Want of purpose, want of objective, and indifference are the chief characteristics of the unsuccessful. Tenacity of purpose, earnestness, bulldog determination, and patient persistence are the highly cultivated virtues of the successful. Some men and women seem to attract success, power, and wealth with little conscious effort; others conquer with great difficulty; still others fail altogether to reach their ambitions, desires, and ideals.

Why is this so?

Why should some people realize their ambitions easily, others with difficulty, and still others not at all? The cause cannot be physical, or else the most perfect physical specimens would be the most successful. The difference, therefore, must be mental, must be in the mind; hence mind must be the creative force, must constitute the chief difference between them. It is mind, therefore, which overcomes environment and every other obstacles in the path. It is the creative power of thought which leads us to succeed. Let me emphasize the fact that thought is creative; that by perservering in a certain manner of thinking you can not only create qualities and sentiments within yourself and influence conditions outside yourself, but by thought you can also transform that which already exists.

Observe Your Thoughts:

Our circumstances are formed by our thoughts. If we have been creating these conditions unconsciously and they are unsatisfactory, the remedy is to alter our mental attitude consciously and see our circumstances adjust themselves to the new mental state. There is nothing strange or supernatural about this; it is simply the Law of Being. The thoughts which take root in the mind will certainly produce fruit after their kind. The greatest schemer cannot "gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles."

To improve our conditions we must first improve ourselves. Our thoughts and desires must be the first to show improvement, and after these are changed, marked improvement in conditions will be noted. Once we realize that the workings of the mind are governable, we know that in governing the Mind, we will arrive at self-control, happiness, and interior peace, independent of place and condition, which will in time bring the outer world into harmony with our thoughts.

Cast Off Negativity:

Distressing and morbid thoughts should never be indulged in, save when the situation that begot them must be studied with a view to its removal. Should there be no remedy for the evil, no exit from the unhappy condition, then it is the height of folly to dwell upon it. Depressing, anxious thoughts are powerless to change a situation, they only vitiate one's mental, moral, and physical energy.

The creative power of thought resides in every human being in like measure, and was given to mankind to aid in the attainment of full development and consequent happiness. The degree to which it can be taken advantage of depends upon individual effort, the ability to focus, and TRUE FAITH IN ONE'S SELF.

Develop Creativity:

In whatever line creation is sought for improved circumstances, Concentration, Faith, Belief, Visualization, and Mental Discipline will be the factors that are indispensable. Everywhere in Nature concentration and crystallization are necessary to the formation of matter in its various manifestations. Likewise our thoughts, concentrated and crystallized upon an affirmed outcome, will tend to bring conditions and circumstances into alignment with our desires.

If one could see the activities of a mind rushing and whirling about, first in one direction, then in another, one would gain some idea of the steadying effect of Mental Discipline. Therefore, the scientific study of Concentration, Visualization, Focus, Enthusiasm - proper thinking and doing - is THE MASTER KEY to realizing success, wealth, happiness, health, confidence, and all the better things in life.

You must maintain unbounded confidence in yourself.

You cannot fail.

You, yourself, are SUCCESS.

Know Thyself:

The inscription "Know Thyself," as written over the entrance of the Temple at Delphi in 600 B.C., does not apply to the Greeks alone, but is a command to every man and every woman of every age. It is written over the door of each living temple, not as a decoration, but as the passport into the city beautiful. Every door that swings open from ignorance to wisdom, from lack to plenty, from death to life, has done so because the Master of the House has found THE MASTER KEY.

Mahdi The Magician

I perform wonders without hands and walk the earth without feet.


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