The True Meaning of The Queen of Diamonds

Q♦️ as presented by




the art & science of seeing & reading, as passed down by the ancient & medieval people through the line line of the observant

Heinrich Zimmer used to say, “The best things can’t be told,” because they transcend thought. “The second best are misunderstood,” because those are the thoughts that are supposed to refer to that which can’t be thought about, and one gets stuck in the thoughts. “The third best are what we talk about.”

Unfortunately we are going even lower and away from philosophy with the Queen of Diamonds. She is not interested in thoughts but in people and she is a troublemaker. When she appears it is to spread rumors like wildfire. Know that

gossip brings trouble

“The best things can’t be told,

the second best are misunderstood,

the third best are what we talk about.”

- Heinrich Zimmer

and no matter how careful you are that what you say will come back to bite you. Many people love the thrill of partaking in gossip and hearsay but know that just as your confidant tells all about others that they will just as soon tell all about you. Understand this quickly or you will be taught the hard way.

Every card also provides a solution and the solution to gossip is to play as stupid as possible.

Listen to everyone but say nothing to no one,

learn everything but don’t share what you know.

This way you will benefit from the gossip around you by learning a lot and minimize your risk. Should you really want to get away from gossip simply change topics or remove yourself when someone near you starts in on it.

Be careful!

Use extreme caution!

When in doubt, walk away!

Discover Your Star Sign

AriesTaurusGeminiCancerLeoVirgoLibraScorpioSagittariusCapricorn • Aquarius • Pisces





the art & science of seeing & reading, as passed down by the ancient & medieval people through the line line of the observant


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