Silently Influence Others

Silently Influence Others with Alexander


Alexander & The Magic Crystal


Mahdi The Magician Edition

PDF | 182 Pages

Alexander & The Magic Crystal, is your initiation into the secrets hidden in The Lost Library of Alexander.

C. Alexander’s story starts in Benares, that ancient and mysterious city where he discovers the secret of the crystal. The hidden knowledge that he will use to astound millions around the world as The Crystal Seer and The Man Who Knows.

This is a compilation of books that Alexander created to help his audience develop their intuition, master their mind, and silently influence the world around them.

  • Bonus: Alexander’s Astrological Readings

Each person is different, so know your subject. As there are no two persons alike, you will find it necessary to deal with each in a different way. First study the nature of the person, then follow the instructions for his case and you will be surprised at the success you will have. It matters not why you approach a person, knowing their nature will help you influence them.

Influencing a person who has strong Will Power.

One of the hardest subjects for you to influence will be a person with strong Will Power. It would be utterly useless for you to asset your Will or aggressive force against a person who has developed a strong Will, for you would fail, unless you too possessed a highly developed mind power. Never try to wrestle a wrestling champion to the ground. It isn't worth it.

Approach such a person from the opposite point of view, until you have gained his friendship or sympathy. Humble yourself and show your respect for his excellent qualities, and fail to recognize his weakness. Be sure to never give credit to anyone but him, not even yourself, while you are in his presence. At home, in your Crystal, send only admiration.

When you meet with him, praise, yes, flatter him, and he will believe you. He is blind to his own faults, so you must be the same. He will make mistakes, but you must not expect him to correct or acknowledge them. Place him on a pinnacle far above yourself and you will both merit and receive his favour. As long as you show this sort of appreciation he will do almost anything you want him to do. If you can only admire him and his abilities and hobbies sufficiently, he will respect you for your good judgement, and will soon obey your wishes. You must, however, request him to do so, telling him you are sure he is the only person who could do so correctly. That is why you have taken the liberty to ask him.

As long as you will arrange your plans so as to give him credit, you may by your personal power lead him like a lamb. When you look him in the eye be sure to express humility and admiration. If you will do this he will be as a toy in your hands.

The majority of people are deficient in Will Power.

The less Will Power a person has the easier it will be for you to influence him. A person who is lacking in Will is changeable in his ideas and plans, so you must influence him to do at once what you desire. Don't give him time for reconsideration as he may change his mind. Do not show for a moment that you have any doubt about him doing as you wish.

If he is a little slow to your way of thinking, let him know that he does not understand the advantage of your propositions. Use moderate anger only as a last resort, but it seldom fails to bring the desired results. He will respect in you the qualities of force, energy, and confidence that are lacking in himself.

It is natural for such people to depend upon the dictates of those having a stronger Will than their own. You can easily master and dominate their thoughts as well as their actions. Will them to act, and they will comply.

On the other hand, some people who are deficient in Will Power have a certain stubbornness that may be mistaken for strength of Will. Be careful when you deal with such a person. You must use tact and diplomacy, and must not force your ideas or opinions on him. The slightest show of force on your part would cause him to become obstinate. Bear in mind that a stubborn person has not a strong will, so he is sure to obey your wishes if you use tact in presenting them to him.

If the person is intuitive, use Silent Influence in his presence.

With respect to the psychic sensitive, you will accomplish your purpose by being in the same room with him, provided you concentrate your mind and Will that he obey your wishes, always thinking of the thing you want him to do. Telepathically he will get your wishes and think they are his own. A wonderful amount of influence is produced in this way. It is better for you to sit behind the person so that your eyes do not meet his, but look at the base of his brain when transmitting your wishes. This form of Silent Influence is also called Mental Telepathy.

A test for Silent Influence.

Have you never sat in a church or theater and discovered some one ahead of you whom you knew, if they saw you, would recognize you? After thinking of him and looking in his direction for a few minutes, notice that he begins to get restless in his seat, fidgets with his hands, and finally turns and looks directly at you.

If you have never done so, test this experiment the next time you are out in public; you will no doubt find it interesting. If you can cause a person to do that much by wishing it, think how much more you can do if you concentrate your mind, and Will them to obey your wishes. You must not allow doubt to creep into your mind. Say to yourself, "I am going to succeed, I will not give up until I do succeed." If you will stick to this decision you will not fail.

How to influence a person with a violent temper.

Magic Crystal

Unearthed in Benares, India by Mahdi. Their marvellous powers have been the talk and wonderment of the whole civilized world. Uncut and raw.

If your subject is prone to fits of rage, sending calming thoughts. In his presence you must talk quietly; do not allow yourself to get excited; speak in a modulated, smooth tone. Temper is the result of uncontrolled emotions. Therefore you must be careful not to play too much on his feelings. What you must produce is a soothing effect so that he may think intelligently.

If you will keep your object prominent in your mind he will soon think as you do. His reason and Will are not properly balanced, therefore you will have little difficulty if you keep him cool. If he should lose control of his temper, leave him for a while, but do not be discouraged; you will surely succeed the next time, because you have avoided arousing his feelings, and, as he is deficient in Will Power, he will give in eventually.

How to influence a critical skeptic.

If you are dealing with a person who is nervous, critical, and skeptical, bear in mind he has an exalted opinion of his own ideas and will find only the flaws in those of other people. It will require all the diplomacy and tact you possess to win. It will first be necessary to quiet his nerves. This can be done by directing your thoughts and mind to that purpose. Avoid opposing or criticising his statements even if they are incorrect. If you oppose him he will become irritable and then you will have a poor opportunity to succeed with him. The plans you place before him must be well considered and every possible flaw eliminated. Even then you must be prepared to have him criticize and tear to pieces your fond hopes. He will suggest a change, etc. If you will agree with him to see that your ideas are his and give him credit, you will meet with no further trouble in managing him.

The person who is practical.

To influence a person who is truthful and intelligent, you must be prepared to make factual, practical statements. Be truthful; do not exaggerate, look him straight in the eye with a frank, honest expression. Any tendency to look in any other direction will cause him to lose confidence in you. The secret of your success will be found in getting his confidence. Be assured that he will deal with you squarely and honestly. What he promises he will do. Do not flatter him directly, but show your appreciation by your actions. This will have more weight with him. Make your requests clear and to the point. Speak quietly and firmly, and state only what you are prepared to prove.

There are a great many people who are morbid and melancholy.

They think they are unfairly dealt with, and they want to receive the sympathies of others. It is because they are looking through dark glasses that nothing seems bright and cheerful to them. In fact they will not tolerate gaiety or frivolity in any line. If you would influence these people you must appear to be (for the time being at least) saddened by the struggles and hardships of life. Tell a few sad experiences that you have had in the past. Speak with a subdued tone, with a deep sadness in your voice and an expression of sorrow in your eyes. Sympathize with the person because "misery likes or loves company." You will gain his sympathy in return and have less difficulty in getting what you want.

How to influence a person who is particular about details.

If your subject is full of system and method, weigh the case well before you attack. See that you are spotlessly dressed, and omit none of the little things. Have your shoes bright, your gloves spotless, your linen fresh and clean. Be careful that you overlook no ceremony or courtesy when you enter his presence. He will size you up at once, and his first impression will determine your success. Once in his presence you must use every means of Mental Influence that has been given in the first part of these instructions. If you will use care you will succeed the first time. If you do not then you have not made the right impression. If you see that you have failed, do not stay longer. Go and examine yourself for defects; find them, correct them, and try again. Do not give up.

The opposite kind of people pay no attention to details. They are careless in their dress and have a natural dislike for details. They quickly grasp any subject as a whole but have no time for the little things. You will have no need to waste your time on your dress before you approach these people. When you meet them, come to the point at once; make your statements quickly, do not use unnecessary language, and speak rapidly for they will intuitively understand you before you finish your sentence. They will also take your mental suggestions quickly and by the time you are through stating your case, they will be prepared to answer you. If you have kept your eye well on them and you hold your plans well in mind, assuring them that you will handle the details, they will give you the answer you desire.

Observe the hand-shake.

The information gained by shaking hands with people will assist in applying your Silent Influence.

If the hand is soft under pressure, you will find the person continuously lazy. He is also shiftless at heart. You can easily influence him, but he must grant your favour at once or you will not get it. He may seem kindly and promise to do what you ask, but as soon as you are out of his presence he will forget you and you will lose your influence over him until you come before him again, when he will have an excuse to offer why he did not do as he promised. Do not depend upon him when he is out of your sight.

If, however, the person has a hard hand, you have to deal with a person of action. He is in every respect the opposite of the man with the soft hand. You may not influence him as quickly, but when you gain his promise or consent, you know that he means what he says. State your business at once, do not hesitate. You will thus gain his respect.

The influence of sexual affinity.

If you would influence a person through sexual affection, use the instructions given for his or her character type and then carefully avoid being too demonstrative in your approach. Human nature is peculiar; it always wants more strongly that which is withheld or that which the person thinks he cannot get. Show every possible kindness, courtesy, and attention. Avoid direct expressions of love of affections until you are sure you have won the object of your desire.

In influencing a person to consider sexual contact, you have an easier task because you have ANIMAL MAGNETISM as well as PERSONAL MAGNETISM. If these two powers are used, you will not fail in a hundred times. Your success will be measured by the amount of Silent Influence you have developed. The more you use it, the stronger you will become, both physically and mentally.

Think through every contact.

If you will conscientiously follow these instructions there are few positions in life too great for you to reach and fill satisfactorily. You will pass all your associates and they will call you lucky. It is not luck, it is the intelligent application of a power that is possessed by all, but not used by them so as to bring the best results.

Master your thoughts.

Mastering yourself puts you in a fair way to master others. Singleness of purpose gives a momentum that is not easily overcome. When using this power, you merely make a mental demand upon another. Never doubt for an instant but that it will be honoured.

Demand with confidence.

Your confidence in the rightfulness of the demand carries conviction to the other mind. If you falter, there is instantly aroused in the other person a corresponding hesitancy and your purpose will fail. A half-hearted expectation will only bring half-results.

Banish doubt.

You have no right to make demands when you are in doubt any more than you may draw on a bank in which you have no account. Depend on it, the doubt in your mind is transmitted even more readily than the words in which you have expressed your thoughts. In this, as in other matters, remember the old saying, "Be sure you are right and then go ahead." Do not be discouraged if success does not come at the first effort. Try again and again. You must succeed.

The great need is your own faithfulness. Keep your own lamp full of oil and burning. It is the most you can do; it is the best you can do.

Deal with resistance.

All creation obeys certain Universal Laws. We all know that constant dripping wears a stone. It is equally true that the constant reiteration of a statement or suggestion makes an impression on the mind. It is the same law of nature in both cases. The first time a new idea is presented to one, he often looks at it askance. If he does not reject it he passes it by with indifference. Repeat the suggestion a number of times and it forces itself upon his attention. By and by his mind becomes familiar with the idea and entertains it. Then it will not be long before he adopts it and believes it was his own idea.

Meet stubbornness with tact.

When you find that a person is unwilling to accept your suggestion use tact. Do not attempt to coerce him. Resistance is sure to be engendered if you do. Use the Crystal daily. Hold your own thought steadfast but do not assume an attitude of superiority. In fact, quiet diligence is often the best way to bring him around. But through all, exercise your will on your own mind.

Hold your idea aloft.

He can no more ignore it than his eyes can refuse to see a lamp held before them. He may shut his eyes but the light will penetrate and he is aware of it. Should he open his eyes, the light pours in. A man may try to close his mind to suggestions. If they come but once, he may succeed in excluding them. So you should let your suggestion besiege his mind, attacking his defenses, daily if you can, and always forcefully. It is only a question of endurance, for whichever one, besieger or besieged, has the greater staying power, that is the one who will win in the end.

Have Patience.

The great majority of people are very easily influenced, but results are not always immediate. Have patience. Some minds are always in a receptive condition. These are easily reached. Others veil themselves in mysteries, prejudice, and ignorance. It may take more time spent with the Crystal Ball for an idea to penetrate such a mind, but it can be done.

You must practice.

The most accomplished musicians often practice a single piece for hours. They study the instrument by which they hope to produce it; they train the ear to detect the slightest variations in pitch, volume, fullness, and intensity, over and over again, phrasing the music as it is written or as they feel it, until they extract the deeper meaning in it. They practice until they have attained perfection. When they play, the world marvels at the smoothness and evenness of the performance, crediting them with genius and forgetting that genius is the "ability to take infinite plans." A musician will frequently expend upon the production of a lovely run of notes more effort than most people put into a week's work.

Mahdi The Magician

I perform wonders without hands and walk the earth without feet.

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